To Make A Life Better Part 1

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Coles POV
I have always wanted to adopt a child, it didn't matter age, gender, weight, hight I just wanted to help a child out. Only Dylan knows this so it's one of my most kept secrets. I'm not hiding it from people I just don't talk about it.
Lili and I were sitting on the couch cuddled up watching a movie.
L: "I know in relationships your supposed to tell your partner everything but what is one of the things that only some people know? Honestly I don't think I have any? Like you know mostly everything about me. So what is it?" She asks  looking up at me. I sigh.
C: "only Dylan knows this but even if I was able to have my own biological child or children I would really like to adopt. I don't mind if it was a boy or girl or anything but I guess it's just, there biological parents couldn't care for them and they were put into a place with other children and people who are carers and not parents. I know some of the workers probably love the kids that come in but just to give one a stable family and knows that he or she will be loved. Growing up I had family, money and love but some of them kids don't have that so that has always been a dream of mine to adopt a child." I say shrugging, she smiles.
L: "you actually want to do that?" She asks shocked.
C: "yes I have even ask Dylan. It's weird but sometimes I'll go onto adoption centres websites and just look at the kids, they have pictures, genders, ages and like their personalities and other things about them. Sometimes they have different factors from there pasts too which is nice but sad at the same time. I also try to every time I'm in a new place for long enough just make a donation of money to a centre because they need it more than I do. And I suppose also if I never personally get to adopt it's something that I know I did a little bit to help." I say sighing. She strokes my cheek.
L: "I never thought or knew that mr Cole Sprouse would be such a softie. And is that who you were talking to when we were in France that time. In the hotel room your phone rang and you closed your self in the bathroom. You come back out with a giddy smile too so that explains that." She says surprised. I laugh.
C: "yah I had donated money to one is France and I remember the woman on the phone cried when I did. It's also one of the reasons I keep doing so because they are always so thankful and so sweet it makes me happy." I say interlocking my hand with hers. She smiles.
L: "do you still want to adopt?" She ask playing with my fingers.
C: "yah I do but as much as I would love too I can't because of shooting and I want to be there not late night shooting and tiring hours. If I could convince Roberto to change my hours I definitely would do it. I personally think I'm at a good age too but I'm just not working the right hours. To work week days 8:30 to 4:30 that would be perfect but when Riverdale ends it will definitely happen but unless I can get the courage to go to Rob and ask for hours changed I'll just have to wait." I say, she smiles sadly and nods turning back to watch the movie. I wasn't interested in the movie so I went onto Vancouvers Adoption Centre page and looked at some of the kids. It was one of my favourite things to do. After looking at them I look back to the movie.
Lili's POV
Seeing how important it was to Cole really made me happy. I also felt bad as I knew how much he really wanted to do this. Whilst I was watching the movie I was thinking. I'm going to go to Roberto and see if there is anyway that he can change Cole and I's hours. I'm obviously nervous but also excited. I'm hopeful because Roberto loves Cole so fingers crossed. After the movie I went and got ready for bed but whilst I was in the bathroom I called Roberto.
L: 'hey Rob!' I say happily down the phone.
R: 'hey Lili what up?' He asks confused. I sigh.
L: 'I was hoping that I could get a time to come and talk with you tomorrow. It's really important and I need you permission to do so. So if your okay with tomorrow morning before Cole comes into set because he can't know about this?" I ask nervously I hear him sigh.
R: 'sure tomorrow suites fine but please don't tell me you're leaving.' He says pleading done the phone. I laugh
L: 'no I'm most definitely not but I'll tell you tomorrow.' I say seriously he sighs.
R: 'okay well I'll see you tomorrow goodnight.' He says laughing.
L: 'goodnight.' I say before hanging up.
I finish gettting ready for bed and go back out to see Cole in our bed already asleep. His anxiety and depression weren't good so I was trying to keep him as happy as possible. I giggle lightly and kiss his cheek before joining him in deep slumber.
The next morning
I wake up to my alarm ringing through my ears. I quickly turned it off and got out of bed. I got ready and left a note for Cole and left for set. I arrived to set and went straight to Roberto's office. I knocked on the door and he let me in. We both sat down.
R: "Lili what can I do for you?" He asks tapping the pen. I breathe in.
