What Good He'd Do For Me

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⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ (I just wanted to say I'm back to school so posts will be slower!-G❤️)
Cole's POV
I work for the FBI. I didn't plan on being the top FBI agent at the age of 26 but here we are. I've seen a lot. From murders to drug dealers but the thing that hits me the hardest is abusers. If it be abusing their partners or kids. I hate it. Today we were getting a man who has been doing drugs for years. The team has never been able to get their hands on him so they called me in and we've found him. The people who lived around the house reported a lot of shouting, crying and screaming coming from his house. One neighbour said they saw two girls going into the house but they've never saw them leave. I get my team ready for our bust. We had just pulled up and the road was blocked. It was a weird house. The garden was messy and there was black blinds covering the window. I nod to the team and they try the door open. I sigh and walk up to my best friends Cami Mendes and KJ Apa. KJ is a police officer and Cami is a agent like me, we've worked together from the very beginning and I've know Cami from I was 2. KJ and Cami are dating.
C: "what the f*ck is taking them so long? It's a door." I say confused. KJ shrugs.
Ca: "they're trainees." She says shrugging. I roll my eyes and get my gun out.
C: "out of the way kids, I have plans tonight." I say walking in the middle of them. I look at the door.
C: "it's a f*cking wooden door. Unless there's the worlds strongest chain on this door it's not that hard." I say rolling my eyes. One of them nods.
T: "if it's that easy then you open it." He says annoyed. I nod and put my foot to the door, easily kicking it open. KJ whistles.
Ca: "that was hot!" She shouts sarcastically. I point my middle finger up at them before waving the trainers in and entering the house. I turn around.
C: "where are your guns?" I ask them frowning. They shrugs. I roll my eyes.
C: "get out and get agent Mendes, if you want to life today." I say rolling my eyes. They nod and Cami comes in. She smirks.
Ca: "quickie in the back room?" She asks me sarcastically. I roll my eyes.
C: "come on. I've got places to be tonight." I say walking on, creeping around corners. She hums.
Ca: "ohh. A date? If you are, please don't choose someone who can't take a f*cking joke because I'm not going to stop sarcastically flirting with you, even when I get married." She whispers shrugging. I nod.
C: "noted but no. Family reunion." I whisper sighing. She nods.
Ca: "is your weird cousin who has a crush on you going to be there?" She whisper, winking at me. I roll my eyes. We hear scrambling upstairs. I sigh.
C: "you stay down here, I'll go up." I whisper. She nods. I creep upstairs. Just as I'm about walking towards bedroom I heard someone behind me. I turn around to see him. The man we need. Neill. I sigh.
C: "put the knife down. Nobody needs stabbed or shot. My gun is much more powerful than a knife is. One shot and your dead." I say holding my gun up. He smirks.
N: "you think I'm scared? Of your little gun? You should be scared. I could slice your your neck open, leave you bleeding out, never to be seen again. No more FBI, no more twin brother, no more family reunions. I think mummy Chrissy would be sad when she finds out her baby was killed, especially when she had to fight for you from your druggy mother. I met her once, your mother, she gave me drugs. I never met someone so pretty. We got high together and then we slept together. I heard all about you. How your dad and mum got together, giving you and Dylan the family you never had. Once I kill you and your little b*tch downstairs, I'm going out and killing everyone you love, leaving your mum to watch, just like she'll watch this. Her perfect little boy getting killed. His throat slit. His blood pouring out of him, as he gasps for air, dying right in front of her." He says smirking. He brings the knife up to my cheek and cuts my cheek. I hit him around the head with my gun, knocking him to the floor. I kick his knife to the side and hand cuff him.
C: "you don't know sh*t about my family. Don't think for a second I'd let you hurt them." I say tightening the cuffs. Cami comes running up the stairs.
Ca: "Cole! OMG! Are you okay? What happened?" She asks me. I sigh.
C: "make sure he doesn't move an inch and bring him out, call for KJ." I say pointing to him. She nods. I walk around the rest of the house. When I get to one of the rooms there was a large closet. I hold my gun up, ready to shoot and slowly open the door. When I do I see two people curled up in the corner, huddled together. I sigh and drop the gun. One look around my age and the other was just a kid. I put my gun on the ground. The older one looks up at me and hugs the child closer. I sigh.
C: "hey. I'm not going to hurt you. Can you tell me your name?" I ask her. I step back and sit on the floor. She gulps.
L: "Lili." She whisper. I nod.
C: "okay Lili. My names Cole. Is this your sister or daughter?" I ask her. She sighs.
L: "my sister." She whisper. I nod.
C: "okay, can you tell me what your sister is called?" I ask her softly.
L: "Mia." She whisper. I nod.
C: "okay so. I can either get my female co-worker and she can help you both out of here or I can help you both out now." I say sighing. She sighs.
L: "where is he? Where's Neill?" She asks me worried. I sigh.
C: "he's gone. We've got him. He can't hurt you. Who is Neill to you?" I ask her. She sighs.
L: "he's our dad." She says looking around the room. I nod.
C: "okay. So. How about I get my co-worker and we get you two out of here?" I ask her. She shacks her head.
L: "can you stay?" She asks me. I nod.
C: "of course I can. Is there anything you need to take with you?" I ask her. She nods.
L: "some clothes and her bunny." She says. I nod.
C: "okay well. I can step out of the room if you want and you can pack up a bag for the both of you and then we can go down." I say standing up. She nods.
L: "stay in the room?" She asks me. I nod.
C: "I'll stand right at the door. I need to check on something quickly but I'll be back up." I say smiling. She nods. I nod and shot her a smile before grabbing my gun and running downstairs. Cami gasps.
Ca: "Cole! Your cheek! Are you okay?!" She asks me, running a tissue across my cut. I wince and dodge it. I sigh.
C: "there are two girls up there. One looks about our age, the other looks about 5. They are petrified. Lili and Mia. They are packing a bag. I have to go back up. Get their guns away and half of these people. Make sure he is out of all of our sight before I beat the living breathe out of him. He has a recording of the conversation we had, get it off him." I say before walking away. I go back upstairs. Lili and Mia were zipping up there bags. I knock on the door.
C: "hey. You guys ready to go?" I ask them smiling. They nod.
M: "what's going to happen to us?" She asks me nervously. I sigh.
