Grace Juliet Sprouse Part 2

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(Requested by bughead1887. I hope you like it.-G❤️)

Lili's POV
My family would be getting here the day we get home from the hospital. I was so excited to see them all and today being our last day at the hospital. Everyone from set are coming to meet Grace. I had just woke up to see Cole rocking Grace, looking a little tired. I smile.
L: "good morning." I say rubbing my eyes. He smiles.
C: "good morning, how are you feeling?" He asks me. I sigh.
L: "sore and tired bit happy. How are you?" I ask him sitting up. He sighs.
C: "I shouldn't be complaining but I'm a little tired so I can't imagine how tired you feel." He says rocking Grace. I sigh.
L: "well you were up every time she cried for a feed and everything she was awake just because she wanted to wake up so I'd say I actually got more sleep than you did." I say shrugging. He nods.
C: "yah well, I didn't give birth less than 24 hours ago." He says shrugging. I nod.
L: "who's coming today?" I ask slowly standing up and waddling over to him. He sighs.
C: "Cami, Van and Mads are coming at 10.30, Madchen, Skeet, Mark and Marisol are coming at 11 and KJ, Casey, Drew and Charles are coming at 11.30. I think that's everyone." He says sighing. I huff and nod. He sighs.
C: "I can ask them to come later if you want? They just want to fall see her but I know your exhausted and you probably just want to spend time with her." He says rubbing my shoulder. I shack my head.
L: "no it's okay, get it all over with in the morning." I say sighing. He nods and kisses my head. I smile.
L: "what time did she wake up at? What time is it now?" I ask confused. He sighs and looks at his watch.
C: "it's is currently 10.15 and she woke at 9." He says smiling. I nod.
L: "okay, well she still has a while till her next feeding so I'm going to go and get ready." I say kissing his cheek before going into the bathroom. I freshen myself up before putting on jeans and one of Cole's sweatshirt. I sigh and step out of the bathroom.
L: "it's annoying because theses jeans are a little too big because my bump is soft but my jeans are too small, it's annoying." I say sighing. Cole nods.
C: "but she isn't." He says propping Grace up and pouting. I smile.
L: "no she's definitely not, she's adorable!" I say gently squeezing her cheeks.  Cole smiles and passes her to me. He goes himself and gets ready so I put Grace in a cute little outfit and gently brushed her hair. When Cole comes out her smiles.
C: "she looks so cute!" He says smiling and the bundle in my arms. I smile.
L: "she is! Oh the girls are going to love her!" I say happily. He chuckles. Grace starts to whine so I gently rock her but she didn't calm down. She wasn't hungry and her diaper wasn't wet. Cole sighs.
C: "let me try." He says gently lifting her from my arms and propping her on his shoulder. He gently taps her back and rocks her and she quickly stops crying. He sighs in relief. I sigh.
L: "she clearly has a favorite." I say laughing. Cole sighs.
C: "maybe a little but she loves you! Your her food source!" He says smiling. I roll my eyes giggling. I sit up on the bed and the doctors come in. One of them checks me and the other one has a look at Grace. Just as they leave I hear a knock on the door as Cami, Mads and Van walk in.
Ca: "hey! Sorry we're late. Where's the baby?" She asks excitedly. I sigh.
L: "hey guys come in." I say smiling. They all come over and hug me. I gladly hug back.
Mads: "how are you feeling? Did it hurt? How's your area?" She asks me seriously. Cole tries to hold back a laugh but fails causing us all to look back at him. He sighs.
C: "what? I just expected you to come in and be like 'omg it's a baby!' 'Oh my god she's so cute!' Not 'how's your area?'" He says laughing. I roll my eyes.
L: "ignore him, I'm good, I'm sore but that's to be expected. It was all natural and no stitches and just gas so that's good." I say laughing. They all high five me before going over to Cole.
Van: "hi Cole, let me see the baby?" She asks smiling. Cole sighs and nods gently moving Grace of his shoulder and facing her towards the girls. They all gasp.
