I Got Her Back

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(No hate meant to anyone! This is just for their characters in the story-G❤️)

Cole's POV
Past relationships. How would you describe my past relationship? Toxic. Very toxic. It was stressful and neither me or Sophie were mentally okay. I was depressed and she was well, a mix of everything. She was extremely insecure and I loved her but she just didn't see it. I couldn't do photo shoots, meet fans, go out with my friends, text girls or anything like that. The only people she let me talk to without getting aggressively insecure was my family. No one knew about it apart from my family. It was hidden. It cause me to be self conscious of myself and very hard one myself. Then I started Riverdale and met my best friends. Including my girlfriend. They didn't know anything about my past relationship. I thought this was a good idea until it all blew up in my face.
I had just got to set. I was the last on set because I had an appointment so I go into the break room to see Cami, Mads, KJ, Casey and Van all sitting. I smile.
C: "hey guys!" I say happily. Cami, Mads and Van just glare at me. I frown.
C: "what's wrong? What did I do?" I ask nervously. KJ chuckles sarcastically.
KJ: "you come in here all happily acting like your innocent when your really the devil." He shacks scoffing. I frown.
C: "what do you mean?" I ask confused. Casey sighs.
Ca: "just go Cole." He says sighing. I sigh feeling really sad and nod. I go to Lili's trailer and knock on the door. She was sitting on the couch. I sigh.
C: "hey baby, did I do something? Everyone's mad at me and KJ called me the devil and said I was acting innocent. What did I do?" I ask her sighing. I sit down at the end of her couch. She sighs.
L: "can you go please?" She asks me her voice breaking. I frown.
C: "why?! What did I do?!" I ask her extremely confused. She sighs.
L: "what didn't you do? I knew you and your ex-girlfriend didn't end on a good note but I never knew why but know I do. She sent me and the rest of the guys a DM explaining what happened between you two and warning us. The poor girl! How could you be such a monster?! Emotionally abusing her! Not letting her see her friends! Not letting her do her work! That's abuse! How could you?! You come here and you acted like a good guy but I knew deep down there was something more! Deep down your just an a*shole! A manipulative soul! I can't believe I feel in love with you! We and everything we ever had is over! Get out of my trailer and move out of the apartment! I hate you!" She yells at me. I wipe a fallen tear and nod. I go to my trailer and lock the door. I sob and help myself through a panic attack. They'll never believe me. I sigh. I go to craft services because the rest went out for lunch and got myself an apple. When I was there Skeet and Madchen come in. They were like my second parents. I sigh.
C: "I already know I'm a devil, a*shole, manipulative, terrible person." I say sighing. They look at me confused.
Ma: "what's wrong hunny? Are you okay? Your shacking." She asks nervously. I sigh.
C: "you can slap me if you want. I won't be mad." I say sighing. Skeet sighs.
Sk: "what happened? Where are the rest? Where's Lili? Do you want me to go and get her?" He asks. I shack my head.
C: "don't bother, they all hate me and when I tell you too you'll both hate me too." I say sighing. I just shrug and throw the apple out. I just felt so sick. Madchen sighs.
Ma: "sit down, talk to us. What's wrong?" She asks rubbing my back. I sit down and put my head in my hands. Skeet sighs.
Sk: "we don't hate you." He says softly. I sigh.
C: "my ex Sophie was a really insecure person. She suffered a couple of mental health issues. We were dating when we were both at our worst mentally. So as I always did and do I turned to photography for an escape and started booking proper shoots. This could be with young girls, young boys or men and woman but she didn't like it all. The thought of me being with someone else was a threat to her so she didn't let me do anymore shoots. Then after a while I had stopped the shoots and she stopped letting me hang out with my friends, soon I couldn't talk with them at all. She was really mentally abusive and I was young and in love so to keep her happy and comfortable I stopped doing these things. In the end it got so toxic that I broke it off, that wasn't long before I booked Riverdale. It really took a toll on my mental health but after I met everyone here it got better. The only people that know are my family and well you too now. She was really jealous and clearly still is because she sent a DM to Lili, Mads, Cami, Van, KJ and Casey and flipped the story. So she told them what she done to me, I did to her, which isn't true. I understand if you don't believe me. They won't either because she's very persuasive. I'm thinking about just quitting and going home anyway. Well, LA home when I find one seeing Lili hates me." I say not looking up. I feel one of them rub my back. I look up.