C: "well, now you and Lili are going to go in a police car with my friends Cami and KJ. They are going to take you to the police office for a little while. They is going to be somebody who will meet you there and she'll be there to figure out where you'll go to stay for a while. Then me and Cami are going to talk to you about what went on here but if you aren't ready to talk yet that's okay, we can come back another day. After that, you and Lili will go to a families house for a couple of nights. They will be your foster parents." I say sighing. She nods.
M: "are we in trouble? Are we safe? Are you a good guy? Is Cami a good girl?" She asks me. She had big green eyes. I sigh.
C: "your not in trouble. Everyone your going to see is super good and super safe. Your super safe. Have you ever been in a police car before?" I ask her smiling. She shacks her head. I sigh.
C: "well, in the police car you'll be in today, there is a bunch of treats and drinks." I say smiling. She smiles.
M: "really?! Is there chocolate?" She asks me happily. I nod.
C: "there is and there's some gummy bears too." I say chuckling. She laughs.
M: "come on Lili! We have to go! There's treats!" She says tugging Lili's arm. She smiles. I sigh.
C: "I have to ask before we go though. Are either of you hurt?" I ask them concerned. Mia sighs.
M: "I have a scratch on my foot." She says taking her shoe off and pointing to a cut on her foot. I nod. Lili sighs and pulls her trouser leg up. I see a bandage on her leg but blood was seeping through it. I nod.
C: "okay, so. Your going to have to make on stop first." I say sighing. They nod. Lili frowns.
L: "you have blood dripping down your cheek." She says to me smiling. I nod.
C: "I know. I'm going to have to visit the hospital too." I say wiping my cheek. She nods. I sigh.
C: "have you ever been to the hospital?" I ask Mia. She shacks her head. I sigh.
C: "how do you feel about going?" I ask her. She sighs.
M: "scared. Will they hurt me?" She asks me. I shack my head.
C: "no. Definitely not. Our doctors are like superheroes. You know how a superhero fixes things and makes things better?" I ask her. She nods.
C: "well, the doctors are like superheroes because they help people and make things better. They'll make my cheek better, they'll make your foot better and they'll make Lili's leg better." I say smiling. She smiles.
M: "that's good." She says smiling. I nod.
C: "you ready to go?" I ask Lili. She nods slowly. I nod.
C: "okay then. Give me your bags, I'll carry them. They will have to be checked. KJ will check them. It's stupid but we don't know what in the bags." I say sighing. She nods and passes me the bags. I smile and we go downstairs. Mia hides behind Lili and we go outside. Cami looks at me and shacks her head. She comes over and wipes my cheek.
Ca: "you've got blood on your shirt." She says sighing. I roll my eyes.
C: "f*ck off. Your acting like my mum did when I had that fight with Marcus in 6th grade." I say chuckling. I clear my throat.
C: "Cami, KJ this is Lili and Mia. Lili, Mia, this is Cami and KJ. KJ is he police officer who will be taking care of you along side Cami and I." I say smiling. They nod.
M: "is he the one who has the sweets in the car?" She asks me smiling. I nod. KJ sighs.
KJ: "you told her about my junk food stash?!" He asks me. I nod.
C: "of course I did." I say chuckling.
KJ: "Cole!" He says annoyed. Mia laughs. Cami pouts.
Ca: "you are so cute!" She says happily. She sighs and looks at KJ.
Ca: "can we have a kid?" She asks him smiling. I frown.
C: "can you two do your jobs and have this conversation when your at home, not at my house or anywhere else but home." I say shrugging. She nods.
Ca: "yes sorry. KJ check the bags, kiddo and older girl come with me." She says seriously. I roll my eyes.
C: "don't be a b*tch cami. They have names or I'll start referring to your as tiny again." I say seriously. She rolls her eyes.
Ca: "d*ck. Anyway, Lili, Mia come with me and we'll get some snacks. Can I ask what ages are you?" She asks. Lili sighs.
L: "I'm 26 and she's 6." She says sighing. She nods.
Ca: "okay then." She says smiling before walking away. The girls follow me and KJ and I go through the bags. He frowns.
KJ: "what's that?" He asks me. I chuckle and shove his hand back into the bag.
C: "it's a tampon, have you never seen one?" I ask him. He nods.
KJ: "oh yah, why would a 6 year old need a tampon?" He asks me confused. I sigh.
C: "they could be for her sister. They're woman, it happens." I say shrugging. He nods.
KJ: "that's for the period talk." He says winking at me. I chuckle and roll my eyes. Everything else was fine so he takes the bags and I drive behind the between two other police cars. When I get into my car I look at my cut in the mirror. It was long. I huff and grab a tissue to apply pressure on it before driving to the hospital. When I get there I grab my badge and go over to KJ.
C: "this is bad." I say pointing to my cheek. He nods.
KJ: "why do you think Cami was so worried? I'm shocked you haven't bled to death. You'll probably need stitches." He said shrigging. I nod.
C: "not my first time. Right we need to get going. I clock off in 4 hours. I have to be out of all gear and back home for 6.30. Will it be possible? Probably not so unless somebody has died quicken it up." I say seriously. He nods and the girls get out. I nod and go into the hospital. I go up to the receptionist.
R: "hello, how can I help you today?" She asks me smiling. I sigh.
C: "I need help with this, then there's two others. One has a wound on her leg and the other one on her foot." I say smiling. She nods.
R: "there is a 4 hour wait time." She says sighing. I nod and show her my FBI badge.
C: "I don't think that will be a problem." I say smiling. She nods. I nod. She goes and gets two nurses. I sigh.
C: "so the little kid has a cut on her foot, her sister has a gash on her leg and well, obviously my cheek." I say shrugging. They nod.
Nurse: "okay, cubical 4, 6 and 10 and free. If you all come over." She says pointing to the cubicles. I nod and go over to the girls.
C: "okay, either one of you can go into cubical 4 and 6. Cami, can you stay with Mia? KJ I need to you to ring your boss and tell him to get someone from socials ready." I say sighing. He nods. Cami sighs.
Ca: "okay little one. Let's go. Bring your chocolate with you." She says smiling. Mia nods and walks with cami to her cubicle. Lili follows and goes to her cubicle. I go to mine and get 6 stitches in my cheek. After I'm done I go and see Lili because I knew Cami had Mia covered. I sigh.
