33: It's complicated

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At The Bar
(dancing scene)
Carlos' point of view

"Believe it or not, but I'm actually getting tired of being at the bar." I heard TK say, as he just smirked at me. Damn, he's right to the point. "Yeah, me too. I only come to keep Michelle company, but she's ditched me." He just nodded as he looked towards where his dad and Michelle were still dancing. "Well it's kind of hot in here, and I could use the cool air outside. So if you want to ditch her now is your chance." He said as he winked at me, before he started towards the door. I can't believe I'm actually doing this, but I could use it. I thought as I walked over to Michelle and Owen. " Hey, if I don't come back don't come looking for me. Call me when you're ready to go home, and I'll come pick you up." I said as I leaned close to her, and she just nodded her head. She might of had too many drinks already, but I at least warned her.

"I thought you weren't going to come, I'm a little surprised." I heard him say as he was leaning against the building. "You were right, it was getting hot in there." He just turned to smile at me, as I leaned right next to him. "I definitely thought you were straight, which was kind of a bummer. Then you asked to me to dance and here we are now basically in an ally way." I just shook my head as I looked down for a second, that's honestly what most people assume just by looking at me. "Yeah, I get that a lot. I figured you were going to turn me down when I asked." He just shrugged, maybe he just wants a good time too.

An hour later
"Here, text me if you want to do this again, Or coffee. I'm fun in ways other than that too." I said as I handed TK a napkin with my phone number on it, he just kind of nodded before stuffing it into his pocket. "Sounds good, I'll see you around. I'm sure Michelle is getting ready to leave, so I'll let you go deal with that." He said as he pulled out his phone like he wasn't going back inside.  I just shook my head and headed back into the busy bar.

"Hey, Are you almost ready to go?" I asked as I walked up to Owen and Michelle sitting at the bar having a couple more drinks. "Wha.. oh, yeah. Yeah that's probably a good idea." I just nodded and kind of laughed a little when she staggered while standing up, before reaching out to grab her arm. "You were at that call earlier, right? Austin PD?" I heard Owen ask as he turned to look at me, I didn't think he had even paid attention to the fact I was the officer that talked to him. "Yeah, Carlos Reyes. Welcome to Austin by the way, how are you liking it so far?" I asked just to be polite, he seems decent enough (it's his son that I think is very fine).

"I'm starting to really find my footing here, and I'm actually starting to like it. Any ways, you should get her home and I should go find my son." He said before he stood up, and maybe I should just play dumb act like I don't know who his son is. "Oh, I think I might of passed him outside on my way inside. Around your height, brown hair?" He just nodded his after giving me a questioning look. "Thanks, have a nice night you two. I'll see you at the station Michelle."

Season One After the first hook up
(Set just after the hook up, and this time Carlos is the one rushing to leave. 1x 2)

TK's point of view
"Wow, you're really good at that." That handsome cop said, as he laid breathless on the couch. "Yeah, you're not so bad yourself." I said, as I smirked at him while sliding my pants back on. "How about a round two? I can drive you to work, light bar and the sirens." He said as he sat up smiling at me, and I just pulled my shirt on, and started buttoning it. "I can't I just like to relax in the car before work, also it's a 32 minute drive, I thought I left the crazy traffic back in Manhattan." I said, as I got to the last button. "It's already past 3:30, I really have to get going." He seemed startled by that fact, and immediately got up as he snatched up his pants.

"I had a really good time, but I have to be somewhere at 3:50. Arch is going to be so upset if I'm late, I can't believe... sorry again, but I really do have to get going. Call me, and we can definitely do this again." He said, as he hurried to put shoes on now, and I don't even know why I'm waiting around still. "Yeah, it was fun. I'll see you around Carlos, also I'm sure that coworker won't be too upset, seeing as it's your day off." I said as I walked outside along side him, something about him holds my interest and takes priority over every other thought.

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