C: "you don't hate me?" I ask shocked. Skeet shacks his head.
Sk: "no if anything I'm confused. Why would she do it though?" He asks. Madchen sighs and rubs my back.
C: "because she isn't happy that I was happy. She saw that I was finally in a happy and healthy relationship with amazing friends so she probably got jealous. She's a toxic person. That's what they do." I say my chin shacking as I hold back tears. Madchen sighs.
Ma: "they love you Cole. Try to explain it to them, text them." She's says shrugging. I shack my head.
C: "they've all blocked me." I say my eyes filling with tears. She sighs and stands up wrapping her arms around me bringing my head into her shoulder. I didn't cry because I was numb so I just hug back. She sighs pulling away from the hug.
Ma: "where are you staying? Did Lili ask you to leave?" She asks me. I nod.
C: "yah I'm just going to book a hotel. I think the best option is for me to just quite and go back to LA." I say sighing. Skeet sighs.
Sk: "no way! Your not leaving all of us! I don't care what they all think I'm not letting you leave!" He says seriously. I just shrug.
Ma: "just give them a while. They'll come round and till then you can stay with me. I have plenty of room." She says smiling softly. I shack my head.
C: "no it's okay I'll stay at hotels until I can get a new apartment. I don't want to be a burden." I say sighing. She shacks her head.
Ma: "you are most definitely not a burden. Now, we'll get you some stuff tonight then we can go." She says smiling. I nod.
C: "okay, thank you so much and I'm sorry." I say sighing.
Sk: "don't be! Your not the one who should be sorry." He says rubbing my shoulder. I nod a little. I sigh
C: "I'm just going to go and speak with Roberto about this." I say sighing. They nod and I go to Roberto's office. I explain the whole situation to him and he tells me to take a week off to sort things out. I gladly take it because I'll have to deal with heartbreak and the feeling of betrayal. I go to my trailer and grab my keys before driving to what used to be Lili and I's apartment. I pack myself a bag with all the stuff I need. I leave my key on the counter before closing the door for the last time. When I was waiting on the elevator Lili come out of it. I don't look at her.
C: "my keys on the counter." I say before walking into the elevator. She nods.
L: "thanks." She says before walking off. I bite my lip and go back to my car. I drive to Madchens apartment and she gives me a spare key. She sighs.
Ma: "what do you want for dinner?" She asks me. I sigh.
C: "I'm not that hungry. I'm just gonna grab a shower and then go to bed. It's been a long day." I say shooting her a small yet fake smile. She nods.
Ma: "okay, well let me know if you need anything." She says sadly. I nod.
C: "thanks." I say before walking to the spare room. I take a shower and lie in the bed. Unaware at the tears that were spilling down my cheeks. After a while I must fall asleep because the next the next thing I know is waking up to my phone ringing. I sigh and pick it up.
C: 'hello.' I say tiredly.
Sk: 'hey! Just wanted to check on you? How are you?' He asks sounding chipper. I sigh.
C: 'I could be better. How's set? I'm I even missed?' I say sarcastically. He sighs.
Sk: 'of course you are! I haven't seen KJ or Lili but the girls miss you. I tried to tell them it wasn't your fault and you didn't do anything but they wouldn't listen. I think it's just too fresh. Just give them a few days, they'll come around. Anyway what are you up too?' He asks me. I sigh.
C: 'well, I'm actually just waking up.' I say chuckling. He laughs.
Sk: 'wow! You do know it's like 12.30 don't you?' He asks me. I sigh.
C: 'no not really. Not like I have anything to do but sleep, well I forgot some stuff at the apartment so I have to go back but apart form that not a thing.' I say sighing. He sighs.