Ca: "she's so cute but she looks exactly like Cole, god love her!" She says smiling. Cole smirks and puts his finger against her forehead, pushing her as she stumbles back. We all laugh and Cami rolls her eyes.
Ca: "can you stop teasing me and let me hold her?" She asks nicely. Cole shacks his head.
C: "no I don't think so. Mads would you like to hold her?" He asks smiling nicely. Mads nods and takes Grace from Cole. Cami's sighs and pushes Cole but he doesn't move at all. I laugh. Cami looks at me.
Ca: "your loving this aren't you?" She asks me. I nod.
L: "oh yah!" I say laughing. They all get their cuddles and when she's finally with Cami they finally ask the question we were waiting for.
Va: "what's she called?" She asks smiling. I sigh.
L: "our beautiful baby girl is called Grace Juliet Sprouse." I say happily. They all gasp.
Mads: "it's gorgeous! You did an amazing job picking it!" She says looking at me. I nod.
L: "yah well, it was actual Cole who picked it but I agreed so." I say shrugging. They nod.
Ca: "well, it's beautiful still." She says smiling. They awe over her and leave before the old ones come in. The men go straight over to Cole who was holding Grace and the woman come over to me.
Mac: "Lili honey! How are you feeling?" She asks me smiling. I sigh.
L: "good, sore but good." I say smiling. She nods.
Mari: "you look good, I wish I looked that good after giving birth." She says laughing. Madchen agrees and they ask about the labor whilst the men are in awe of Grace. The girls go over.
Mark: "so Lili what is her name?" He asks me smile at Grace. I sigh.
L: "Grace Juliet Sprouse." I say smiling. They all gasp.
Sk: "it's beautiful and Cole definitely picked it." He says laughing. I nod.
L: "he did and we love it." I say happily. Cole nods.
C: "yah I don't really know where it come from it just clicked." He says shrugging. They nod.
Mark: "Cole how's are you? I know from experience your hand can be squeezed quit tightly." He says chuckling. Cole nods.
C: "yah well it was blue for the first 3 hours and I didn't hear a couple of clicks but apart from that I'm fine." He shacks smiling. I sigh.
L: "don't make me feel guilty." I say smiling. He nods.
C: "on of course not. It is still a little painful though." He says smirking. I roll my eyes.
L: "stop it! Anyway who's she going to first!" I say standing up. She goes to Madchen first and then to Skeet, then Marisol and finally Mark. They stay for a while just chatting whilst I feed her. They finally for today the boys come, rocking up a storm.
KJ: "uncle KJ in the house! What's up mate?" He asks going towards Cole. He smiles.
C: "never say that again and good morning KJ." He says smiling. I laugh and sit down. Charles goes over to Cole and Casey and Drew come over and hug me.
Cas: "how are you Lili?" He asks happily. I nod.
L: "I'm great, really good." I say happily. They nod. Casey runs over to Cole and awes over grace. Drew passes me some flowers. I smile.
L: "thank you so much." I say happily. He nods.
Dr: "they're from all of us. I didn't know that KJ and Charles would love a newborn baby that much." He says laughing. I nod.
L: "yah, especially Charles." I say laughing. He nods and goes over to her.
Dr: "okay now I know why they love this baby so much! She is adorable!" He says clapping quietly. All of us laugh and Cole passes her to Casey. He sighs.
Ca: "she's so small!" He says squeezing her cheeks together. I laugh. Cole smiles and comes over beside me.
C: "you okay?" He asks rubbing my back. I nod and smile.
L: "I'm good." I say smiling at him. He nods and kisses my head. 
KJ: "what's she called?" He asks smiling towards us. I sigh.
L: "her name is Grace Juliet Sprouse." I say smiling. They all smile.
Dr: "it's beautiful!" He says happily. They all agree and with a lot to do an hour later they leave, being sad they can't take Grace with them. As the door closes I let out a sigh and lie back on the bed. Cole smiles.
C: "you tired?" He asks me smiling. I nod.
L: "tired isn't even a word, I'm more than exhausted." I say rubbing my eyes. He sighs.
