No More Smoking

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(Requested by ImkRddie. I hope you like it! Im not sure if this actually happens when smoking so if not I'm sorry-G❤️)

Cole's POV
I've had anxiety attacks before and I've helped people I love through many of them so I know a good amount about them but this feeling I was feeling wasn't panic, I just couldn't breathe. It was like my throat was closing up or my lungs were collapsing. We were in the middle of filming a scene but I couldn't get my worlds out. I couldn't breathe. KJ frowns.
KJ: "oh so Mr Sprouse can't remover his lines?" He asks me chuckling. I just shack my head and take a drink from my water bottle that sat on the floor. Lili frowns.
L: "Cole? Are you okay?" She asks me worried. I just shack my head.
C: "I can't breathe." I whisper, hardly getting it out. She frowns.
L: "what? I can't hear you? Take another drink." She says rubbing my back. I shack my head.
C: "I need air." I whisper, breathing becoming a harder struggle. She nods and stands up, allowing my to slid out of the booth and go to stand up but before I do I go get dizzy. I stop for a minute. Lili frowns.
L: "Cole what's wrong?" She asks me worried.
C: "I can't breathe." I whisper, standing up and going outside. I hear the pops door open, a bunch of people following me.
L: "baby what's wrong?" She asks coming towards me and cupping my face. I shack my head.
C: "my, I." I whisper breathlessly. She frowns. KJ comes over.
KJ: "Cole? Are you good? Do we need to get first aid?" He asks me but before should everything goes black.
I was standing in front of Cole waiting for a response but instead all he did was flop forward. We all gasp and I catch him before he hits the floor. Lili gaps.
L: "what's? What's happening? Why? Cole?" She asks worried. I lay him on the floor. I check for a pulse. Nothing. I gulp.
KJ: "call, call an ambulance. He's not breathing call someone! Get help!" I shout nervously. Everyone starts to scramble around that place. Lili was shacking.
L: "CPR! Do CPR!" She says dropping to the floor beside us. I nod and start doing chest compressions. Nothing.
L: "mouth to mouth!" She says nervously. I nod and look at her. She frowns.
L: "what?! Keep going! Mouth to mouth!" She says panicky. I nod.
KJ: "exactly! He's your boyfriend!" I say pointing to Cole. She nods and gives him mouth to mouth. Still nothing. I carry on doing CPR.
L: "come on baby! Please!" She says before giving him more mouth to mouth. This time thankfully there was a pulse. Lili and I sigh in relief when we see the paramedics pull up. The rest for me was a blur.
Lili's' POV
P1: "what happened?" She asks me dropping beside Cole. I sigh.
L: "I don't know, he-he couldn't breathe so he come out for air and he just collapsed. He's wasn't breathing and we give him CPR a-and mouth to mouth." I say shacking. She nods.
P1: "does he have any underlying health issues? Does he drink a lot and does he smoke?" She asks doing a bunch of stuff to Cole whistle the other was doing other stuff. I sigh.
L: "no health conditions. He's taking light anti-depressants and he drinks about a beer a week. He smokes like 2 a day." I say sighing. She nods.
P1: "over the counter stuff or like e-cigs or like drugs?"  She asks. I sigh.
L: "over the counter. He takes two pills a day and he's been complaining of like a tight chest but we put that down to his anxiety." I say nervously. She nods. She tells the other paramedic to call the hospital.
P1: "one of you can come with, the rest will have to follow behind." She says pulling him up on the stretcher. I nod.
L: "can you bring me my stuff to the hospital and his stuff. Tell Roberto and my phones in Madchens trailer." I say to KJ before getting into the ambulance. He nods. We quickly pull away. I knew this was bad.
P1: "had anyone in his family had a stroke, heart attack or died from lung cancer?" She asks me. I sigh.
L: "his uncle, his dads brother, died from a stroke. He was 55 and he smoked. His grandmother, his mums mum, died from a heart attack at 79 but she didn't smoke." I say seriously. She nods.
