11: Best Friends Or Lovers V

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At TK's house
Carlos's point of view
I sighed as I tossed TK the item he requested I pick up, and the amount of looks I got was an annoying amount. "Oh, you got the expensive kind. Did you get what you need?" He asked as he sat up on the bed looking at the bottle I tossed to him. "You mean condoms?" I asked, and he just nodded his head. "Not that I will make you use them, but you've shot down that idea more than once." I just rolled my eyes when he said that, he's always on about trying without a condom. "Yes, I did get them." I sighed quietly as I flopped down onto his bed, face down. "Awe, bad day?" He asked sarcastically, as he leaned forward to rub my shoulder. "I'm never picking up lube for you ever again." I mumbled into the comforter, as he still rubbed my shoulder.

"Why not? It's kind of a necessity, and besides as the top you're supposed to take care of me." He said, and I could hear  the grin he was sporting as he spoke. "I'll drive you up there, and I'll go in with you. I'm not going by myself again, I got so many weird looks. I was buying lube, and condoms there was no hiding what my plans were." He just shook his head, as he tried not to laugh. "Wait, why do you know so much about lube?" I asked as I raised my head, and he just shrugged. "What can I say, I'm a bottom. I know my lubes." He said, he even sounded proud of it. "You say that like you're proud of it." I said, which just made his smile disappear. His movement on my shoulders stopped, and he just stared at me for a second. "Should I not be proud?" He said quietly.

"No, baby you can be if that's how you feel. I was just messing around, I didn't mean for it to sound like that." I said, as I turned over to my side so I was looking at him. "But why do you just know the lube brands?" I said smiling at him, as his face was growing even more red. "I just do, I never buy this kind because it's seems like a waste. It's amazing lube, I just don't buy it." He said, as shrugged silently to himself. "Well, if it's what you personally like you should get it. I personally don't notice a difference in the lube, but I always have a condom on, so it doesn't really touch me too much." I said as I leaned in to kiss him, before smiling at him. He just shook his head, as he smiled back.

A week later
"Alright, Tyler I just have to ask you the normal lame questions. You know the drill obviously." Dr. Johnson said, as he sat down in his rolling chair. I just nodded because yeah I've had enough doctors appointments to know. "Alright, do you smoke? Anything like cigarettes, cigars, weed?" I just shook my head, as I felt my dads eyes glued on me for that question. "Good, do you drink?" He asked, and I just shook my head. "Alright, very good. Are you sexually active?" You've got to be kidding me. Suddenly I don't know where to look, I mean I don't want to look at my dad after I answer. "No, he's not. With either male, or female." I heard my dad answer for me, and I just sighed.

"Tyler, I need the answer from you. Are you sexually active?" He asked again, and again I got that anxious feeling. I mean if I was the top, or straight I wouldn't find this so weird to talk about in front of my dad. "Yes, I am." I finally answered, as I just kept my eyes on that single dark speck on the floor tile. "Alright, so boys, girls, both?" He asked, and I guess I can answer this because it's a lot less awkward to admit. "I'm gay, so only guys. Well only one guy." I added on the last bit quietly, as I know my dad was definitely watching me. "Well, that's good. Being with one person can minimize the risks of stds. Did we want to do an std test, while you're here?" My doctor asked, and I immediately shook my head.

"Yes, I think that's probably the best idea." I heard dad say, and my doctor didn't even acknowledge my answer he just nodded along with my dad. "No, it's fine. No need to test for anything, I'm fine." I said, because I've heard how they test people that bottom, and I don't want to do that. My doctor just looked between us, because he could tell it's something we need to discuss. "I'll give you two a minute, I'll go get what I need to do the test. If you change your mind, and don't want it then just let me know." He said, as he stood up while grabbing his folder. He made it to the door, before turning back to me. "I recommend you get one, just to be on the safe side. It's just a quick swab in a few places, depending on what part you act as. It's over, before you even know it's happening. Like I said let me know if you change your mind."

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