Bughead- Friends

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Betty life was perfect. Her parents loved her, she got along with her sister. She was popular at school and had loads of friends and her boyfriend Archie life was the same as hers. Many people said they were meant to be.
Jugheads life was far from perfect. His mom left with his sister and his dad is an abusive alcoholic. He hasn't seen his sister in a long time. He is a nerd and has no friends. He slept at the drive in movie theatre. He was bullied by the jocks and cheerleaders. He didn't talk to anyone and spent lunch and free periods in the blue and gold office as nobody went in there.

For Jughead today was no different. Wake up, get ready in the school locker room, bullied by the popular kids, stay in the blue and gold to void them and then go back to the drive in. He used to have friends when he was a little kid. In fact him and his two friends were inseparable. Jughead Jones, Archie Andrews and Betty Cooper. Now Jughead is a loner, Archie is the star footballer, one of the many people that bullies him and beats him up and Betty Cooper one of the most respected people in the school. Betty and Archie fell in love and become popular.
Jugheads POV
Walking down the Riverdale high halls was not an enjoyable experience for me. Either getting bumped into or being stared at and today was no different. I was walking with my head down, books in my arms. Until I notice a group of cheerleaders coming towards me but one of the them bumped into me. It was Betty.
B: "watch it out loser!" She says before realising it was me. She look at me and smiled. I just sighed picking up my books. One of the other cheerleaders speak up, Veronica Lodge.
V: "can you not loser. You nearly nocked my girl over! Go sulk in your little writer room. Maybe cry for mommy whilst your in there!" She says walking off. All of them follow including Betty. I walk into the blue and gold and kick a table. Nobody knew about my home life and every time they mentioned something to do with it I got angry. I sat down and let the tears fall. I was so done with this, the people, my life, my dad, school, everything. I calmed myself down and started on my story. I was writing when there was a knock on the door followed by somebody walking in. I looked up to see the one and only Elizabeth Cooper. She smiled.
B: "hey Jughead!" She said happily. I scoffed.
J: "Elizabeth Cooper." I say annoyed. She just sighs and stays quiet.
J: "what did Lodge forget to say? Was it to tell me to kill myself? Tell her message received." I say sarcastically. She frowns.
B: "I'm actually here to say sorry!" She says smiling sadly. I laugh
J: "what for everything or for bumping into me in the hallway and then making it out to have been me bumping into you?" I ask angrily, I thought I had forgiven her but now it was all boiling in me. She looked at me.
B: "for bumping into you at the hallway? What else have I done?" She asks nervously. I laugh,
J: "well I have always been an outsider, but when you and Archie became my friend it meant the world to me, people actually like me. People actually didn't care that I write or am smart. People won't judge me for wearing a hat and people that will talk to me instead of about me. Two people that should me that I am cared for and then throw it back in my face!" I say angrily. She just looks at me.
J: "you met Veronica and got roped into the cheerleaders. Archie wasn't to sure about it all but I supported you. Archie got into football and become a jock. You fell in love with Archie and you become popular. In the beginning you two still talked to me but very rarely. When Archie dumped you, I was there for you. Every time you saw him with his new girlfriend I hugged you whist you cried. I was there for you every time you had an argument with your family or were just simply sad. Archie was never there but I was. You got back together and got your popularity back. You both forgot about me like everyone else. I'm just the loner in the blue and gold office who is bullied by the jocks and cheerleaders and beat up by Archie, which by the way is true. I have nobody and had nobody when I needed them the most. So do not come in here, smiling and apologising to me because it is not excepted!" I shout standing up. I got to walk out the door but she stops me. She looks at me both are cheeks covered by tears. I look at her.
J: "what? What are you going to say? That your life isn't as amazing as it sounds? People love you Betty but me they wouldn't even notice if i was to go. Sorry yes they would because they wouldn't have someone to bully. And unless you didn't bump into me today, you would still be doing it." I say slapping her hand off me. She looks down.
B: "I'm sorry" she says quietly. I scoff.
J: "you know I always wonder how I was friends with you but then I remember that you were different back then. You were Betty Cooper who had amazing grads and you loved everyone. You wore pastel pink jumpers, your hair always in a high ponytail. The brightest smile on your face all the time. Now you are, Elizabeth Cooper and your grades are not so good, everyone loves you and you practically scold them. You are always in a cheerleading outfit and have a devilish grin on your face. Your hair is either down or in a bun. When the old Betty was around you went out of your way to make people happy now, you go out of your way to make people sad. It works by the way so well done." I say walking out the door. I slam it shut and walk out of school straight into a pack of bulldogs. Great.