C: "well take a nap, nobody else has told us their coming and Grace doesn't need a feed for another for 2 and a half hours so you can sleep. I've got her, she'll probably just poop and sleep anyway so." He says shrugging. I laugh.
L: "yah she likes to poop when I'm asleep, enjoy cleaning that up." I say before pulling the blanket over me and closing my eyes. I hear him chuckle before I drift into sleep. We spend the rest of the day bonding with are daughter.
The Next Day
Cole's POV
Today we were finally getting home. By the time we get home Lili's family will be an hour and a half away so we don't get much time with just us at home. I was getting the bags packed as Lili sighs.
L: "I can't wait to get home, this bed is a gem after labor but ours is much more comfy." She says laughing. I nod.
C: "yah, a couch isn't the best either and I actually not the comfiest sitting up either. I can't remember the last time I've been so thankful to lie down for like 5 minutes." I say chucking. She nods.
L: "yah I suppose I shouldn't be complaining." She says nodding. I shrug.
C: "well, I didn't give birth so I shouldn't be complaining either. We both have had oddly uncomfortable experiences and we are both are dying to get home." I say laughing. She nods.
L: "yes, I agree. You seem, nervous? Are you okay?" She asks me shrugging. I frown.
C: "Me? What? Nervous? No!" I say nodding. She sighs.
L: "Yah okay, your rambled, your nervous. Why?" She asks me setting her phone down. I sigh.
C: "your going to laugh." I warn her. She nods.
C: "it's your parents first time seeing the house. Especially your dad. You know I like him but it's stressful. I got you pregnant without being married, I built us a house, that's nerve racking enough but then your dad needs to like it too and on top of that, I completely ruined the last time I was with your family." I say throwing my hands up. She sighs.
L: "you were nervous!" She says tilting her head. My eyes widen and I turn around to look at her.
C: "I laughed when your dad was telling me about how his grandmother died!" I say looking at her head in the eyes. She nods.
L: "yah he wasn't too happy about that." She says sighing. I nod.
L: "don't be nervous! You'll be fine! They love you, or well, like you." She mumbles the last bit. I nod. We finishes up with leaving the hospital and we finally get home. We bring Grace to her nursery and I lift her out of her car seat.
C: "what do you think princess?" I ask her smiling. She just closes her eyes and smiles, a reflex smile. I chuckle.
C: "I wonder who she takes after?" I ask Lili smiling. She rolls her eyes and walks out of the room. I chuckle and get ready for Lili's family to arrive. At 2pm they arrive very excited to see the new member of the family. Mrs Reinhart smiles.
MSR: "let me see my granddaughter!" She says happily. Lili smiles.
L: "mum, dad, Tess this is Grace Juliet Sprouse!" She says happily. They all go over to Lili who was holding Grace, leaving me feeling very awkward. They all awe over her.
T: "she's so cute!" She says happily.
MSR: "I love the name! It's beautiful!" She says hugging Lili. Mr Reinhart sighs.
MRR: "so Sprouse not Reinhart? What if you two break up? You don't want your daughter not having your surname right honey?" He asks smiling at Lili. I just shrug and look down. Lili sighs.
L: "no! Even if, and I know we wont but if the worst happens and we do split I still want her to be a Sprouse." She says smiling back. He nods slowly. I sigh. Tess looks at me.
T: "Cole! Congratulations!" She says happily. I nod.
C: "yah! It's me! Thank you." I say chuckling. I sigh and bite my lip, looking away nervously. Lili sighs.
L: "okay! Dad do you wand to hold Grace whilst Cole and I bring your bags up?" She asks handing him Grace and and grabbing a bag before smiling towards me. I nod and grab the rest of the bags. When we get upstairs she sighs.
L: "what was that?" She asks me smiling. I shrug.
C: "I don't know." I say huffing. She sighs. I shack my hands.
C: "my palms are really sweaty." I say sighing. She nods.
L: "okay, breathe. They like you, they're just protective but I love you! So ignore my dad and lets go back down!" She says placing a soft his on my lips. I nod.
C: "it has a nice ring, you know, Grace Juliet Sprouse." I say smiling. Lili giggles before dragging me downstairs. Here we go again.

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