C: "how are you feeling?" I ask her smiling. She shrugs.
L: "I don't know." She says. I nod.
C: "that's understandable." I say sighing.
C: "how did that happen?" I ask referring to her leg. She gulps.
L: "he threw a vase at us when he was running. I got in front of Mia so it's didn't hit her worse. She was bare foot so obviously that's where her cut come from. What did he do to you? Are you okay?" She asks me worried. I smile.
C: "don't worry about me. I'm fine. He just cut me with a knife he had. I've been shot before so a scrape is nothing." I say shrugging. She nods.
L: "how long have you been working for the FBI for?" She asks me. I sigh.
C: "3 years now." I say sighing. She frowns.
L: "but are you not like, top FBI agent?" She asks me confused. I nod.
C: "I am." I say chuckling. She frowns.
L: "but only 3 years? It took me 3 years to talk." She says giggling. I smile.
C: "I rose quickly. I don't really know how seeing I didn't want to be an FBI agent until I started the course but anyway. Is there anyone I can contact for you and Mia who can meet us at the police station? It would be better if there is but if not it's no problem." I ask shrugging. She sighs.
L: "no there's no one. Well, I guess Mias teacher. She's always concerned about Mia but my dad would always act kind when she comes around or something. She doesn't know but I guess we could tell her." She Susa shrugging. I nod.
C: "sure. Do you know her phone number?" I ask her. She shacks her head. I nod.
C: "okay well, do you know her full name?" I ask her. She nods.
L: "yah, em, Nichole Newman." She says sighing. I raise my eyebrows.
C: "that's my cousin. Well I have her number then." I say shrugging. She frowns.
L: "she's your cousin?!" She asks shocked. I nod.
C: "yah she's 24. We used to be close until well she developed a crush on me 5 years ago so it's a little weird but we're cousins in the end of it. I'll actually be seeing her tonight, family reunion." I say chuckling. She frowns.
L: "she had a crush on you?" She asks me shocked. I nod.
C: "yah. She tried to kiss me when I was 21, on my 21st birthday actually. It was weird. Anyways, I'll give her a call and I can see if she can meet you at the police station or at least come for a while. She hates missing family reunions. I hate them but I love my family so I go." I say chuckling. She nods.
L: "yah well, it could probably being overwhelming." She say shrugging. I nod.
C: "well okay, less about me. I take it your on crutches?" I ask her. She nods and looks at the crutches. I nod.
C: "okay well. You can go, I'll go check on your sister and see how that goes." I ask her. She nods.
L: "can I come? I'm ready to go and I want to see her." She asks nervously. I nod.
C: "of course you can. I think she's fine anyway, I heard the laughing so I guess Cami's keeping her amused." I say chuckling. She nods.
L: "she's warmed up to you all very quickly. Normally it takes her a while to speak to people." She says shocked. I shrug.
C: "we're just special. I think the fact that we have guns and food makes any child easier for us." I say shrugging. She giggles and stands up. I shoot her a smile before walking with her to Mia. When she sees Lili she smiles.
M: "Lili look! I got a pink plaster!" She says holding her foot up. Lili giggles.
L: "it's so pretty! You ready to go? Cole's going to call Nichole to see if she can come." She says smiling. Mia nods and Cami helps her off the bed. We all drove to the police station. When we all go in we meet the social worker who was another one of our friends. I smile.
C: "Lain! Long time no see. Where the hell have you been?" I ask her. She sighs.
Mads: "well I was in South Africa with family and helping some less fortunate families. What happened to your face?" She asks me worried. I sigh.
C: "I got sliced with a knife. Anyway, Lain this is Lili and Mia, Lili and Mia, this is Madeleine, Mia's social worker." I say smiling. They nod and shack Mads hand. Lili frowns.
L: "why do you call her that?" She asks me frowning. Mads sighs.
Mads: "my parents are hippies and my wanted to call me Lain, my mum said no thank the lord so I go 'Madeleine'. Cole found that out and started calling me 'Lain'." She says shrugging. I nod. She nods.
L: "you guys are weird." She says frowning. I shrug.
C: "it's good to be weird. Now, Mads will sit with Mia whilst we ask her some questions. Obviously Lili your older than 18 so you don't have a social worker." I say shrugging. She nods. I nod.
C: "okay, so if Mia, you could go with Mads, Lili you come with me, we'll get this show on the road." I say huffing. They nod and say goodbye before following us. Lili sighs.
L: "what will happen to Mia?" She asks me worried. I sigh.
C: "well, tonight she'll go to a foster home where she'll be kept until either they can't, they adopt her or sometimes we have to remove the child from the foster home because the parent and child just aren't suit. If we can't get a foster home, she'll stay with one of the adoption people or someone who knows her." I say sighing. She nods.
L: "and what about me?" She asks me sadly. I sigh.
C: "because your 26, legally you are an adult so you don't get a social worker. You have to sort yourself out. I know you'd probably go back to your house but you can't because we will have to investigate it and all. In the long run, I'm not sure." I say sadly. She nods. Cami walks in.
Ca: "can I talk to you outside!" She asks me smiling. I nod.
C: "do you I need anything? A water?" I ask Lili. She nods. I nod and shoot her a smile. When I'm out with Cami she sighs.
Ca: "okay so, there is no foster home, their all full. There's no where for Mia to go." She asks crossing her arms. I huff.
C: "this situation could not get any worse. Is there nobody?" I ask her. She shacks her head. I sigh.
C: "so Lili will have to go to a hotel and if not the streets and Mia here." I say sighing. She sighs.
Ca: "I could take them? Mads knows what my living situation is. I have spare rooms. I'm off the rest of the week and next week. They could stay if they felt okay with. Lili can stay till she needs too." She says shrugging. I nod.
C: "yah. That would sort a lot of problems. What about KJ?" I ask her. She sighs.
Ca: "he's a 26 year old police officer, if he's annoyed by two more people then I better break up with him." She says giggling. I chuckle and nod.
C: "okay perfect! Ask Mads, see what she says, if good come let me know. I'll ask Lili some questions." I say sighing. She nods and walks away. I grab Lili a water before going back into the room. She frowns.
L: "what's wrong? Is everything okay? Is Mia okay?" She asks me nervously. I sigh.