P1: "can you give me his full name, age, date of birth, place of birth, current address and nationality?" She asks. I nod.
L: "Cole Mitchell Sprouse, he's 27, August 4 1992, Arezzo Italy, 24 city apartments downtown Vancouver, he was born in Italy but moved to America after 6 months so American." I says confused. She nods.
P1: "and what relation are you to Mr Sprouse?" She asks me. I sigh.
L: "girlfriend, I'm his girlfriend." I say gulping. She nods.
P1: "do you know when he started smoking?" She asks me. I sigh.
L: "I don't know. It's been years but I don't know when he started. I don't even think he can remember, it's been ages." I say unsure. She nods.
P1: "was he complaining of anything else?" She asks me biting her lip nervously. I sigh.
L: "he said yesterday he had a really sore head, he doesn't complain about pain though so it must have really bad. He was coughing more than he usually does and then the chest pain." I say gulping. She nods.
P1: "okay thank you." She says shooting me a smile before injecting him with something and writing a bunch of stuff down. The ride feels so long, like really long. I just hoped he'd be okay. I couldn't calm my nerves. When we get to the hospital I only get to outside of his room. One of the nurses comes out.
N1: "mam you need to wait in the waiting room." She says sighing. I sigh.
L: "I can't he's. Is he okay?" I ask her, my cheeks damp with tears. She sighs.
N1: "are you his wife?" She asks me. I sigh.
L: "no I'm his girlfriend." I say sighing. She nods.
N1: "we are just trying to figure out what happened. It seems to be his lungs and airways but we aren't sure. That's all I can tell you." She says sighing. I nod.
L: "thank you." I say before slowly walking into the waiting room. When I get there KJ, Madchen,Cami, Mads, Van, Charles, Roberto and Casey were all standing there. KJ frowns.
KJ: "what's happens? Is he okay? Is he dead? What happened?" He asks handing me our stuff. I sigh.
L: "she-she said it's his lungs and airways so something. I don't know anything else." I says sitting down. He nods. Roberto sighs.
Ro: "what the hell happened? He just dropped." He asks confused. I sigh.
L: "he had a really bad headache yesterday and has been complaining of this like, pain in his chest. I knew it was bad because he doesn't complain about pain unless it's really bad. He just couldn't breathe and then he-he just collapsed." I say confused. I put my head in my hands. Cami comes over and rubs my back.
Ca: "take a deep breath, calm down a little. He's in safe hands. He's okay." She says softly. I sigh.
L: "he's not through! I literally just had to give him mouth to mouth! If I didn't, if we didn't, he's be dead! Dead Cami! The person I love the most! Dead gone! He could be for all we know!" I shout annoyed. She sighs. I huff.
L: "I'm sorry. I'm just so scared. I don't want to loose him." I say, my bottom lip trembling, my cheeks being soaked with fresh tears. She sighs and wraps her arms around me. I sigh and rest my head on her shoulder. She rubs my back.
Ca: "he'll be okay and if not we'll cope with that if it happens but I don't think he will. He's Cole. He doesn't give up, he's annoying like that." She says giggling. I giggle.
L: "he can be pretty annoying but I don't want him to die." I whisper taking a deep breathe. She sighs.
Ca: "don't tell him I said this but neither do I. I'd never live it down, especially since we bicker like siblings nearly five times a week." She said giggling. I laugh.
L: "I will tell him, if I can." I say sadly. She sighs.
Ca: "you will. So please, take a deep breath girl. We can't have two of you in hospital." She says seriously. I nod and take a deep breath, fixing my breathing. She smiles.
Ca: "you good?" She asks me. I frown.
Ca: "sorry, of course not." She says nodding. I nod.
L: "yah. I'll be okay when he is. He just needs to hurry up and he okay." I say huffing. She smiles and I lean my head on her shoulder. KJ sighs.
