My Soldier

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(I know this is a really random one but I'm learning about war in school a lot so I got inspired to write about it. I know nothing about war nowadays so don't come at me. ⚠️⚠️)

Lili's POV
Cole and I met in high school and as you can guess, we fell in love. But after we finished high school Cole went to the army and I went to college to study to become a teacher. He told me he wanted to go to the army when we first started dating and I fully support him. It's currently August 4 and Cole's birthday. I'm in our apartment with Cami, she's one of my closet friends, her boyfriend is also away, he's in the airforce, and also Cole's best friend. She sighs.
Ca: "I wonder what there doing." She says slumping back into our sofa. I frown.
L: "I don't know. What country is Charles in?" I ask her. She sighs.
Ca: "I don't even know, he's all over. He started in France but at the minute he could be anywhere. What about Cole?" She asks.
L: "he's in Iraq. He was supposed to be in Europe to help with training but he was moved in Iraq to fight." I say sighing. She nods.
Ca: "is it bad there?" She asks softly. I nod.
L: "he doesn't go into to detail because I know he doesn't want to scare me but when I'm on the phone with him you hear that background noises and you can't help it." I say sighing. She nods.
Ca: "it's so scary, we never know when there coming home." She says sighing. I nods.
L: "I only have 3 more months to go then I can see him. The whole team as he calls them are coming home in December so there will be the whole ceremony and all because that's the end of their recruit. He'll probably sign back up again though." I say shrugging. She nods and takes a gulp of her wine. There was a knock on the door of my apartment so I go up and answer. I try not to sound to shocked and shout of Cami.
L: "Cami it's for you!" I shout into her smiling to the figure at the door. She huffs and stands up bringing her wine with her. When she sees the person she pushed the glass in my hand before leaping into his arms. It was Charles her boyfriend. I smile and stand back. This made me really miss Cole. I smile and sit back on the couch. They smile and come over.
L: "hi Charles." I say hugging him. He smiles.
Ch: "hey Lili how are you?" He asks hugging me back. I smile.
L: "I'm okay." Is all I say. He nods and sits down. Cami snuggles into him.
Ca: "why are you home? I thought you were still out till thanksgiving?" She asks him. He shacks his head.
Ch: "the captain cut our trip short to give the newbies a run for there money so that's me home for at least a good year or two." He says smiling. She squeals excitedly and kisses him. I just sit there uncomfortably. I sigh.
L: "Charles have you heard anything from Cole? Our last call was cut really short because there was a KIA what ever that is." I say shrugging. He nods.
Ch: "yah, no I haven't heard anything but KIA stands for kill-in-action which means obviously somebody was killed whilst they where fighting so if it goes anything like ours for the airforce it's all hands on deck really. Some will speak with the head soldier. Some with clean the body and move it into a coffin and the others will clear his stuff in preparation of a new replacement soldier. That what Cole was. He was a replacement for either and injured or dead one. That's why he was moved to Iraq." He says shrugging. I nod and bite my lip.
L: "that's doesn't put Cole at risk though right?" I ask nervously. He shrugs.
Ch: "it's really depends but mostly no." He says shrugging. I nod.
L: "and you definitely haven't heard anything from him?" I ask again. He shacks his head.
Ch: "the last time I heard from him was a week ago but only for like 5 minutes. With only 2 hours to phone all your loved ones it hard to ring everyone." He says sighing. I nod. We chat for a while until they leave to go home. After dinner my phone rings. It was Cole. I smile and pick it up.
C: 'hey my love.' He says down the phone. I smile.
L: 'hey baby, happy birthday.' I say sadly. He chuckles.
C: 'I forgot it was my birthday so thank you.' He says. I sigh.
L: 'I miss you so much.' I say sadly. He sighs.
C: 'I miss you too my love, more than you know.' He says sadly.
C: 'how are you? Are you okay?' He asks. I sigh.
L: 'I'm okay." I says honestly. He sighs.
C: "I know that's a lie but I know why your not great. I'll be home in 3 months baby!' He says a happily. I nod.
L: 'I know I just wish it was sooner. Your whole family misses you so much.' I say sighing. He chuckles.
C: 'did Dyl do anything nice? I'm hoping to get to talk to him tonight.' He says sighing. I shack my head.
L: 'no he didn't want to celebrate it with out you.' I say sighing. Cole sighs.
C: 'I wish he would've. Any news on Charles? Has he got a date to come home yet?' He asks. I hear him move about as he lies down. I sigh.
L: 'he actually come home today. Nobody knew. It was a complete shock. One minute cami's practically cry the next she's smiling like a little kid.' I say sighing. He chuckles.
C: 'I'm glad, he was really exhausted. Like in every way. He was ready for a long break.' He says chuckling. I nod.
L: 'you bound to be too! Charles told me what KIA was. That's not something anyone wants to do.' I say honestly. He sighs.
C: 'no. Don't worry about me either. I'm fine. Maybe it's not nice and moving the bodies isn't the easiest thing to do especially when your close to them but it's our job and that's what we do. We choose this career and I knew I would at least see one person die so after two you get used to it. Anyway! What have you been up too? How's your family keeping?' He asks clearing his throat. I sigh.