C: "no she's good. Everything okay. We just have to get some stuff figured out. So I'm going to be recording this conversation." I say turning on the recording. She nods.
C: "okay, so, can you please state your full name, age, date of birth and relation to Neill Reinhart?" I ask her. She sighs.
L: "Lili Reinhart, I'm 26, I was born on September 13th 1995 and I am his biological daughter." She says sighing. I nod.
C: "okay, so how did he treat you and your sister when he was home?" I ask her. She sighs and looks down.
L: "he was abusive. He would hit us or pull our hair. He would be mentally abusive. He would call us accidents and told me if I ever tired to tell someone what he was doing or tried to leave he would kill me. He-" She says but stops because she was crying. I hand her a box of tissues.
C: "it's okay, take your time." I say softly. She nods.
L: "he killed our mum, she's buried in the back garden." She says letting out a sob. I nod.
C: "I'm so sorry. So you knew he was doing drugs?" I ask her. She nods.
L: "he would have his dealer around and he was called Caleb. He would come around once a week. He also had a lot of woman around. He always had a woman called Melanie around. She had like really green eyes and dirty blonde hair. She would get high with him or they'd sleep together" She says sighing. I nod.
C: "that's it. Thank you." I say before shutting the recording off. She nods. I sigh.
C: "you don't have to answer this but are you and Mia fully biological sisters? Is your mum also her mum?" I ask her. She nods.
L: "yah why?" She asks me frowning. I sigh.
C: "okay. No it's nothing. I just wanted to know incase we had to contact a biological mother. I'm going to go and file this and get a team out to your house. If we do find a body of your mum then most likely, he'll go to court for murder if we get proof. I'll get Mrs Wright in and we can question her." I say sighing. Lili frowns.
L: "I only told you her first name? I never knew her sure name. Do you know her?" She asks me. I sigh and run my hand through my hair.
C: "yah I do but we haven't spoken in over 20 years." I say shrugging. She nods.
L: "how? If she was a druggie and your on the right side of the law why have you don't done something another her?" She asks me confused. I sigh.
C: "today isn't about me. I have to focus on this case and go. You already know far too much about me. I'll go file this and we'll go from there." I say sighing. She nods. I nod and walk out of the room. I fill the report. Cami comes out.
Ca: "so Mads said they can stay with me. Well, if Lili wants too. I'm taking temporary legal parent." She says smiling. I nod.
C: "that's great." I say not looking up at her. I sigh and write an address and name down.
C: "send KJ down there and get him to bring her up here. She's involved in the Reinharts case." I say sighing. She frowns.
Ca: "Melanie Wright? Is she not your mum?" She asks me frowning. I nod.
C: "sadly yes." I say rolling me eyes. She sighs.
Ca: "you'll probably end up moving case then." She says sighing. I shrug.
C: "hopefully not. Haven't spoken to the woman in 20 years, not like we're best friends." I say shrugging. She nods.
Ca: "yah. That argument, you were 6 then right?" She asks me. I nod.
C: "mhm." I say huffing. She nods.
C: "don't tell my boos. I'm fine with this case. They are wounds that have healed over many times." I say seriously. She nods.
Ca: "yah that's fine. Are you okay?" She asks me. I nod.
C: "I'm fine. It's not like she's my mum. Chrissy is my mum, she just f*cking birth to me." I say rolling my eyes. She sighs.
Ca: "don't take your anger of on us. Okay. Them girls are scared enough, especially of men so stay calm. You know this." She says tilting her head to the side. I sigh.
C: "you need to stop doing that." I say sighing. She frowns.
Ca: "stop doing what?" She asks me confused. I sigh.
C: "you tilt your head to the side all the time. The sentence you say will still be as serious as it would be if you didn't tilt your head." I say chuckling. She rolls her eyes.
Ca: "shut up and get back to work. What happened to them?" She asks me. I sigh.
C: "abuse." I say sighing. She nods and walks on. I roll my eyes, chuckling and I walk about into the room. I sigh.
C: "okay so, there is no foster room left but Cami has checked with Mads and she is keeping Mia till there is. She also said if you wanted to stay with her you could so it's up to you on that one. Your good to go now but you may be called in again." I say smiling. She nods.
L: "if I could stay with Cami that would be great. I don't really have anywhere else." She says softly. I nod. I sigh.
C: "I'll be about for a while longer but if I don't see you I hope things get better for you and I'll see you at some point." I say shooting her a small smile. She frowns.
L: "what's wrong?" She asks me frowning. I frown.
C: "what? Nothing? Well obviously a lot in this world but nothing. Why?" I ask her confused. She sighs.
L: "your smile doesn't reach your eyes. It did then after I told you it doesn't." She says frowning. She sighs.
L: "do you know more about Melanie than your telling me?" She asks me frowning. I sigh.
C: "yes but I really have to go." I say opening the door. She huffs.
L: "what do you know though? Why are you not telling me?" She asks me. I huff.
C: "she's my biological mother, okay? Does that answer your question. I was 6 the last time I spoke to her and it wasn't nice. It's done now and I'm not in her life. I have a mum and everything's great now I really have to get back to work." I say sighing. She nods and walks out of the room. I nod.
C: "I'll see you around." I say before walking away. I go to my office and do everything I need to do. Cami comes in.
Ca: "your mother is here." She says sighing. I nod.
C: "cool." I say sighing. She frowns.
Ca: "she's here to be questioned, you do the questioning." She says nodding. I nod.
C: "no f*cking sh*t Sherlock! Jesus! I'm not going anywhere near her. You also do the questions. I have sh*t to do and I have to leave in 30 minutes. I have 4 phone calls to make and 2 reports to right and I need to make a report of what happened today and my injury. It takes 20 mintiest to question her, that leaves me 10 minutes, might I add I need to go and see my boss. I have sh*t to do some get someone else to go. Not me." I say sighing. She crosses her arms.
Ca: "calm your f*cking self down. I understand and I will do it but I don't really care what sh*t you have to do. I'm taking care of another life now, I need to leave soon too. I'll do it, I don't mind. She knows who I am, she knows you work here. Don't take your anger out on me. I don't give a sh*t about your sh*t Cole. You have been to a person for your anger issues so what ever you have learned use it and stop being a d*ck." She says before walking out, slamming my door. I groan and run my hands through my hair. I huff and text my dad telling him I can't attend the family reunion because I have to work. I work for hours. All through the night to get my stuff done. It was 9am the next morning and Cami walks in. I frown.