L: "honestly I'm here for Cole. His mental health is slowly getting worse again and there is something he has always wanted to do but because of his working hours it isn't possible. He was scared to ask you because he hates letting you down but is there any possible way you could change his working hours and potentially mine? Changing Cole's is mostly because of this thing but also for his mental health." I say looking at him hopefully. He sighs. 
R: "I agree with you for his health but what hours are we talking about?" He questioned.
L: like 8:30 to 4:30 week days, no nights and not every weekend." I say having memorised his words. He smiles.
R: "are you with child?" He asks quietly. I laugh.
L: "no I'm not." I say smiling. He nods.
R: "I can make that work for Cole and yourself but why? I know his health but what else?" He asks curiously. I sigh.
L: "He told me last night that it has been a life dream to adopt a child. He wasn't able to do so with his hours so that's why they needed changed. I want it to be a surprise for everyone so can you do it?" I ask raising my eye brows. He smiles.
R: "we can but 7:30 to 4:30. No night and only weekends if we are behind. Are you going to adopt?" He asks writing down the times. I nod and smile widely.
L: "yes hopefully I'm going to phone them now and book an appointment for later to see about adoption. He says he feels ready and at a good age and I agree." I say shrugging. He smiles.
R: "yes definitely keep me posted on how it goes." I nod and thank him before walking out with a huge smile one my face. I walk to my trailer and phone Vancouver adoption centre and book an appointment. I get on with my filming feeling extremely happy.
Cole's POV
I woke up with out Lili beside me but I saw a note she left.
Morning handsome,
Sorry I couldn't wake up with you this morning at set x see you soon.
Love you
              L xx
I smile and get ready for set. I leave the apartment feeling very anxious for no reason. When I arrive at set I walk to my trailer and leave my bags down before going to the makeup trailer. I open the door to go in but it was very full and my anxiety didn't like that so I quickly closed the door and leaned against the trailer taking deep breaths. The trailer door opened and I looked to see who it was. Lili. She walks over to me and rubs my arm.
L: "hey what's up? You okay?" She asks nervously. I nod.
C: "yah I just woke up feeling really anxious for no reason that I know of so just everyone in there moving was very overwhelming. How are you?" I say kissing her head. She giggles.
L: "I'm good but you don't feel sick do you? Just anxious?" She asks. I sigh
C: "just my anxiety but I'm fine, and I will be so go back in there. I have to go to wardrobe anyway I was just coming to say hello to you." I say before kissing her. She kisses back but pulls away.
L: "okay call me if your not okay? I love you." She says kissing me. I smile into the kiss.
C: "I love you too." I say as she walks back into the trailer. We both get on with our work days and finally get to go home. When I arrive home Lili was already there and waiting. I plopped on the couch beside her.
L: "hey how you feeling?" She asks laying her head on my shoulder. I smile.
C: "better thankfully." I say happily.
L: "good because I want to go somewhere and yes you have to come." She says pulling me off the couch.
C: "okay but where." She sighs.
L: "I didn't want to tell you but you'll know the drive to it but I have an appointment well we have an appointment at Vancouver Adoption Centre so we need to go." She says pulling me out of the house. I stop. She turns around and looks at me.
L: "what?" She asks laughing.
C: "why are we going? Please don't say just to look at the kids because I have already looked at their page and I won't be able to leave that place without one." I say seriously. She sighs.
L: "then just don't. And don't refer to children as one Cole." She says pulling me out of the apartment. I sigh.
C: "sorr- wait what do you mean by just don't? As much as I would die to adopt I can't with my hours. You know that." I say walking slowly, she laughs.
L: "just come on and stop overthinking everything or we will miss our appointment." She say grabbing my hand and pulling me along. I give in and follow her. When we get to the car and she drives it was silent until she says,
L: "how are you feeling? And I know you say your okay but how are you feeling mentally? Like I just want to know because I really don't want you to slip down the not okay hole again. Just how do you feel? Do you feel good or like not so good?" She asks looking at me before looking back at the road.
C: "I feel fine like my depression isn't too bad, obviously as you know it is trying to come up but everyone is just trying to keep me happy and busy which is good because the busier the better it is but my anxiety is worse. I haven't felt like I'm going to have an attack with it but it's there. It was bad this morning but it's okay now. Just same as my depression as long as I'm kept busy during the day I'm okay. Also one of the reasons I don't like my hours because it just doesn't help the all nighters and maybe only getting a day off once every two months. I'm going to Rob tomorrow to talk about getting them cut short a bit so it can take a break. I would ask for the hours I said yesterday so I could adopt but I just don't want to let him down." I say shrugging. She nods. I sigh.