KJ: "Lili, Cole's phone is blowing up." He says frowning. I sigh and look at my phone. There was a bunch of messages from Dylan, his mum and his dad. The one that stood out the most was 'are you okay? There's photos of the cast following an ambulance? Is everyone okay?'. I sigh and phone his dad. He picks up nearly automatically.
M: 'Cole? Son? Thank god! Are you okay? What happened?' He asks worried. I sigh.
L: 'Matthew it's me. Lili.' I say sighing. He gasps a little.
M: 'Lili! What happened? Where's Cole?!' He asks panicking. I sigh.
L: 'he's in hospital. He passed out on set. He, he's been complaining of chest pains and a sore head, you know he doesn't complain unless it's bad, we were filming at he just couldn't breathe and he went outside before collapsing. He stopped breathing and we give him CPR and mouth to mouth. He- I don't know anything else but they think it's to do with his airways and like his lungs.' I say sadly. He sighs.
M: "this happened before my brothers stroke. He stopped breathing and an hour later he-he died.' He says sadly. I let out a quiet sob.
L: 'can you c-call Dylan?' I ask him nervously. He sighs.
M: 'yah, yes of course.' He says softly. I nod.
L: 'okay. I'll, I'll keep you posted.' I say shakily. He sighs.
M: 'thanks, bye.' He says before hanging up. I sigh and set my phone down.
L: "This happened to his uncle before he died. He could die! OMG! He's dead!" I say letting out a sob. Cami sighs and rubs my back.
Ca: "he's not. You can't think like that. He'll be okay." She said resting her chin on my shoulder. We wait for hours but finally the hospital door open and in walks Cole's doctor.
Do: "anyone here for Cole Sprouse?" He asks. We all nod and stand up, practically jumping off our seats.
L: "yes us." I say sighing. He nods.
Do: "okay, well. There has been a build up in his lungs and we drained them. It was stopping him from breathing and obviously he was getting no oxygen or air. That explains the chest pains. You can go and see him but one at a time, he's in room 13. He's asleep because we had to drain his lungs but he will wake up naturally. We'll keep him in tonight and he should be okay." He says smiling. I sigh in relief.
L: "so he didn't take a stroke? He's still alive?" I ask hopefully. He nods.
Do: "he's good. He's still alive but if he didn't get here when he did he wouldn't be but he is." He said nodding. I nod.
L: "okay! Thank you so much!" I say sighing in relief. He nods and walks away. Cami smiles.
Ca: "see! He's okay! Go see him!" She says smiling. I nod and go to his room. When I see him I smile and go into the room quietly. I grab his hand and kiss his cheek before sitting beside him. I sigh.
L: "I love you so much." I whisper, wiping my cheeks. He moves a little and frowns before opening his eyes. He blinks at the light before looking over at me. I smile.
L: "hey there." I whisper. He frowns.
C: "why am I in hospital? What happened? Are you okay?" He asks me worried. I sigh.
L: "I'm fine, now you are. You passed out at set. The doctor said your lungs got blocked from build up of I don't know what. They drained your lungs and your okay now." I say softly. He nods.
C: "I guess that explains the sore chest then?" He asks me. I nod. He nods.
C: "my dads going to kill me." He mumbles tilting his head back and sighing. I sigh.
L: "no he won't he'll just be glad your okay." I say brushing his curls out of his face. He sighs.
C: "I'm shocked you haven't killed me." He says sighing. I huff.
L: "well I would but when I thought you were actually dead I couldn't cope so you can live this time." I say ailing. He chuckles and nods.
C: "did you have a panic attack?" He asks me worried. I sigh.
L: "no but I would have until Cami reminded me to breathe." I say giggling. He nods. The doctor comes in.
Do: "Mr Sprouse! Your awake! How are you feeling?" He asks him. Cole sighs.
C: "okay, there's like a stinging in my chest?" He says confused. He nods.
Do: "yes that will be from the small incision we made to drain your lungs. You can look at it if you want. It's not huge but it will scare." He said sighing. Cole nods.
C: "not my first scare. I grew up with a twin. If I went a day without something being thrown at me it was a good day." He says chuckling. The doctor laughs.