C: "I thought you weren't working today?" I ask her confused. She sighs.
Ca: "Mia left her jacket here yesterday, I had to come pick it up. What time have you been here from?" She asks me. I sigh.
C: "I haven't been home. I need to get my 'sh*t' done." I say sighing. She sighs.
Ca: "you should probably go home." She says shrugging. I nod.
C: "probably. I need to prepare myself for a grilling from my dad and Dylan for not going to the family reunion." I say sighing. She nods.
Ca: "well enjoy." She says giggling. I nod.
C: "how have Lili and Mia been?" I ask her. She sighs.
Ca: "Lili's good, Mia slept with KJ and I last night after a nightmare. She said because she knew KJ had a gun she felt safe." She said shrugging. I nod.
C: "that's good I guess." I say shrugging. She nods.
Ca: "you still coming around later? Weekly dinner?" She asks me. I shack my head.
C: "no, not this week." I say sighing. She frowns.
Ca: "is it because of what happened yesterday?" She asks me. I shack my head.
C: "no! Not at all! It's just I'll probably be sleeping and Mia and Lili have just moved in so I'll give you all some space." I say shrugging. She nods.
Ca: "I'm sorry about yesterday. I do care about your sh*t and I'm sorry for snapping." She Susa sighing. I frown.
C: "did you just apologise to me?!" I ask her shocked. She giggles.
Ca: "don't! Just accept it and get on with your day." She says sighing. I roll my eyes.
C: "wow! This is like the first time you've ever apologised to me! And it's good. I can't believe you just apologised." I say shocked. She rolls her eyes.
Ca: "shut up! Right I have to get going. I told Mia I'd take her to the play park. Lili's thinking about going to college and getting a part time job." She says sighing. I nod.
C: "my mums looking for a receptionist for her beauty place. All she'd need to do is like book appointments and stuff. It pays well apparently." I say shrugging. She nods.
Ca: "I'll let her now." She says smiling. I nod. She goes to walk out but stops and turns around to grab Mia's jacket. I chuckle and roll my eyes. She huffs and walks out, with the jacket. I chuckle and getting back to work. I get an email that they found a body in the garden. I huff and call Cami to bring Lili to the station. 30 minutes later she comes in. She knocks on the door before stepping in.
L: "hey. You needed to see me?" She asks me. I nod.
C: "yah, you can sit." I say sighing. She frowns.
L: "we're you not wearing that yesterday?" She asks me sitting down. I sigh.
C: "I haven't been home, anyway, as you know, there was a team sent out yesterday to your garden at your house. They were looking for the remains you claimed to be there. They have been digging all night and they found a body. They, from what was left of it, confirmed it was your mum." I say sadly. She nods and looks down.
L: "is there any proof he killed her?" She asks me. I nod.
C: "yes. They found a knife and clothes in with the body. They match the DNA of your father." I say sighing. She nods.
L: "that's good I guess." She whispers. I nod.
C: "so, he has been charged for murder and abuse. He will be kept in jail and in about a months time he will go to court where you will have to speak, and potentially Mia but it depends. He will be either casted guilty or not guilty and if seen guilty, he'll be given so many years in jail." I say sighing. She nods.
L: "and if he doesn't get guilty? What happens to us?" She asks me nervously. I sigh.
C: "well, he'll be free again. Obviously Mia will stay under Cami's care because she is her legal guardian and as for you well, it's really up to you. KJ and Cami are on the good side so it's not like your going unprotected. You could put a restraining order against him but I'd say there's a higher chance of him getting locked up than there is him getting free." I say sighing. She nods.
L: and it was definitely my mum?" She asks me biting her lip nervously. I nod.
C: "yah, I'm so sorry." I say softly. She just nods. I sigh. We sit and chat for a while longer, Lili was asking a bunch of question which I gladly answered. She was so beautiful, I had to stop myself from staring. She smile was gorgeous, god and her laugh. She was just overall, stunning. I was start struck.
Lili's POV
I had just left Cole's office. I was so heart broken. Everything seemed to be going awfully. I get into Cami's car and I just breakdown into tears. She gasps.
Ca: "Lil's! Gosh. What happened?" She asks me rubbing my back. I sigh.
L: "the found my mums body. My dad killed her, I watched him bury it." I say between sobs. She gasps again and wraps her arms around me the best she could. I cry into her shoulder for about 20 minutes before I calm down and go home. KJ had took Mia to the park so when I got home I just went straight to my room. I lay on my bed and think about everything, my dad, my mum, Mia, Cami and KJ, this whole situation, Cole. There was just something about him. His beautiful face or his hair. I just wanted to run my fingers through it. I couldn't get him out of my head. It's the fact that he could make me smile, even after just finding out about my mum. It amazed me, he amazed me. He was just amazing.
Ca: "who are you thinking about?" She asks me, scaring me. I jump on but my hand on my heart.
L: "god! Cami! Give me a warning." I say shocked. She giggles and comes over and sits beside me on the bed.
Ca: "so who's the lucky boy or girl you're thinking about?" She asks me. I sigh.
L: "it was nobody." I say shrugging. She frowns.
Ca: "nobody sits with that expression on their face, come on! Spill! I won't tell, u less it's KJ because he's mine." She Susa seriously. I giggle and roll my eyes.
L: "you can't tell him because he bound to have a girlfriend but it's Cole." I say sighing. She gasps.
Ca: "OMG! Really?!" She asks me shocked. I nod.
L: "yah, he's just so cute and hot and kind and gorgeous, and his hair!" I say smiling. She giggles.
Ca: "lucky for you he doesn't have a girlfriend. Oh and, he doesn't like being touched." She says sighing. I frown.
L: "what? What do you mean? Why?" I ask her confused. She sighs.