C: "obviously I wouldn't adopt unless you were okay with it cause we live together and I would want you to be a part of it all but I wouldn't do it if you didn't do it." I say nervously. She laughs.
L: "Cole stop panicking. And I would love to adopt and we will do it." She says grabbing my hand. I nod.
L: "oh and by the way I got both of our hours changed to 7:30 to 4:30 weekdays, no nights and only weekends if we are behind so you don't have to go to Roberto." She says casually. I nod but then it hits me with what she said.
C: "you actually did that. You'r not joking? You got them changed? How? When? Why?" I say happily. She laughs.
L: "I did, I'm not joking and I went this morning, Roberto agreed that it was for best for your health and also so you can do the one thing you have always wanted to do." She says smiling. I sigh contently.
C: "thank you so much! But then what is this appointment for?" I ask confused. She giggles.
L: "This appointment is to discuss adoption." She says looking at the road. I could scream I was so excited.
C: "wait seriously!" I ask excited. She nods.
L: "yes so we will probably see the kids and start the process of adoption if you agree to and they allow us too. Roberto knows and is excited but apart from that we are the only ones. If we do go through with it we will just have to clear out the spare rooms to pick a room for he or she." She says happily. I sigh.
C: "I could scream and then kiss you right now! Thank you thank you." She smiles to me and quickly pecks my lips as we were at a stop light. The rest of the journey we talked about everything.
Lili's POV
I haven't seen Cole this happy in a long time. He had a bright smile on his face and I knew I had made the right decision. When we arrived we were both nervous but also excited. We went start to reception when we went in.
(R= receptionist)
R: "good afternoon how can I help you?" She said happily. We both smile.
L: "hey we're here for an appointment under the name Reinhart?" I say nervously. She nods and types information into her computer.
R: "yep if you wait in the waiting room someone will come and see you." She says pointing to a different room.
L: "thank you." I say before going into the room. When we go into the room the walls are covered in different pictures the kids have drew or coloured. Cole was tapping his foot nervously so I placed my hand on his knee to stop him.
L: "calm down baby." I laugh looking into his eyes. He sighs.
C: "sorry it's a mixture of excitement and nerves." He says smiling. I nod and kiss him. He kisses back. We both pull away and he looks around the room.
C: "this is a very clean centre like it's very calm and welcoming. Compared to others ive been too they are nice. It's bright and colourful too. And they have a lot of kids here from there website." He says quietly. I nod and go to say something but I'm interrupted by someone coming in the door. It was a woman.
S: "hey Lili, Cole if you'll come with me I'll speak with you. I'm Sarah, Cole you've been here before haven't you?" She asked shacking our hands. Cole nods.
C: "yes I was leaving off a donation a couple of months back." He says smiling. She nods.
S: "yes I do recall that. Well if you both follow me I'll bring you to my office. We can speak about some things and then I'll show some kids if you want." She says walking away. We both nod and follow her. When we got to her office we sat down I front of her.
S: "okay so adoption. First of all why do you want to adopt?" She ask kindly.
C: "I have always wanted to adopt a child just to make a life better." He says smiling. She nods.
S: "so do you have a gender or age range you want?" She asks. Cole looks at me.
C: "for me maybe not a newborn just like between 1 and 12 ish for me but I'm not sure about you Lil's." He says shrugging. I nod
L: "yes that age is okay and gender doesn't really matter I think just if we click with one we click with him or her so we just have to wait and see." I say calmly, Cole nods and the woman smiles and writes something down. We talk about other things and then we are brought around to see the children. Some kids were in there own rooms and some where in a playroom. We went to the playroom first. We stood at the door and just looked at them all. There was a wee boy at the corner of the room by himself that Cole also noticed.
C: "who is that wee one in the corner by himself?" He asks curiously. Sarah sighs.
S: "that's Blake. He's 3 years old and very quiet. When he is around people he  knows he is a lovely wee child but he is just a shy kid. We have had other people come and try to talk to him but he doesn't." She says sadly. I smile sadly but Cole bites his lip nervously.
C: "this might be a long shot but can I try?" He asks. Sarah nods and Cole goes over to him.
Cole's POV
I'm not sure what it was in Blake but he just caught my eye. I slowly walked over to him and crouched down beside him. He looked up at me and he had beautiful blue eyes. He looked like this:

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