Sk: 'ah you'll find something! Right I have to go film but stay safe and don't do anything silly.' He says seriously. I sigh.
C: 'yah will do, bye.' I say before hanging up. I clean myself up before going over to the apartment. I sigh and knock on the door. KJ opens it. He sighs.
KJ: "what do you want?" He asks glaring at me. I sigh.
C: "I just need to get some of my stuff. I forgot to get it yesterday." I say sighing.
L: "who's at the door?" She shouts. KJ sighs.
KJ: "an a*shole." He shouts back. Lili comes to the door and nods when she sees me.
L: "what do you need?" She asks. I sigh.
C: "I just left some of my stuff her yesterday." I say sighing. She nods.
L: "you can come in and get it." She says opening the door more. I nod and go into the bedroom to get it. It was my paper work and the jacket Lili loved wearing that I have had from I was 15 or 16. Lili comes in.
L: "where are you staying?" She asks me softly. I sigh and clear my throat.
C: "with Madchen. I'm just figuring some stuff out and she and Skeet didn't want me staying in hotels so she asked me to stay there." I say grabbing the last couple of this. I sigh and look around the room double checking what I have. I sigh.
C: "I just need to get my lighters from the kitchen." I say sighing. She nods.
L: "yah that's fine. Are you okay? You look pale." She asks me softly. I nod.
C: "yah I'm fine. It's just a hard pill to swallow when you find out all your friends are fake." I say walking past her. KJ sighs.
KJ: "have you got your sh*t?" He ask rolling his eyes. I sigh.
C: "f*ck off." I say walking pass him. He huffs.
KJ: "at least I can go 7 years with out breaking two girls hearts." He says glaring at me. I sigh.
C: "well if you would actually be a real man and friend and listen to what I have to say you'd realise the sh*t that just come out of your mouth is fake. But once again, your not a real friend or a real man." I say grabbing my stuff and leaving the apartment slamming the door. I sigh. I'm am a*shole. I go back to the apartment to see Madchen shipping away at a glass of wine. I frown.
C: "what happened?" I ask her. She sighs.
Ma: "I thought Lili was a nice, genuine person. I thought she was sweet and a good person but really she's just so judgemental. Like I tired to talk to her and persuade her to let you tell her your side of the story and she literately told me to never speak to her again and that I shouldn't be supporting an abuser like you." She says talking a gulp of the wine. I sigh.
C: "god I'm sorry for bringing you into this mess." I say sighing. She just shrugs.
Ma: "your a real person so I'd rather support you and loose Lili than support her and she just be fake." She says sighing. I nod. She sighs.
Ma: "there beer in the fridge if you want one. It really takes the edge of it." She says sighing. I nod and grab a beer. Let's just say the next morning we both were hungover.
One week later
It was a week later and I had finally built up the courage to go to see her. I knock on door before walking in.
Lili's POV
I was just scrolling my phone when Cole walked into my trailer. He sighs.
C: "did we mean nothing to you?" He asks me. He looked ruff, like he hasn't eat in awhile. I frown.
L: "what do you mean?" I ask him. To say I felt guilty for what I said to him is an understatement, I would do anything to take it back. He sighs.
C: "acting stupid, great. You know what I mean. Did our relationship mean nothing to you?" He asks me. I frown.
L: "of course it did! I loved you." I say confused. He nods.
C: "yes but it mustn't have been that important to you because you didn't hear my side of the story. If you cared you would have listened." He says sighing. I sigh.
L: "I was and still am mad at you. Like doing that to someone isn't right Cole and you know it." I say looking at him. He huffs.
C: "omg! You are so thick! Why can't you see I didn't f*cling do it! She did it to me and twisted the story! I didn't do a thing! Why can't you just listen to me for once and not believe a stupid f*cking message!" He shouts throwing his arms up. I sigh.
L: "I need proof before I believe you." I say sigh. He rolls his eyes.
