28: That's Your Son III

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A year later
I sighed quietly, as I just woke up from a nap I hadn't even meant to take. Last I knew we were laying on the couch relaxing, watch some movie Ty had seen the trailer for. I tightened my arms around his midsection, as he laid almost completely on top of me. "You're finally awake.." He mumbled quietly, as he turned his head to look up at me. I just smiled softly at him, as I relaxed more. "Yeah, How was your nap?" I asked, as I started tracing small shapes onto his back where my hand was resting. "It was pretty good, but I've had this craving for red velvet cake all day." He said, as he leaned closer to place soft kisses to my collarbone. I couldn't help smiling at how adorable he is, I mean this is just adorable.

"Baby, we can run out to the store and get some after dinner. We could of got some earlier, you didn't have to wait to tell me." I said, as I squeezed him a little tighter. He instantly relaxed against me, once again. "No, it's fine." He said, as he shook his head. I hate when he thinks he's being a bother, because he wants something. I keep trying to reassure him that it's not annoying, or being difficult in any way. "Baby, if that's what you want we can get some. It's not a big deal, it's a ten minute trip to the store." I said, before leaning down a bit for a few quick pecks. The last one slowly turned into something more, which is fine with me. He slowly shifted, so he was completely laying on me as he arms ended up of either sides of my head.

"No, I might of order some earlier. I thought we could have some, after dinner. I know you always say I can order things, so I ordered dessert. I hope that's fine." He said quietly, as he sat up while being on top of me. He started running his hand gently through my hair. "Of course, that's fine. Anything you want." I said, as my hands went to rest on his hips. I held him where he was sitting, so he was more stable. "So, dinner? What did you feel like?" I said as he kind of looked zoned out, which tends to happen when he's thinking. When he first got here, it was usually thoughts of his mom, and step dad. "Anything, you pick. You always let me pick, so it's your turn." He said, as he hand still ran though my curls. "How about we order from the cute little restaurant downtown that you love so much?" I asked, as he just nodded.

After dinner 7 Weeks
"Um... love?" I asked as I stood with the door to the fridge open, staring at the cake. I couldn't help rereading the sign on top of the cake. This can't be actually happening, right? I mean so soon, and it's only been a year. "Yeah?" He asked without his eyes leaving the tv, I shut the door as I turned around to lean against the island. "Can you pause that for a second?" I heard him groan, before standing up and walking towards me. "You know I love you, right?" He nodded his head slowly, as he glanced down at his engagement ring I gave him a few weeks ago. "Is everything okay? With you, I mean." I said quietly not exactly sure how to go about this conversation.

"Is this because of that movie? I can change it, if you don't like it. It's not even that good of a movie." He said as he rambled on, but all I could focus on was his hand resting gently on his stomach. "No, it's not about the movie. I... well are.. are you happy? With me?" I asked, as I looked down not sure exactly where to look. I glanced at the bottom of the fridge door, waiting for an answer. "Los, we're soul bonded. What are you even asking for?" He asked as he moved his hands one to rest on my bicep, and the other rested against my chest as he moved closer. "I want to know if you're happy, that's all I'm asking. I just want to know, to make sure I'm doing everything I can for you." I said quietly, as I slowly brought my hand to rest on his hip.

"Yes, I'm happy with you. I never thought I'd be this happy, and now I couldn't imagine my life any other way." He said, as he leaned more against me and my arms made their way around him. "So dessert?" I asked quietly, after I placed a few short kisses to the top of his head. "You already looked, didn't you?" He asked, as he stepped out of the hug. I could clearly tell he was anxious, when he asked. I slowly nodded my head, as I reached out to place my hand back on his hip. "Los, I wanted to surprise you with it. You went and looked, now you're being quiet." He sighed to himself, as he looked at the ground with his arms wrapped around himself. "It was a surprise, and it was definitely a great surprise."

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