Do: "well then that doesn't make me feel to bad, but serious talk. You know what caused this?" He asks him smiling. Cole nods.
Cole's POV
I knew what cause this. My smoking. I nod.
C: "I have a strong idea." I say sighing. He nods.
Do: "have you ever tried stopping?" He asks me. I nod.
C: "twice." I say shrugging. He nods.
Do: "did you go Cole turnkey or tone it down?" He asks me. I sigh.
C: "both, I went cold turnkey first but that didn't work so then the second time, two years after the first time, I toned it down to only smoking two a week, one a week but then sh*t happened and I needed a stress reliever." I say shrugging. He nods.
Do: "okay and, you know you could have died today?" He asks me frowning. I nod.
C: "oh yah, I've nearly died at least twice now and of you count acting it's higher than it should be." I say chuckling. He sighs.
Do: "okay, well, this is serious. I'll leave you with your thoughts because if you want to live until you die naturally, you need to stop ASAP." He says before walking out of the room. I shrug and watch the door close. Lili shacks her head.
L: "sometimes I wonder do you even f*cking care?" She says standing up. I frown.
C: "what do you mean?" I ask her confused. She sighs.
L: "if you cared about me, or anyone on your life, you would stop. I have asked you before, to stop. You need to stop smoking" She says annoyed. I nod.
C: "and I tried to. And don't pull this 'if you cared'. You know I care. I ask everyone I pass on set of their okay, all of our friends have cried to me, even KJ, I've done so f*cking much so sorry if I do one thing that makes me feel okay for 2 minutes. KJ smokes, you think he doesn't care? Yes maybe it is killing me but it's better than drinking or cutting like I used to. You knew before you even met me that I smoked. I asked you if you had a problem with it and you said no. I know you don't like it, nobody does but it gives me a sense of relief. I grew up with it. I tired a cigarette for the first time when I was 12, so sorry if I got addicted." I say annoyed. She just looks at me before shacking her head. She throws my phone onto my lap.
L: "call someone who cares. I'll see you tomorrow." She says before walking out of the hospital room. I sigh and call Dylan.
D: 'Cole? Are you okay?' He asks nervously. I sigh.
C: 'yah I'm fine. Build up from smoking in my lungs. They drained them, it's fine and I've got a scare but it doesn't matter.' I say sighing. He sighs.
D: 'good but what's wrong? You sound down.' He asks me. I huff.
C: ''my girlfriend hates me." I say sighing.
D: 'what? Why?' He asks confused. I sigh.
C: 'she said I didn't care because I didn't immediately stop smoking. I explained my point, I was respectful and didn't say anything rude and then she threw my phone at me and said to 'call someone who cares' so I called you.' I say shrugging. He sighs.
D: 'ouch, you want me to come down?' He asks me. I sigh.
C: 'no there's no point. I'm getting out tomorrow anyway so there's no point. If Miss Reinhart has calmed down I might get going home but if not I guess a hotel will do to recover from my near death experiences in. Anyway, you heard from dad?' I ask him. He hums.
D: 'yep. He nearly cried himself to a heart attack. He's petrified. I texted him to tell him your okay. He hasn't replayed. Wait he's calling me. Hold on a second.' He says before muting us both. I sigh and rub my hands through my hair. I talk with my family for a while before KJ comes in.
KJ: "your girlfriend ran out crying. What happened?" He asks me sitting down. I sigh.
C: "I can't even be bothered explaining it. She was just moody but I don't know if I have a home to go to tomorrow so I'll be in a nice hotel if you need me after tonight. Oh god. I nice hotel all to myself with no worries no girlfriend or working. Amazing." I say chuckling. He smiles and rolls his eyes.
KJ: "did you p*ss her off or did she p*ss you off?" He asks me chuckling. I huff.
C: "both, she said I didn't care about people because I smoke and I told her of course I care! I f*cking love you all and then like I just replied, I have tried, more than once, I didn't exactly start smoking myself, it was forced on me, so sorry if I'm not perfect!" I say really p*sed off. He frowns.