C: "enjoy your life." He says before walking out. I sigh and shake my head. I need proof for something like that. 30 minutes later Cami and Mads come in. She sighs.
Ca: "we just saw Madchen, Skeet and Cole hugging. Madchen was crying. Why they would want to hug him I do not know." She says sighing. I nod.
L: "he come in here and like shouted at me for not listening to him. I told him that I need proof that he didn't before I even speak to him again." I say sighing. They nod. We chat for ages before we finish our day. All day Skeet, Madchen and Cole all been acting sad. I don't know why. They were always together. It was weird. I go back to my empty apartment and spend the night alone, Cole's words ringing through my ears. Why didn't I believe him? I didn't sleep much that night. The next morning I was tired so I just put on joggers and a sweatshirt before going to set. When I get there I see everyone in the break room. Roberto sighs.
R: "Lili please join us." He says sighing. I nod and sit beside Casey. Roberto carries on talking.
R: "recently as you all probably know there has been a bit of drama on set. There was false accusations made again one of our cast members, Cole. These were sent to certain members and I'd like to confirm they aren't true. Cole gave me proof and I know he isn't lying. From this happened he has been treated very poorly by some of our members and this outraged me. You are breaking cast rules and you all know it. Sadly, and it really breaks my heart to say this but this has forced Cole to quit his job. He spoke to me last week and he left last night. He didn't say where he was going and I don't think he wants to be contacted by any of you. I'm really sorry but we are introducing our new Jughead Jones on Wednesday." He says sadly. I shack my head.
L: "this can't be true! He wouldn't do that! To us! To me!" I say standing up. Madchen sighs.
Ma: "and we didn't think you guys could do that to him but I guess you were both wrong!" She shouts before leaving the room. Skeet sighs and goes after her. I sigh, tears spilling.
L: "why didn't he tell me?" I ask trying to control my sobs. KJ sighs.
KJ: "we were really mean to him." He says sadly. I let out a sob and run to my trailer. I grab one of his sweatshirts I had secretly hidden and sob into it. I had just let the love of my life go, he even thinks I hate him.
7 year time jump
It's been 7 years from I last saw Cole. Riverdale ended 2 years after he left so we all went our separate ways. I have been LA from then, picking up movies here and there but nothing as big as Riverdale. I do modelling and have been asked to model of an Italian company. Of course I said yes. I was so exited. I had been to Italy before with Cole but never on my own. I was so excited. I had got to my hotel that I was staying in. It was gorgeous. It was very traditionally Italian. I had my shoot in about 2 hours so I freshen up and get ready to meet the man who booked me in the lobby. I smile.
L: "hi! Your Chris right?" I ask him. He nods and shacks my hand.
Ch: "yes! Hello! Lili Reinhart!" He says smiling. I nod.
L: "that's me!" I say happily. He nods.
Ch: "yes okay, I'm so sorry but the original photographer cancelled last minute so a back up photographer is on his way. He might be a couple of minutes late because I only called him 20 minutes ago but he'll be here. He's very reliable." He says smiling. I nod.
L: "yes it's no bother!" I say happily. He nods. We chat about the shoot until I hear a voice I knew all to well.
?: "Chris! I'm so sorry I'm late!" He says walking over to us. It was Cole. I frown and look over at him. Our eyes meet and he smiles.
C: "hey Lili." He says smiling. I smile.
L: "hey! Long time no see." I say happily. He nods.
C: "sure yah! It's been what? 7 years?" He asks shrugging. I nod.
L: "it's has yah." I say nodding. Chris frowns.
Ch: "do you guys know each other?" He asks confused. I look between the two and shrug.
L: "you could say that." I say laughing. Cole nods. Chris sighs.
Ch: "okay well, Cole we need your help! The original photographer had a set in mind and I don't know where that is so we currently don't have a set so I'm hoping you have a couple in mind?" He asks nervously. Cole nods.
C: "yah, actually, where my place is there's some really nice fields and like countryside so we could go there? It's not too far from here." He says shrugging. Chris looks at me and I nod.