Ca: "when he was 6 his parents went through a really bad divorce and for the first 6 years of his life he was only touched if it was to be shoved or pushed. The only person who was kind when they touched him was me and his twin brother Dylan. Then his bio mum p*sped off and his dad met his mum, Chrissy, she is his mum. They all call her mum, I call her mum. From then really he just doesn't like being touched. Like he will rarely hug his family. I haven't hugged him in years. Obviously he gets touched, he works with the FBI but he chooses who he touches and when so if you ever get touched by him your special. He's very, I don't know, he doesn't share a lot. Like he will never tell someone how he feels and he has anger issues. He would never hurt someone but if things get too much or he gets too overwhelmed he will snap. He's on,y ever had one girlfriend and she broke up with him over text, that was in high school, he's been to work focused. He honestly is the sweetest and most respectful person you will ever meet though." She says sighing. I nod.
L: "when did you two meet?" I ask her smiling. She smiles.
Ca: "we met when we were 2 and have been inseparable since, well till now. We went to school together and were in classes all of our school time. Obviously we work together now. Then in training we met KJ and on our first day working we met Mads so we all become close. Nothing romantic has ever come form Cole and I, we did kiss when we were 3 but that didn't mean anything. I developed a huge crush on KJ almost automatically." She say smiling. I nod.
L: "yah you guys are really cute together." I say happily. She nods.
Ca: "anyway, what are you going to do about your little crush on Cole?" She asks me smiling. I sigh.
L: "nothing. I don't want to make things weird. I hardly know him. It's just weird." I say shrugging. She nods.
Ca: "I have a feeling he likes you too though." She says shrugging. I frown.
L: "how do you know? He doesn't really show emotion tough." I say confused. She sighs.
Ca: "I don't know, he just, he looks at you like your the most gorgeous person he's seen. He looks at you like he admires you. There's only one other thing he looked at like that and that was his dog he had went he was growing up." She say smiling. I nod.
L: "if he does that would be great but if not that fine. It's just a gorgeous but he's just so gorgeous! And with the cut in his face! So f* king hot!" I say amazed. She giggles.
Ca: "calm down, he's nice looking but he's not that bad." She says giggling. I sigh.
L: "obviously you'd say that, you wouldn't date him but I would and I see it." I say shrugging. She nods.
Ca: "we have to do something, set you two up or something." She say happily. I sigh.
L: "you can't, I probably won't see him till my dads court case so there's no point." I say sadly. She frowns.
Ca: "you will! He comes around here every Wednesday for food. It's been a weekly thing for years." She says smiling. I get really excited.
L: "is he coming around tonight?" I ask her excited. She sighs.
Ca: "no not tonight. He has some stuff to sort out and he needs to sleep. He didn't go home last night, to busy working." She says sighing. I nod sadly.
L: "is it cause we're here?" I ask her. She sighs.
Ca: "he did say about you guys being here but it was just to let you all settle in. He knows it wouldn't be easy. And Cole normally pulls away from people if things get too much, he just like goes into his shell." She says sighing. I nod.
L: "and do you guys like? Let him do that?" I ask her frowning. She sighs.
Ca: "there's only so much we can push him so normally yes. It's him, he snaps if you try to get personal. Cole, he has been a rock for everyone but he won't tell anyone how he's feeling. You ask him and he'll say fine or okay but he'll never tell you more. If he's down he'll never tell you why. He suffers in silence." She says shrugging. I nod.
L: "that's sad, really sad." I say sadly. She shrugs.
Ca: "that's Cole. His brother is completely different, Dylan is an open book but Cole just doesn't. Dylan has a girlfriend and they've been together for years now so he has someone he can open up to and he is connected to her but Cole doesn't have that. Frowning up they didn't have it. They lacked all love on a emotional level." She says sighing. I nod.
L: "a little like myself then." I say sighing. She nods.
Ca: "on that note, would you feel comfortable with going to a therapist? I would pay for it until you can and obviously Mia would go." She asks me. I nod.
L: "yah I think I need it." I say sighing. She nods.
Ca: "also, Cole was saying this morning, his mum owns and works in a beauty place and she's looking for a receptionist. All you'd have to do is like book appointments and stuff. She pays well apparently and she is so nice." She says shrugging. I nod.
L: "could you get me in contact with her?" I ask her smiling. She nods.
Ca: "of course! I have her business card you can give her a call." She says smiling. I nod. I call the company the next day and I get an interview the next day. I felt good about it, I think I did well and they didn't mind that I didn't have much of an education, as long as I could do the basics. That evening I get a call from Chrissy telling me I got the job. I was so happy and proud! I got a job that was fun and it payed well.
A couple weeks later
I went to my first therapy session. I was nervous but it was okay, mentally draining. I cried a lot and had an anxiety attack but the therapist said it was good. KJ and Cami got Mia a bunch of new clothes and toys, me too. It was great, they were great. Everything was starting to get better. I was fully happy for the first time. Cami would stay with me some night, I get bad nightmares about my dad. She's amazing. Mia stays with KJ if she has a night mare because he makes her feel safe. She loves him, I've never seen her this happy. As for Cole, I haven't seen him since. Cami and KJ have obviously but I haven't. It was a Thursday night and Cami, KJ and I were sitting on the couch watching TV when there was a thumb against the door. We all jump from the shock and our heads shoot to the door. I frown.
L: "what was that?" I ask nervously. KJ shrugs.
KJ: "I'm not sure, it was probably just a bird." He says standing up. Cami gasps.
Ca: "don't go and look!" She says also standing up. KJ sighs and grabs his gun walking towards the door. I frown and watch carefully. He looks around the window beside the door.
KJ: "what the f*ck." He whispers confused. He opens the door.
Ca: "don- Cole?!" She asks shocked. I frown and stand up, going over to them. There I see Cole, laying against the wall, covered in blood. KJ sighs and turns on the light.
KJ: "if this is a prank I swear to god." He mumbles squatting down to Cole. He groans.
C: "not a joke." He mumbles before groaning. KJ sighs.
KJ: "what the f*ck happened?" He asks lifting Cole's head, his stitches had been ripped out of his face, his nose was bleeding and he had a busted lip. I gasp.
L: "I'll grab the first aid kit." I say before going and getting the kit. Cami gulps.
Ca: "being him in, put him and the kitchen table." She says pulling the door open. KJ nods and helps him walk into the kitchen. He was beat up badly. I huff and soak a cotton pad.
L: "this will sting." I warm before holding it on his cheek. He winces and squeezes his eyes shut. I sigh.
L: "sorry." I whisper. KJ sighs.
KJ: "what the hell happened? Who did this?" He asks him worried. I sigh.