KJ: "then?" He asks me frowning. I sigh.
C: "she throws my phone at me and says to 'call someone who cares'." I say rolling my eyes. He winces.
KJ: "that wasn't fair. Who did you call?" He asks me smiling. I sigh.
KJ+C: "Dylan." We say at the same time. I chuckle.
C: "you going to give me the 'you need to stop' speech? I've already got it 3 times." I say sighing. He shrugs.
KJ: "I can't. I smoke, so I can't, it wouldn't be fair, but, I do think you should think about it. Especially after this and your uncle. If not for yourself or Lili, for your dad." He says shrugging. I nod.
C: "yah, he was crying." I say sighing. He nods.
KJ: "anyway, you need me to go to your place and get you some stuff?" He asks me. I nod.
C: "yah if you can. I can wear my prop clothes if I have too, they have soap and stuff here so I'll be clean but I can wait to change when I get home if you can't. In fact don't worry about it. I don't want to take up your time." I say sighing. He sighs.
KJ: "I will go. I'd rather you get your own stuff than a hospital chewable toothbrush." He says chuckling. I sigh and nod.
C: "as long as you don't mind?" I ask unsure. He nods.
KJ: "sure! I'll go now. The other guys are here so I'll tell them to come in." He says shooting me a smile before walking out. Cami, Casey, Charles, Mads, Van, Madchen and Roberto come in. I nod.
C: "so your all here?" I ask them smiling. Cami rolls her eyes.
Ca: "stop being sarcastic. How are you feeling?" She asks me smiling. I sigh.
C: "very hungry." I say frowning. Everyone laughs.
Madc: "did you not have lunch before you passed out?" She asks me confused. I nod.
C: "I did but I'm still hungry." I say shrugging. She laughs. I shrug. Casey sighs.
Cas: "how are you feeling? Like from the near death and the whole, relationship drama." He asks me. I sigh.
C: "Im sore, like my backs sore from falling, my heads hurts, my chest hurts but it's not that bad. I shouldn't be complaining. As for the other thing, well, 'I don't care' so, I can't care." I say shrugging. He frowns. I sigh.
C: "I'm hurt but at least I'm in a hospital so if I die from heart break I'm in the right place." I say chuckling. He rolls his eyes.
Cas: "your so dramatic. She was just hurt." He says sighing. I frown.
C: "why? How? What happened? Who hurt her?" I ask confused. He sighs.
Cas: "not literally but like, from you coming here. She was so scared. It's just, she was scared." He says sighing. I nod.
C: "yah sure of course but so was I. I couldn't get a breathe. I thought I had died. You don't think I was scared, that doesn't make me go tell the person I love the most that they don't care." I say sighing. He nods.
Cas: "yah that was harsh." He says looking down. I sigh and bite my lip a little.
C: "you guys know I care? I do a lot and maybe I'm not the best at showing it but I do and you know that right?" I ask them nervously. Cami sighs and grabs my hand. She sighs.
Ca: "of course we do! You may have a very sarcastic way of showing it but your the first person to ask how we all our every morning. The makeup trailer will be so quiet and you'll come in with the normal 'good morning everyone! Welcome to my life! How are you all?!' And the you'll flop onto the chair and show us funny cat pictures or memes. You haven't went a day in set without making one of us laugh, even in the toughest times. I know personally, you've made life so much better for me. Your like a big brother, or as some people have asked 'cousins who hate each other ' or well 'love each other but don't act like it'." She says giggling. I nod and look down. She sighs.
Ca: "you need to learn how to take a complement." She says sighing. I sigh.
C: "I can't. I just need to get better at hiding my blush." I say chuckling. She smiles.  They all stay with me till visiting hours are over and leave me alone, with my thoughts. That night was ruff. I didn't get much sleep because it was an active hospital and I was being checked on every couple of hours. I felt heartbroken after what happened with Lili and I knew I had p*seed her off. I had texted her, asking if she could come see me but I hadn't got a response back. After a long night I got discharged and KJ drove me to our apartment. I knew Lili would be home because I knew her work schedule. He told me I'd be staying with him so he could 'keep an eye on me'. I knock on the door, not having my key, and Lili opens it smiling but when she seems me it drops. I nod.