L: 'there all good. Addy can't wait to see you again, she's asks about you every time I'm talking to her. She says the boys in her class want to be soldiers like her Coley.' I say laughing. He laughs.
L: 'as for me. I've wrote a lot of poetry, I've read a lot. I'm on the hunt to get like cover job for teaching. I've had one previously as you know but I would like some more before schools go on break. I'd love to get a permanent one but it's hard to find one locally.' I say sighing. He hums.
C: 'yah, just don't loose hope. You'll find one eventually, you've only been out of college a year so there's still loads of time.' He says hopefully. I nod.
L: 'how many more placements do you think you'll do till you come home?' I ask him. He sighs.
C: 'I would love to do another year fighting and then a year training so two more years if everything goes to plan. Then I'll be 24 or 25 and I'll be ready to actually settle down. Obviously not children settle down but like actually getting a job and other stuff. Only if your okay with it though. I'd you want me home after this last one then I will.' He says happily. I sigh.
L: 'you-.' I go to say but he cuts me off.
C: 'don't say I can't do that because I can. I'm not happy unless your happy. You've supported me these past 2 years and that's more than some of these men got and I'm so thankful for that so if you don't want me to keep going I'm not. I still use my camera out here so I will do my photography. These 5 years in training and actually being deployed have taught me so much. I took so much for granted before and now I won't. I've seen every emotion in here. From guilt and depression to happiness and excitement. It's something none of us will forget.' He says softly. I can tell he's smiling. I sigh.
L: 'I'm glad your okay. Maybe a little emotionally ruined but physically your still with us.' I say wishing I could hold him. He hums.
C: 'yah, me too baby, me too I just wish I could hold you and kiss you.' He says sighing. I nod.
L: 'me too. I can't wait to see you.' I say sadly. He sighs.
C: 'I know me too. I'm so sorry beautiful but I have to go. I've only got an hour today to talk because we broke some of the phones.' He says sadly. I sigh.
L: 'no it's okay, I understand.' I say sadly. He sighs.
C: 'I love you so much, more than you'll ever know.' He says lovingly. I smile.
L: 'I love you too.' I say honestly. I hear him sniff.
C: 'I'll see you soon baby. I love you.' He says before the line cuts. I sigh and wipe a fallen tear. These was going to be the longest 3 months of my life.
3 Months Later
Cole's POV
It has been three months from I last had a long phone call with Lili. It has been so busy here trying to get everything ended before we go home. All our calls have only been a quick 'hi' 'I'm okay' and 'I love you' before it's cut short. I am really missing her, especially when I got hurt. I was out patrolling the streets with another soldier. I was wearing my bulletproof vest but he wasn't. We were walking with our guns ready to go when there was a rival soldiers who went to shot him but I jumped in front of him before it could hit him. He shot the rival soldier. The bullet him me in the leg. It hit the nerves in my leg, damaging some of them. Thankfully I still have it and I can still walk but I have a limp and it's very sore. I haven't told Lili yet because I don't want her to worry more than she already does, especially now she got herself a job in the local kindergarten two blocks from our apartment. She was so excited and she loves it. It was only a few days till I could go home. I was so excited to see Lili but it would be for the final time. They advised me best after my leg injury to keep away from the army because I couldn't run, it just wasn't safe. I was so disappointed but it's life. I hope Lili isn't mad that I didn't tell her about my leg.
Home Day
We have traveled back from Iraq and we are back into the US. We had to speak to a therapist in case of any mental health issues but I was fine. We got to stay at a hotel until it was the end of recruit ceremony. As it was go day we all got into our uniforms for the last time and met with our boss. He sighs. (Boss=B)
B: "you men have been to Iraq and back. You've seen your brother fall. You've seen them cry. You've seen them smile. You've seen them fall and get back up but most of all you've seen them fight! Every single one of you have seen it and it has change you into better men and people. For some of you this might be your last time here, maybe not by choice but it's your time. You all will always be soldiers. Some of you are leaving as hero's. You've made friend here. They will be the only ones who know how you feel. Their your brothers and they always will be. I've watched you all grow. I've watch you fall and cry. I've watched you huff and groan but today I will watch you walk out them does with the people you love most. Your men! Your soldiers! Your hero's! Now go and prepare for the final session!" He says sternly. We all solute him before relaxing and line up outside for the final session. After 30 minutes of people talking we all do one final solute and the America flag is raised before our families come in. We weren't aloud to move until we are touched by our loved ones. I stand still like every other man until I see Lili. I bite my cheek to stop from smiling. She runs over to me and leaps into my arms. I hobble back and wrap my arms around her. She sobs into my neck. I kiss her shoulder.
C: "hey baby." I whisper in her shoulder. She giggles and takes a deep breath.
L: "I missed you so much!" She says clingy to me. I chuckle.
C: "I missed you too love, more than you'll ever know. I love you so much." I say happily. She looks at me and smashes her lips onto mine. We share a passionate and loving kiss, one that was definitely needed. She giggles and pulls away slowly. I peck her lips one more time. She smiles.
