26: Rough Introduction

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Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed it, and sorry it took so long to update. I've been so busy at work, I've had literally no me time. I finally was able to get some time to finish this, so here it is. I do take requests, and votes and comments are always greatly appreciated. Thank you!!

First accident in Austin
TK's point of view
"What's he doing?" I asked as everyone was gathered around my dad, as he climbed down with the baby. Everyone was celebrating, besides one officer. I think he's some type of officer anyways, but he's just so not phased by all this. He's like in his own little world, like he can't hear a single thing that's happening. "He's an accident investigator, he's a really nice guy. He just likes to focus, don't take offense to it." I nodded my head, as the random officer walked off. I just shrugged because truthfully I don't care enough to try getting his attention. "Alright, looks like we are all set here. TK go let him know we are clearing out, so the scene is all his." I heard my dad say as he walked past, as he was helping Paul load some equipment into the truck.

"I have to?" I said kind of annoyed, because I'm honestly just trying to get through my shift. He just nodded his head, and shook his hand to get rid of me. My dad just explains it as I haven't found my footing yet in Texas, but I doubt I ever will. I'm not even sure if I want to be alive, let alone in some weird place I'm not used to. "Hi, I'm TK Strand with the 126." I said, before holding my hand out. He didn't even turn around and act knowledge me. He's being such an ass hole, maybe that's why he's on his own. "Alright, we cleared the scene. It's all yours now." I tried again, and again he didn't even turn around. I just rolled my eyes as I walked towards another accident investigator.

"The scenes clear, so fire is heading out." I said clearly annoyed, as I walked off. I know jerk move, but I just hate being ignored. I mean he could of taken two seconds to say hi, and okay. I mean he didn't have to completely ignore me, no wonder he was by himself. He probably acts like a dick all the time. I mean they work with us a lot, the least we can do is be at least decent to each other. I don't come here acting like a jerk to the cops, or the paramedics on scene. "TK, you good?" I heard my dad say, as I climbed into the rig. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just ready to get home." I sighed as I sat down in the rig, ready to go back to the station and switch teams. It hasn't been a busy day, or anything. Its just Texans are definitely not what I'm used to, they have a cocky personality to most of them.

"Is it just me, or are most of these people oddly welcoming?" I heard Marjan say, as she sat across from me. I just rolled my eyes at that statement, because I would of agreed, till I met that one guy. I don't know his name, I just know he's rude. "Yeah, I've noticed that. I thought it was going to be different, since they are Texans." I just shook my head, when Paul said that because clearly he didn't try talking to that guy. I could see my dad glancing at me, as everyone else was talking among themselves. Being in bed, sounds amazing right now. I mean it was a short shift, but it was oddly exhausting. Normally, I'm awake even after a 24-hour shift, but this one just seemed draining.

At the Bar
I heard someone walk up next to me, a few minutes after Michelle and my dad went to dance. He looked happy, which is a good change from himself lately. He's stressed about me, and about the rebuild. He could use some time to just let loose, and enjoy himself. I'm glad he was able to do that tonight, even if he's still worrying about me most of the other time. "Hey!" I heard, so I turned my head and there he was. You know good looks can get you some places in life, but if you act like a jerk it won't get you too far. It's that dick from the scene earlier, and I just couldn't help rolling my eyes. I mean he ignores me completely, and now he wants to acknowledge me?

"Oh, so you do talk. Who would of thought." I said, clearly annoyed. "I'm sorry, these don't always work great. I don't remember seeing you." He said, as he gestured towards his ears. A few quick glance, and I could see the obvious hearing aids. "No, it was at that car accident scene earlier today. I didn't even notice, and I was probably talking kind of quietly, compared to the sirens." Wow, way to go TK look like an absolute jerk. The guy is deaf, and I had some rude comment like that. "Oh, sorry. I don't wear them on scenes, too loud you know." He said, as he smiled towards the ground in a shy way. "Carlos Reyes, accident investigator." He said, as he smiled back up at me. "TK Strand, fire station 126." I said, as I smiled back at him as I quickly glanced towards the dance floor.

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