C: "that all I need. I'll be staying with KJ because well, I just had my lungs drained. I'm not that fit right now. So I'm going to get my stuff, ignore your attitude for no reason and then leave. You can call or text me when your ready, and calm, to talk." I say walking past her. She sighs.
L: "you sound like my dad." She says sighing. I shrug.
C: "you sounded like a b*tch in the hospital." I say shrugging. She nods and looks down.
L: "are you okay?" She asks me. I sigh.
C: "not really no but I will be. My friends know I care about them, and they care about me so I'll be okay." I say putting my stuff into a bag. She nods. I fill my bags amd go to leave. I stop.
C: "you can trash all my lighters and stuff. I'm stopping for my dad." I say before closing the door and walking out the door. This, this was a smoking moment. I grab some gum and chew that in hope it helps, which it does. When I get back to KJ's he helps me get settled before he leaves for set. I stay with him for 3 nights before Lili finally phones me. It was 10pm and I was about to go to sleep but I answered because it was her.
C: 'hey.' I say sighing. I hear a loud sigh.
L: 'hey.' She says back softly. I sigh after a while of silence.
C: 'so?' I ask confused. She sighs.
L: 'look, can you come home?' She asks me. I sigh.
C: 'well I can't drive and it's 10pm so tomorrow morning yah.' I say shrugging. She huffs.
L: 'okay. I'll see you tomorrow then?' She asks nervously. I hum.
C: 'see you tomorrow. So can I like, bring my stuff back or is this just like a 'come over to talk' situation?' I ask. She sighs.
L: 'bring your stuff.' She says sighing. I nod.
C: 'okay. I'll see you tomorrow.' I say softly. She sighs.
L: 'okay, bye.' She says before hanging up. I sigh and throw my phone beside me and close my eyes before falling asleep, dreading what will happen tomorrow.
The Next Day
Lili's POV
Today Cole was coming back after our argument. I was wrong but I was so scared I just snapped. I was tying my hair up when there was a knock on the door. I frown. It couldn't be Cole because he has keys, he took them when he got some of his stuff. I slowly open it to see Cole standing there. I frown.
L: "do you not have keys? I thought you took them?" I ask confused. He sighs.
C: "well I didn't really think it was right to let myself in. It's your apartment after all." He says shrugging. I nod.
L: "well it's ours but it doesn't matter. Come in. How are you feeling?" I ask him letting him in and walking into the living room. He sighs.
C: "not to great but I'm okay. Highly drugged so that helps." He says shrugging. I nod and sit down. He huffs and slowly sits down beside me.
L: "how's your wound?" I ask him nervously. He chuckles.
C: "it's good but it was awkward because KJ had to clean it for me. Clean it and dress it. He loved it but it was so awkward." He says chuckling. I smile and look down.
L: "how was your night at hospital?" I ask him. He sighs.
C: "well it's hospital. I didn't get much sleep but the food was surprisingly nice. The nurses were in and out every couple of hours so it was hard to actually relax but it was okay. I memorised lines so thats good I guess." He says shrugging. I nod. Silence, an awkward, tense silence. He sighs.
C: "are we going to talk or will I just stay in the spare room?" He asks me sighing. I shrug.
L: "it's up to you." I say shrugging. He nods and sits back.
C: "okay, well, I want to know what I did to you or in general to make you think I don't care and make you not care so I can fix it or apologise." He says sighing. I sigh.
L: "you didn't do or say anything." I say sighing. He frowns.
C: "then why did you say it? I would die for anyone I know and it kills me when they don't think I would, especially you because I love you the most. I love everyone on set, I love my parents and Dylan, I love all my friends and everyone I know but I love you the most. You are my best friend and for a while, the only reason why I still woke up but I needed you the most these past couple of days." He says confused. I nod.
