27: That's Your Son II

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Okay, firstly thank you so much for reading!! I hope you enjoyed it! I do take requests if you have any, feel free to leave them below. Secondly, I was so close to writing a smut part in this. I didn't because My little sister reads this, Sure she doesn't know it's my book. It just makes me uncomfortable thinking my sister is going to be reading the smutty bits that I write, so I didn't work up the courage to write a smutty bit. Also if anyone wants a part three just let me know, because I'm not against it.

The next morning
I woke up and, I feel different. I feel so content, and comfortable. I've been pretty tense since TK got here, mainly because I was nervous. I actually feel happy, which I've noticed he has that effect on me. I've been strangely happier, since he got here. Maybe Owen was right, bonding and settling down does make a difference. I know it hasn't even been 12 hours, since we bonded. It's just you can actually notice a significant change, and he seems happy. He's still sleeping, but he has the softest smile on his face. It's the most adorable thing, and I hope I wake up to that everyday. I couldn't help, but smile as my eyes were automatically drawn to our bond bite. It's still new, but it fills me with something. It's hard to explain, it's almost like pride that I'm his, and he's mine. I know it's my inner alpha thinking that, but truthfully I'm fine with that thought since we are each other's now. I leaned down to plant a soft kiss to the sensitive spot on his neck, and as soon as my lips touched it he knew. He didn't wake up, he just moaned softly as I couldn't help but kiss our mark two more times.

I can't wait to come home to this face everyday, and fall into bed with each other. I can already imagine the endless nights we will more than likely spend watching movies on the couch, as we cuddle up with a fuzzy blanket. I've already noticed he gravitates towards anything soft, and warm. I have a feeling I'm going to end up losing all of my comfortable sweatshirts, and hoodies, because he's already taken three of them. I'm not complaining though, because it's pretty adorable. It's baggy on him since he's smaller than me, and the sleeves are too long so they turn into sweater paws. He was constantly fight with keeping the sleeves rolled up, but over time he's just embraced the sweater paws. Now what's better waking up to breakfast in bed, or waking up to your alpha still holding you?

I'm going to say number two, just because I'm very content right now. It would take a lot of motivation to get me out of this bed, and untangled from TK. I haven't asked about the name yet, because I already know his real name. I'm just not exactly sure if he hates it, or if TK is just a nickname his dad uses for him. I have no clue honestly, but eventually I want to ask. Tyler Kennedy, it has a nice ring to it. Maybe he'll let me call him by his name, or even by Ty. I mean how cute is that? Him saying I can call him that, since I'm one of the very few people that know. I guess it's a conversation for later, when I'm not completely distracted by how adorable he looks right now. He keeps snuggling closer to my side, and I just can't help but hold him a little tighter at that point.

I got pulled out of my thoughts when he slowly opened his eyes, as he smiled up at me. "Morning." I said quietly, before I gave him a few quick pecks which he gladly expected. "You kissed our mark?" He asked me, as he drew lazy shapes on my bare chest. I nodded my head, before I kissed the top of his head. "I haven't even seen it, and you're already messing with it." He said quietly, as he hand slid up to cover it. He lightly touched around it, as he had this big smile on his face. "It looks good, right?" He asked quietly, as he looked up at me. I nodded my head, as I smiled at him. His questions are always innocent, and adorable to me. I just see him as perfect, it's actually the first thing I told Owen when we saw him at the airport. He's perfect.

"Yes, it looks good. The bond bite, with my hoodie would look really good together." I said, as he smiled up at me before leaning up to pull me in for a few soft kisses. It wasn't as heated as last nights were, but it did feel different. It felt right, and perfect. It seemed like he was meant for me, and I was meant for him. I know it's more than likely just me being a big sap, but I just can't help it. It seems to feel the way everyone describes a soul bond, which basically means that person is your soulmate. It couldn't possibly be, only like one out of a million ever soul bond. "Of course, I mean what else would I wear?" He asked as he winked at me, and I couldn't help leaning down to kiss our mark. He sighed quietly, when I first made contact.

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