15: Having My Baby II

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8 Months
TK's point of view
"TK how are you doing dear?" Carlos' mom asked when she sat down across from us on the couch. "I'm pretty good, other than bed rest is boring. How are you?" I asked, and I'm still kind of shocked she's here. I know she told us she was coming, but we both completely forgot. We were kind of getting it on in the living room, I'm so glad she knocked instead of using the key Carlos gave her. "I'm doing pretty good, so how is my grand baby doing?" She asked as I was resting my hands on my very huge belly, as I leaning against Carlos.

"Well, he's doing pretty good. He's probably getting really cramped in there, but he's doing good. I'm just glad he's small for an average baby." I said smiled down where my hands were resting, and Carlos' was resting on my thigh. "Well, any new ultrasound pictures?" She asked, because every ultrasound appointment we have she always asks to see the pictures. "Yeah, let me go get them. I'll grab drinks while I'm up, you want anything?" I asked as I forced myself off the couch, and Carlos quickly got up with me.

"Ty, let me go get them. You want a water? Mom, what would you like?" Carlos said as he walked over to the back side of the couch. "Water is fine." His mom said, and I was still just shocked by him not letting me get something. "No, Carlos I can get it." I said, probably sounding whiny. "Ty, just sit down." He said as he gestured for me to sit back down. I know this shouldn't make me mad, but it's really pissing me off. "No, just let me get it. I'm not completely useless." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest, looking like an angry two year old.

"Tyler, just sit down. You're supposed to be on bed rest, just let me get it." He said, which any rational person would agree with, but not me currently. "No." I said pretty loudly, and all he did was sigh. "Tyler, you don't want to disappoint me right?" He asked and he knows that's a bad question to ask any Omega. I sighed quietly, and shook my head before sitting down. I sighed as I tried getting comfortable again, which isn't an easy task anymore.

That Night
Carlos' Point Of View
"I'm sorry I don't listen."I heard TK mumble when I walked into our bedroom, after I walked my mom out to her car. "What's the matter?" I asked as I walked over to the dresser to grab some pajamas, and I didn't hear what he said. "I'm sorry I disappoint you." I heard him mumbling something else, and I still couldn't understand him. Do I just say okay? I mean I can't ask him again, he'll get upset and think I'm ignoring him when he talks. We already had that problem twice, I don't wanna have that problem a third time.

"Okay, I'm going to go check the windows and everything. Do you need anything from the kitchen, while I'm out there?" I asked, and completely ignored what he had mumbled. "No, I'm good." He said more quiet that time, but I could understand him. "Okay, babe I'll be right back."  I said as I finished putting on my shirt, and left the room. Let's see I need two bottles of water, one for me and one for him. I've learned he always says I'm good, and an hour later ends up asking for one. I also need to grab his big bag of sour skittles, because he has been craving those every night for the past two weeks at two in the morning.

I sighed as I walked back into our room, and he hasn't moved he's still sitting on the edge of the bed. That's when I heard the quiet sniffles, as I was walking to his side to put his water and skittles down. I set those down, before kneeling in front of him. "Ty, baby what's the matter?" I asked as I gently rubbed his arm. "I di-sa-point you." He cried, as he leaned down and wrapped his arms around my neck so he could bury his face in my neck.

"Baby, no you don't. I'm sorry I used that word earlier, I know it's not fair." I said quietly as I gently rubbed his back, while he cried. I know he hates that word, but sometimes it's the only way to make him listen. "I'm sorry I-I don't listen." He said hiccuping a few times. "Baby, you don't have to listen to me. I know I shouldn't use that word, but you're on bed rest. You shouldn't be up walking around, you should be in bed for the baby." I said as I finally shift up, so I could sit on the bed instead of in that awkward position I was in.

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