Betty's POV
It was true. I was a horrible person. Jughead is such a nice person and I threw him away like he was a piece of trash. I was now full blown balling. I'm the wrong person, I want to be the Betty Cooper again. Not this b*tch who is rude to the people who loved her most. I got up and wiped my face walking out of the blue and gold. I need to find Jughead so I was walking out of school when I hear a grunt of pain. I turn around to see a lot of bulldogs around somebody on the ground. I realise they were beating them up so I run over. I get close enough and see that Archie my boyfriend. My eyes shoot open and I yell,
B: "Archie get off of them!" I yell running into the group. He looks around to me.
A: "hey baby, I was just giving this loser his weekly beating!" He says turning back around kicking the person one more time. I gasp when I see who it is. Jughead.
B: "ARCHIE GET AWAY FROM HIM! YOU TWO USED TO BE LIKE BROTHERS! I shout he quickly stops and looks at me.
B: "you, jug and I. When we were kids. We were together all the time. Jugs tree house or your garage. When you both used to climb up a ladder to my bedroom window when my mom didn't let you in the front door? When your mom and dad got a divorce we went to the drive in and watch a movie then we spent the night talking? We would listen to your dads old cosset tapes. Or when we would go down to the swimming hole in the summer. Go to pops until my mom and your dad come looking for us? We were happy. We were Betty Cooper, Jughead Jones and Archie Andrews." I cry. He just looks at me his face dropping. He turns around and looks at a bleeding Jughead.
A: "omg!" He then runs but i stop him. He looks at me tears streaming down his face.
B: "you are not running anywhere. You are going to hand in you bulldogs jacket and help who used to be your brother to the hospital. Then you are going to f*cking devote your life to being sorry and appreciating Jug!" I yell at him. He takes his his football jacket off and hands it to Reggie. He walks over to jughead and tries to help him he stops him.
J: "don't touch me! I have lived my life for 5 plus years with out you and I've lived so I'm fine!" He snaps. Archie steps back and sighs. Jughead grabs his beanie from of his head and holds it onto one of his bleeding spots. He gets up and walks to the closest bench. He takes his phone out of his pocket and dials 911. After hanging up he looks at us.
J: "where's my bag?" He asks nervously. Archie picks the bag up and gives it to him. Jughead opens the bag and pulls out his laptop. He slowly opens it and tries to turn it on but it was broken. He sighs
J: "what have I ever done to you lot, every f*cking day you either slam a locker shut in my hand or call me something! And a weekly beating? You'll be getting a weekly beating because some of my best work was on this and now it's gone!" He yells throwing his laptop on the ground. That's when the ambulance pulls up. One of them take jughead and the other goes into the school. The principal comes out and talks to jughead. They take jughead to hospital as he has broken ribs, a broken foot and they need to stitch some of his cuts. The principal and I rode with him whilst the secretary phoned his parents. When we arrived he was brought to a room and we waited in the waiting room. None of his parents came which confused me as his dad and mom were all ways there when we were younger. A doctor come out and told us he was good to go home but shouldn't be left alone. Our principal goes in first to talk to Jughead about what happened and when he come out I went in. Jug was sitting in a bed with a bruised and cut face and a cast round his leg. I chocked the tears back and looked up at him. He was just starring at the wall with a sad face. He wasn't looking at me or the window but the wall? It was weird. I cleared my throat and cought his attention. He jumped and winced at he pain. He smiled sadly,
J: "hey, I'm sorry for earlier. I guess all my anger and emotion come out on you and I'm really sorry about that. And what I said about you wasn't right so I'm also sorry about that. You be who you want to be and maybe the old Betty wasn't who you want to be?" He says looking down. I now had tears streaming down my face because of guilt, pity, sorrow but mostly love. He was the one who was beaten in the hospital but he still apologised. He had no need to apologise but I did. I shack my head.
B: "you don't need to apologise Jug. Today you made me realise that I'm not who I want to be and was blinded by popularity. I'm so so so sorry for what I've put you through but also thank you because you always have been there for me, friends or not. I'm sorry for not being there for you when you needed me and when you needed a friend. I'm sorry for leaving you when I become popular but then falling back to you when I was not. I'm sorry for this! I'm just sorry and you shouldn't be." I smiled sadly. He nods,
J: "your good, now what's happening the docs won't tell me!" He asks. I sigh.
B: "your good to go but you have to have someone with you at all times. The only thing is your mom or dad haven't come yet so you'll have to wait." When I say this he gulps and mutters something under his breath. I look at him confused. He starts to panic a little but then says,
J: "they are out of town for a couple of weeks but I'll be good. I can get crutches" he says nodding like he was trying to convince himself. I sigh
B: "what about Jelly Bean. She's like what 10 now?" He sighs sadly.