L: "I'm good with what ever. I'm sure anywhere here is beautiful." I say smiling. Chris nods and we get an Uber. I was sitting beside Cole and surprisingly it wasn't awkward at all. He sighs.
C: "how have you been?" He asks breaking the silence. I nod.
L: "I've been good. Yah really good. How are you?" I ask nodding. He nods.
C: "that's great. I've been okay. I'm still trying to get my name cleared in American though." He says chuckling. I nod.
L: "yah, you were pretty talked about for a while." I say giggling. He nods.
C: "yah, well I knew she would do something to try to ruin my life but I guess I didn't think she'd succeed." He says looking down. I nod.
L: "yah it blew everything up. Do you still talk to anyone from the cast?" I ask him. He nods.
C: "yah just Madchen and Skeet. I never lost contact with them thankfully. They've been out here a bunch too. They've been really supportive." He says smiling. I nod.
L: "they're really great people." I say sighing. He nods.
C: "what about you? Are you still in contact with them?" He asks. I sigh.
L: "I've met up with the girls a couple of times but there all just so busy. Van with her kids and then Cami and Mads are sorting out their weddings. I guess we're all just at different stages I'm our lives so it's hard. I made up with Madchen but we never were that close again." I say sighing. He nods.
C: "what about KJ?" He asks nervously. I shack my head.
L: "I haven't heard from him. I know he's engaged but apart from that I don't know anything else." I say sighing. He nods.
C: "I feel awful for the way I needed things with you and him. So I'm sorry for lashing out at you day. It was rude and uncalled for. I was angry, upset and stressed and I lashed at you." He says sighing. I nod.
L: "no it's okay. I understand and I know the rest feel really bad for what they done. Especially KJ. When Rob told us you had quit he was just so sad. We all were and so were the fans. The show really went downhill from then, I'm shocked we got the last season to be truly honest." I say sighing. He nods.
C: "it's must have been hard filming the last episode." He says chuckling. I nod.
L: "yah it was but we all knew the end was coming soon. Less fans watched the show, we got less publication. It was just boring." I say sighing. He nods.
C: "yah Dylan said you all seemed to start to lose your light." He says chuckling sadly. I nod.
L: "yah we did. How is Dylan? And your parents?" I ask him. He smiles.
C: "there good, really good. Dylan and Barbara got married and they have twin girls. Mum and dad did some travelling, just to get out there too see more of the world. Dad actually was really sick about 2 years ago so it sort of made him realise the importance of getting out there and doing the things he dreams of doing. I suppose it made us all think." He says shrugging. I nod.
L: "is he okay now?" I ask worried. He nods.
C: "yah he's amazing now. He loves being with the girls so I think that kept him positive and happy when he wasn't the best but he got there. He stept straight into grandfather mode when he saw the girls for the first time so it's great seeing them together, even if it's just through a photo." He says sighing. I frown.
L: "you live out here?!" I ask him. He nods.
C: "yah, I moved out here after I left Riverdale. I couldn't stay in LA till my name was clear and then I just fell in love with this place. I couldn't leave it. Maybe someday I will move back but for now this is home. I've been in LA multiple times of course to see my family and stuff but most of the time they come here. When they need a break or just want a holiday the come to me, I have plenty of room in fact I was pacifically asked to keep a room for the girls no matter if there here or not." He says chuckling. I smile.
L: "you did too didn't you?" I ask him smiling. He nods.
C: "oh yah! Two beds, a pink one and a purple one. 2 chairs with a pink table. Plenty of toys they picked themselves and plenty of books." He says laughing. I laugh.
L: "what age are they?" I ask him. He sighs.
C: "3." He says chuckling. I nod.
L: "three and they've already got you wrapped round there pinky's." I say laughing. He nods and looks down. We sit in silence of the rest of the trip and when we stop I gasp.
L: "this place is beautiful!" I say shocked. He smiles.
C: "thanks, it's just something I come across that was for sale and I guessed something caught my eyes about it so I bought it." He says smiling. It looked like this.

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