L: "I was just so scared." I whisper. He sighs.
C: "and you don't think I was? I thought I was going to die, leave you. I was scared for you and my dad. He was in tears down the phone to me, he's thought I had died but he didn't say I didn't care about people or that he didn't care about me. Being scared isn't an excuse so what really happened? What went on in your head? What do I do that annoys you or scares you? Tell me now and we can fix it, please." He says taking a hold of my hands. I sigh and look up at him.
L: "your uncle died from a stroke because of his smoking. I know you have tried but when you stopped breathing and we had to give you CPR I thought I had lost you and then figuring out it was because of smoking made me angry and instead of talking to you I just snapped. I know you care about everyone and I care about you so much but I just hate that you smoke because I don't want to loose you young like you all lost your uncle young. I need you here with me but I can't have that if smoking kills you." I say, crying. He sighs and rubs my cheeks with his thumb. I lean against his hand.
C: "I know. I'm so sorry but I'm stopping. I haven't touched one from leaving the hospital. I have went through a lot of gum but it's better than cigarettes. I'm trying. It's not going to be easy. It's not easy." He says chuckling. I sigh and nod.
L: "can I hug you or will that hurt?" I ask him. He sighs.
C: "you can but just like, don't touch my chest." He says smiling. I nod and go over to him, hugging him but avoiding his chest. He smiles and wraps his arms around me. I sigh and rest my head on his shoulder. He kisses my head.
C: "I love you so much and I'm sorry I scared you and made you feel uncomfortable. I wish you would have felt comfortable enough to talk to me about and I'll try harder to make myself more approachable for anything else you need to talk to me about." He says sighing. I sigh and look up at him.
L: "you were approachable! It was me. I just got scared. I didn't make sense. You shouldn't be sorry, I'm sorry that I left you when you needed me the most. I'm so so sorry." I whisper the last bit, a tear falling down my cheek. He sighs and wipes it, placing a kiss on my forehead.
C: "it's okay. I'll be okay. It's not your fault and I'm sorry for having an attitude with you when I come to get my stuff but, can I say, it was a little b*tchy so I'm not taking that back but I am sorry for the attitude." He says smiling. I giggle and kiss him. He smiles and cups my cheeks. I giggle and pull away but he pulls me back. I giggle and run my hands through his hair, I go closer to him but he winces.
C: "ow ow ow, your arms are on my chest." He says stepping back. I gasp a little and step back.
L: "sh*t. I'm sorry babe. You okay?" I ask him. He nods.
C: "yah it's just stings like a b*tch." He says sighing. I nod.
L: "come talk to me whilst I unpack your stuff. You can relax on the bed." I say taking his hand and walking him into our bedroom, pulling his suitcase with us. He chuckles. I unpack his clothes and stuff before laying on bad beside him. I frown.
L: "where do I lie that I don't hurt you?" I ask him. He sighs.
C: "you can lay on my chest/shoulder but not on like the centre of my chest." He says frowning. I nod.
L: "can I see your scar?" I ask him. He nods and pulls his shirt off, showing me the line of stitches that sat apron his chest. I wince.
L: "that looks sore." I shack sighing. He nods.
C: "it is, it really is." He says sighing. I nod and he puts his shirt back on. I lay my head on his shoulder and look up at him.
L: "I love you." I say smiling. He smiles.
C: "I love you too baby." He says smiling. I nod.
L: "and I'm so glad your not smoking anymore so I can keep you till your in your 100." I say giggling. He sighs.
C: "the thing is, Dylan and I have a truce that after 89 well both die, like together." He says sighing. I sigh.
L: "I thought we were going to die together in our little armchairs?" I ask him sarcastically. He sighs.
C: "yah, I'll die with Dylan and then die with you." He says smiling. I giggle and kiss him. I sigh and rest my head on his chest.
L: "no more smoking." I whisper happily. He sighs.
C: "no more smoking."

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