L: "leave the interrogations for later, let him breathe for a minute." I say sighing. He nods. After we get his face cleaned up, we do his arms. I sigh.
L: "could you em, lift your shirt up?" I ask him. He nods and tired to but it's too sore. KJ sighs sadly and pulls it off for him. I see all his cuts but also his abs and chest. I was completely and utterly amazed. He groans.
C: "stare later, get the stinging over with please." He says sighing. I nod.
L: "yah sorry. They're bad." I say doing the same I did to his face, to his chest. Finally, 30 minutes later we were done. Cami got him some water and pain killers. He sighs.
C: "sorry to disturb you all." He says trying to rub his eyes without hurting himself. Cami sighs.
Ca: "no I'm glad you did! Don't worry about it at all." She says rubbing his shoulder. He nods.
C: "kage could you give me a ride home?" He asks him. KJ shacks his head.
KJ: "no okay! Your staying here! What if you like bleed out?" He asks nervously. Cole attempts to chuckle but it doesn't work. He just ends up coughing. He sighs.
C: "sorry and no, I want to go home. I need to get home." He says standing up. Cami rolls her eyes and pushed him back down.
C: "rude." He mumbles sighing. I giggle a little. He sighs.
C: "I don't wanna be held captive, okay. I am fine. I only come here in the first place because I needed your help with the wounds but the wounds are fine, I am fine, so please let me go so I can sleep." He says annoyed. Cami shacks her head.
Ca: "no! Your staying here. We have no spare rooms but the couch is comfortable so I'll but a sheet down and your staying here." She says seriously. Cole groans and rolls his eyes.
C: "I could go to my parents house. There you go, boom!" He says huffing. Cami rolls her eyes.
Ca: "don't be a d*ck! Your staying here, end of. I know when we drop you off you'll go home, I'm not an idiot." She says seriously. He groans.
C: "you can't hold me here, American is a free country, I'm a free man. The only thing that ties me down is my job." He says shrugging. She sighs.
Ca: "I don't give a sh*t. You could be the f*cking president and I'd still make you stay. Don't be a little b*tch Cole, I thought you grew out of that faze years ago." She says sighing. Cole rolls his eyes.
C: "I was being bullied Cam, that'd not the easiest thing to come form so if I did say yes to earthing possible for a couple of years that's fine." He says sighing. She nods.
Ca: "yah well, you were like, a little nerd. You were cute though, in your own way." She says giggling. He huffs.
C: "don't call me cute, I'm not cute. Only time I was cute was when I was 2 with a bowl cute." He says smiling. I giggle.
L: "a bowl cut?" I ask him confused. He nods.
C: "yah, my mum cut my hair. It looked like she had put a bowl on my head and then just cut around it." He says, letting out a sore chuckle. He winces and coughs. I sigh.
L: "you okay?" I ask him. He nods.
C: "yah I'm fine. Just, can't really laugh." He say smiling. I nod.
L: "you think you should go to the hospital?" I ask him worried. He shacks his head.
C: "no I'm fine. Thanks by the way." He says. I nod.
L: "of course, you can actually thank you mum, first aid training." I say giggling. He nods.
C: "how's that going? She seems to be fond of you. She hasn't shut up about you from you started." He says smiling. I giggle.
L: "it's great! I love it. There all so nice and it's so easy and laidback." I say happily. He nods.
C: "it's a very therapeutic place." He says nodding. I frown.
L: "you've been?" I ask him. He nods.
C: "my mum made Dylan and I go and get facials. This is going back a while ago and I've been in to see mum and stuff." He says shrugging. I nod. Mia comes down.
M: "oh no! What happened?!" She asks worried. She slowly comes over and hides behind KJ's legs. KJ sighs.
KJ: "don't worry, your okay. Cole just got a little hurt." He says rubbing her back. She nods.
M: "that's not a little hurt. Are you okay?" She asks him worried. He nods.
C: "I'm fine. I'm all good. Lili helped me so I'm okay." He says smiling. She nods.
M: "can you come tuck me back in bed?" She asks KJ. He nods and grabs her hand.
M: "goodnight Cole." She says, going back up the stairs. He smiles.
C: "night Mia." He says sighing. Cami sighs.
Ca: "rights, I'm going to bed myself. There's a pillow and stuff there. You know where the other blankets are if you need anything. I'll see you all in the morning." She says smiling before going back up the stairs.
C: "night, thanks Cam." He says smiling. She nods.
Ca: "no problem. Goodnight." She says before going into her room. I nod.
L: "well I guess I'll get too bed too then." I say sighing. He nods.
C: "thanks again." He says sighing. I nod.
L: "of course. Let me know if you need anymore help." I say reaching over beside him to grab my phone. We were very close, like, very close. I clear my throat.
L: "goodnight then." I say shooting him a smile and going up the stairs. I hear a faint goodnight mumbled. I get changed because I had blood on my original pyjamas and get into bed. I was exhausted but I just couldn't sleep. The boy downstairs was playing on my mind. After laying in bed for an hour or two I decided to go down and get a drink of milk to hopefully help me fall asleep. When I go into the kitchen a see Cole at the counter, also getting a drink. When he turns around he jumps a little but sighs.
C: "sorry, I didn't know you were there." He says letting out a breath. I nod.
L: "it's fine. I just can't sleep, coming down to get a drink." I say shrugging. He nods.
C: "me too." He Susa stepping out of the way. I nod and get my drink. Cole sits on the counter and looks out the window.
C: "night time is amazing." He says smiling. I frown.
L: "what?" I ask him giggling. He sighs.
C: "how everything, we'll nearly everything, will drop and stop. People stop working, eating, talking and everything else. Things stop for so many hours." He says shacking his head. I nod.
L: "it's cool." I say shrugging. He nods.
C: "you ever been in a beach at 2am?" He asks me. I shack my head.
L: "no. Have you?" I ask him curiously. He nods.
C: "mhm. Twice. It's amazing. Everything is so quiet, there no birds, there's no people. The only noice is the waves. You should go some time." He say smiling. I nod.
L: "sounds good. Did you go like alone or like with friends?" I ask him. He sighs.
C: "the first time I went alone. I got drunk and my parents were p*shed at me so I didn't want to go home so I went to the beach and I say there until I sobered up. I sat for 4 hours. From 1 to 5. It was amazing. Then the second time Dylan and I went. We went
out with friends and I wanted to go but he didn't want me going alone so he come with me." He say shrugging. I nod.