J: "yah but she went with them but I'll be fine. I'll go home and just be careful. I nod not convinced knowing I'll figure out the truth. When he leaves he gets a taxi home. I was not convinced that he was saying the truth so I followed the car. It wasn't going to sunny side trailer park. It was going to the drive in. That was weird! I pulled over out of sight to see what was happening. He got out of the taxi and walked to the door, unlocking it with a key. He goes into a little room that I can see through a window and sits down. He throws books around the room in anger. I decided to go in to check on him. I quickly walk through the door and round to the room he was in. I stop at the door and look around. I see a bed, a bag, tin cans and a microwave. He sleeps here? I say something.
B: "jug what are you doing here?" I ask he jumps
J: "Betty what are you doing here?" He asks nervously.
B: "I didn't trust you with what you said earlier so I followed the cab! Why are you here?" He looks nervous but then says
J: "I come here when I need to think or be emotional? It's quiet and lonely so I enjoy it." He questions. I know this isn't the truth.
B: "yah definitely, so then why is there a bag of your stuff, a bed and canned foods? Jug do you sleep here?" I ask him nervously. He looks at the floor, I sigh and walk over to him. I sit beside him. I rub his back but suddenly he breaks down into sobs. I hug him tightly letting him cry into my shoulder. After he calms down I pull out of the hug. He wipes his cheeks and says,
J: "please you can't tell anyone about this please you have to promise because I can't take anymore!" He says. I nod and hug him again. Now being fully calm,
B: "jug why are you here? Where your parents?" He sighs.
J: "the first time you became popular my dad started drinking, he would come home drunk and angry. Then whenever you and Archie broke up he stopped drinking and apologised everyday for doing that. Then the night before you blocked my number when you became popular again he come home late, drunk and punched me. You being the only person I would open up to I had wanted to ask if you could meet me at sweet water river but then I found out you had blocked my number. As time went on he got worse and my mom give up. So she pack her bags and took Jellybean with her somewhere. They left during the night and then when I woke up the next morning, they were gone. I waited the hole day for them to come home but they never did. From they left my dad got really bad and I moved out to here. I haven't heard from my mom from the day before she moved out so that was 6 or 7 years ago. But nobody can know about any of this. If they find out it'll get even worse and I can't cope with anything more." He says panicking. I was also crying at this point. I sigh.
B: "oh my god jug. No one will know I promise you that. But how long have you been here for and when was the last time you ate a proper meal?" I ask worried. He sighs.
J: "I've been here from about a month after my mom left and well I have ate but it's just been like maybe a bowl of soup." He says pointing to the cans. I sigh in relief.
B: "so like a can of soup for lunch and dinner?" I ask confused.
J: "no just like one a day maybe not even. It's just what I can afford." He whispers. I sigh. I feel partly guilty because if I was there he wouldn't be like this.
B: "how about we go to pops?" I ask he just shacks his head.
J: "no we can't go, you can't be spotted with me." He says sadly. My heart breaks a little. Even though he's been through all of this he still thinks of me.
B: "I don't care what people think of me. All I care about is getting you better and safe jug!" He sighs and nods. We get up and walk to my car. I drive in silence to pops. We order our food but when it comes he just picks at it and doesn't eat much. I sigh. Jughead used to eat everything now he won't even eat pops. After eating we get back into my car. I drive to the drive in and we go in. He grabs a roll of trash bags and starts cleaning up. Placing everything in a different spot. He goes to a box and grabs an old wallet and pulls,out a 20 dollar bill. He hands it to me.
J: "you paid for pops so here's the money for my meal and some for gas." I shack my head. He sighs and puts it in my pocket. I roll my eyes. I was looking around when I notice two pictures one of him and his family the other of me, Archie and himself. He sighs,
J: "I kept them well just because is as happy back then. I suppose if I look at them for a minute I remind happy memories and even if I only fell two seconds for happiness it's better than none." He sighs sitting down. The happy days. I stand up and grab his bags and tell him to follow me. He does and we go back to the car. We drive to my house and with hesitation we go in. My mum was confused but allowed him to stay.
3rd Persons POV
From that day on Jugheads life got a little better. He saved enough money to buy a small apartment in Riverdale. He stopped being bullied and got his friends back. Archie and Betty both changed and are back to some what normal. Jughead went back to eating anything after a while and found some happiness. He got in contact with his sister and talks to her everyday. To this day jughead always thinks that Betty is his happiness.

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