L: "you look so good! So sexy in your uniform!" She says placing a hand on my cheek. I chuckle.
C: "I could say the same for you, Miss Reinhart." I say proudly. She giggles.
L: "I love you two by the way." She says happily. I smile and kiss her again. She hops down and I take her hand. My family come over to us. My mum wraps her around me.
Me: "oh I missed you so much son! How are you? You look healthy! Your healthy?" She asks me placing a hand on my cheek and wiping her own tears. I nod.
C: "I'm okay mom." I say smiling. She nods and kisses my head. Dylan hugs me next.
D: "I've missed you brother." He says hugging me. I sigh and hug him back. He's the only one I've told about my leg.
C: "I've missed you too Dyl." I say smiling. He sighs.
D: "is your leg okay?" He whispers to me. I nod.
C: "very painful but okay." I whisper back. My dad then hugs me.
M: "welcome home son." He says smiling. I chuckle.
C: "hey dad." I say hugging him back. After a lot of hugs. I sigh.
C: "I know you'll all be mad at me for not telling you but I've injured my leg." I say nervously. Lili looks at me confused and shocked.
L: "What happened? When did it happen? What did you do? Did you loose it? Did you break it? Why didn't you tell us?" She asks worried. I sigh.
C: "it only happens about 2 weeks ago and I still have it but it's very sore and I limp when I walk. Me and one of the other soldiers, John, were on patrol when one of the enemy soldiers come over and shot at us. John for some reason wasn't wearing his vest so to save him I jumped in front of him. I got shot in the leg. It hit the nerve system in my leg and done bad damage to it. For a while I couldn't really feel it but it's okay now. It's sore but I have medication to take for it. I was told that it will most likely always be like this. I've also been told it would be safest and best, to not go into another recruit because it's dangerous because I can't run as fast as I could before it happened. So this is was my last end of recruit ceremony unless a miracle happens." I say sighing. Everyone's faces goes soft.
L: "god I'm so sorry baby!" She says sadly. I just shack my head.
C: "I've had the best 5 years here and as much as it kills me that I can't keep going it's best for everyone that I don't go on another one and maybe in the future I can still be a trainer for a couple of years but nobody knows." I say shrugging. They nod. Lili hugs me. I put my face in her neck and take in her sweet scent. After a while John, his wife and children come over. I smile.
C: "so these are the people you kept crying about?!" I say sarcastically. He rolls his eyes.
J: "Cole, this is my wife Sarah and my daughters Lizzie and Beth." He says smiling. I nod.
C: "so I was right, nice to meet you all." I say smiling. They all smile back. His wife sighs.
Sarah: "I just come over to thank you. I know if it wasn't for you he wouldn't be with us now so thank you so much!" She says with glossy eyes. I nod.
C: "it's no problem at all. I was out there to save lives and that's what Ive done." I say smiling. She nods. One of his kids runs over to me and hugs my legs.
Beth: "thank you for saving my daddy." She says smiling up at me. I chuckle.
C: "your welcome." I say rubbing her back. She gasps.
Beth: "your the new teacher at my sisters school!" She says smiling at Lili. Lili nods.
L: "I sure am." She says giggling. I smirk. We chat with other soldiers and their families for a while until we go home. We stop at a restaurant first for food before we go home. My parents and Dylan stay for a while until they go home. I sigh.
C: "I'm gonna go and shower. It's been too long from I've been home." I say chuckling. Lili giggles. After a while I get changed and put on comfy clothes. I sigh and go back to the living room. Lili smiles.
L: "god I've missed you." She says as I sit beside her. She runs her hands through my wet hair. I nod.
C: "I've missed you too." I say kissing her cheek. She sighs.
L: "why didn't you tell me about your leg. I'm not mad but I'm just confused." She says sighing. I just shrug.
C: "you were already worried enough and you had just stared your new job so I didn't want to stress you even more and I was fine, it's not like I was seriously hurt." I say shrugging. She sighs.
L: "you could have still told me though. And it's serious. Your in pain which to me is serious. Your on pretty strong medicine." She says stroking my cheek. I nod.
C: "okay then. It is serious." I say smiling. She nods. I wrap my arms around her. She lays her head on my chest. She sighs.
L: "no, I want to cuddle you." She says sitting up. I frown.
C: "you were cuddling me." I say confused.
Lili's POV
I giggle and wrap my arms around Cole bringing his head to my chest. I sigh relaxed.
L: "like this." I says kissing my head. He chuckles and cuddles into me. I smile.
L: "I love you." I say smiling. He smiles.
C: "I love you too." He says kissing my neck. I sigh.
L: "do you think we'll ever have kids?" I ask running my hands through his hair. He nods.
C: "definitely, but unless it's a surprise, after marriage." He says smiling. I smile.
L: "you want to marry me?" I says happily. He nods.
C: "definitely. I've wanted to from the day I first met you." He says before closing his eyes. I smile and wipe a happy tear that feel down my cheeks. I kiss his head. I was in my happy place with My Soldier.

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