L: "sounds boring." I say giggling. I sit beside him. He sighs.
C: "Dylan found it boring, I didn't. I love it." He says smiling. I nod.
L: "I don't think I'd be able to just sit there for hours. I need and like my sleep." I say giggling. He nods.
L: "do you know who beat you?" I ask him. He sighs.
C: "I haves an idea. I don't know for definite though but it was in front of a coffee shop so hopefully they have cameras." He says shrugging. I nod.
L: "was it anything to do with my dad?" I ask him. He nods.
C: "yah, I think it was his dealer." He says softly. I nod.
L: "I'm sorry." I say sighing. He sighs.
C: "it's not your fault. It's his. You shouldn't feel guilty. I'm glad it's me now and not either or you anymore." He says sighing. I nod.
L: "I know, I just can't help but feel guilty." I say sighing. He sighs.
C: "well don't. There's only one person who should be blamed and thats Neill." He said seriously. I nod.
L: "will you be at his court case?" I ask him. He nods.
C: "most likely. I don't know yet but probably." He says sighing. I nod.
L: "I'm so nervous. Like it's next week." I say shacking my head. He nods.
C: "everything has happened very quickly with your case. Normally it takes double this time but this has went quickly." He says sighing. I nod.
L: "too quick for my liking." I say sighing. He nods.
C: "at least it's not dragging on for months. It will be closed his time next week." He says shrugging. I nod.
L: "I suppose so." I say sighing. He sighs.
C: "my first case, it was a murder of a 40 year old woman and her 24 year old cousin, never closed. I never found their killer, I failed that case so I'm just so glad, that as quick as this seems to be going, it is going. Them women never got justice, their family never got justice but you and Mia will." He says sighing. I nod.
L: "that's a tuff first case." I says sighing. He nods.
C: "I've thought about bringing it back bits there no proof. Who ever killed them, who ever it was is good because there was little to no evidence. It just makes me feel sick that there is someone out there who is still waking through these streets able to kill so easily. To kill at any moment and never get caught. I'll get them someday, I have to." He says annoyed. I sigh.
L: "is it necessary? Would it be terrible if you didn't, you tired and I'm guessing your very best." I say shrugging. He nods.
C: "yes. Together they left a family and 4 kids without mums, one had literally given birth a day or two before. I'm not just going to let that slide. It was and partly still is my responsibility. Their mothers had to explain to their kids that they were never going to see their mum again, that's heartbreaking. We both know the feeling but we went kids. They were 10, 5, 4 and 2 days old. How do they come form that? How do they remember their mums? How do they know their safe when the person who killed them is just walking about?" He says shacking his head.
C: "it's been the only cause I haven't solved. I won't let it ruin my pattern of making peoples grieving a little easier." He says seriously. I nod.
L: "you really have your life devoted to your work." I say confused. He nods.
C: "what else am I going to devote it too?" He asks me frowning. I sigh.
L: "yourself?" I ask him. He shacks his head.
C: "with my job that's selfish. It would be selfish." He Susa shrugging. I shack my head.
L: "no it's stupid. You should come before anyone or anything else. Before a case or a person." I say seriously. He shrugs.
C: "we all have different options." He sys shrugging. I nod.
L: "yah." I say sighing. He nods and looks down.
C: how are you feeling about everything?" He asks me. I sigh.
L: "I don't really know. Therapy has helped a lot, it's helped Mia too. I think, there's too many emotions. I'm happy and sad at the same time. As evil as he was, in the end he was my dad and there are memories I have of when he was a good dad. He wasn't always evil, he was my hero. For just short of 20 years I loved him and looked up to him. He was my dad so I'm grieving him, missing him but I also hate him because of what he did to me and Mia and mum. Then with mum. We were never close, I was closer to dad. She was work driven. She never wanted kids we were both accidents. That didn't mean I didn't love her and the fact that I watched my dad bury her body breaks me and still gives me nightmares but I love her. She my mum. Their my parents. I love them even though they are either dead and a killer." I say wiping my cheeks dry of tears. He nods and rubs my shoulder.
C: "I can't even imagine when your thinking or feeling. It must be so utterly painful." He says sympathetically. I sigh and smile lightly. He was so cute.
L: "it's like a jigsaw up their but slowly it's getting easier. It wouldn't be if it wasn't for you either so thank you so much for getting us out of there. I don't think we would have lasted much longer." I say thankfully. He smiles.
C: "thanks what I'm here for. That's what I do." He says chuckling. I smile and look at him. We were quite close. I could feel his breath. All of a sudden he burst out into laughter. He coughs a little but still laughs. I frown.
L: "what?" I ask him confused. He sighs.
C: sorry, I, that was just really awkward and I laugh in awkward situations." He says calming himself down. I sigh and shack my head.
L: "your an idiot." I say giggling. He chuckles and clears his throat.
C: "sorry. At least it's not court. It's happened before." He says sighing. I just shack my head, smiling at him. He chuckles to myself before shacking his head.
C: "sorry." He whisper. He takes a deep breath and looks at me. He sighs. I sigh and look between his eyes and his lips. He was doing the same with me. I gulp a little. He glances around the room before looking back at me. We both slowly start leaning in but we were that close that with one movement our lips were touching. We were kissing. We actually kissed! I move my hands up to his cheeks he quickly pulls away.
C: "still go a bashed up face." He whisper smiling. I roll my eyes.
L: "sorry." I whisper before pulling him back in. He chuckles and kisses me again and gosh it was lovely. He was lovely. He was like a good drug. I had now moved my hands down to his neck so I wouldn't hurt him. He hands were on my cheeks. He made my heart flutter. He made me stomach fill with butterflies. He made me all happy inside. When we pull away Cole sighs.
C: "well that was something." He whisper chuckling. I giggle.
L: "it really was." I whisper happily. He nods, our noses brushing against each other. I sigh.
L: "can I get your surname? I still don't know it." I say giggling. He chuckles.
C: "Sprouse." He says sighing. I smile.
L: "Cole Sprouse." I whisper smiling. He nods. Sitting there, in the early hours of that morning I didn't have a clue what he'd for to me. What good he'd do for me.

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