They Found Him?! Part 2

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Cole's POV
I was back, in that makeshift room. With them. They were beating me, all three of them, one punch, and another, and another. A punch every second. Then two of them leave. The girl who stayed walked up to me, she goes to touch me but my head shoots up and I'm actually sitting in my hospital room. Someone touches me. I jump, being petrified.
L: "it's okay baby, it was just a dream. Your safe." She whisper slowly sitting up beside me. I look over to Lili and sigh in relief. I take a deep breath and try to slow my breathing. Lili rubs my back.
C: "I was back there, with them." I say breathing very fast. Lili sighs.
L: "I know, but there gone and your safe. It was just a dream." She whispers. I nod and lie down again. She sighs.
Lili's POV
I knew this was one the first out of probably many nightmares. It killed me to see him like that but it's life and it has it's nightmares.
L: "do you want to talk?" I asks lying beside Cole. He shacks his head.
C: "no I just want to get clean because there hands are crawling all over me and I can feel her and she's everywhere and I'm disgusting and I need to shave and I have to film so I need to get out of this hospital and I need to get on with life and act like nothing happened, nothing did happen. If I say that enough it will become true. Everything's fine. I just need go and everything will go back to normal." He says pulling everything off his hands and trying to unhook himself from all the machines he was connected too. I sigh, a tear running down my face and grab his hands.
L: "Cole, no matter how hard you try, it will always be true and if you don't cope with it now, you never will. You need to heal and recover from the last month and it will always be there, and I'm so sorry that that's what's going to happen and that nobody can stop it but if you don't get help and beat it now it will eat you alive for the rest of your life. Work and filming can wait. We'll take a break. You'll take a break. Your gonna need it. We can get your dad or brother to go home and get you some fresh stuff. I'm sure the doctor will allow you to shower. But now you just need to breathe." I say trying to calm down. He slowly nod.
L: "come here." I whisper before wrapping my arms around him. He hugs back and slowly calms down. I scratch the back of his neck and his head. He relaxes even more. I smile and kiss his head.
L: "how do you feel?" I ask him curiously. He sighs.
C: "sick, dirty, exhausted, hungry, thirsty and anything else you can think of." He says shrugging. I nod.
L: "well, your dad and brother are getting coffee so you could see if they could bring you anything?" I ask nervously. He nods.
C: "yes but you might have to text them, I don't really have my phone." He says sighing. I nod.
L: "I sort of forgot, anyway what do you want?" I ask him, happy he's eating something.
C: "yogurt, orange juice and tell Dylan to stop home and get me a bag with everything you'd need for an over night trip, including my razor, a towel and gum." He say seriously. I nod.
L: "the only thing is, he'll have to come back here to get a key." I say sighing. He shacks his head.
C: "he should have a key, I have him mine the night went out because he had better pockets." He says lying back down onto the bed. I nod and text Dylan. I lay beside him and we just talk until Dylan and his dad come back in. When they do Cole's dad (CD) smiles sadly.
CD: "god I'm so glad your not dead! Me and your mum were so worried!" He says before hugging Cole. Cole sighs.
C: "yah I'm okay, how did you get here so quickly though? Is mum here or is she at LA?" He asks. His dad sighs.
CD: "no mum had to stay home, much to her disgust. She has a really big meeting in about an hour so she's still home but I flew in last night." He says smiling, clearly happy to see Cole. Cole nods.
C: "I'll call her later then." He says sighing. Dylan sighs.
D: "I wasn't sure how long you'd be here for, but then someone can you back and get you fresh stuff but anyway, I brought 2 pairs of clothes and your pyjamas along with your razor." He says tossing a bag at Cole. Cole sighs and nods.
C: "thank god! I can finally clean myself! Who's my doctor? I need them to unhook me from all these useless machines so I can shower!" He says a shiver ran though his body. I sigh and rub his back.
L: "I didn't get his name but I can go look for him if you want?" I ask him softly. He nods.
C: "Thant would be great Lil's but only of your okay with it, I can wait until he comes back or I can go and get him." He says panicky. I shack his head.
L: "no, it's okay I'll go grab him." I say smiling, I kiss his head and walk out to the reception. I stop in my tracks when I see KJ pacing back and forth in the waiting room. I frown.
L: "KJ?! What are you doing here?!" I ask him shocked. He frowns.
KJ: "I come when I found out you found him and I was going to try and find his room but then I wasn't sure if he would want to see me. Like he might not even trust me anymore so I just at here and started pacing and now I'm really confused on what to do?!" He says annoyed. I sigh.
L: "if you want to go see him go! If he doesn't want you there, you can leave. He didn't trust me in the beginning but then he did, it just takes time. He's going to have a shower and then maybe you could come in? I can ask him after I speak with his doctor." I say smiling. He nods and sighs.
KJ: "okay, well let me know." He says sighing. I nod and walk over to his doctor, he smiles.
DO: "Miss Reinhart, how can I help you?" He asks smiling. I sigh.
L: "Cole was wondering if he can shower? And eat?" I ask smiling. He nods.
DO: "yah of course! Would he be okay if I come and saw him?" He asks nervously. I nod.
L: "yah of course!" I say smiling. He nods and we walk to Cole's room. When we get there he smiles.
Cole's POV
DO: "Mr Sprouse your looking much better which is good!" He says smiling. I nod.
C: "glad to know I look it." I mumble. The smile on his face drops. I sigh.
C: "I'm sorry, that sounded really rude! It's just I don't feel good and I really want to shower!" I say trying to defend myself. He nods.
DO: "no, it's okay, you've been through a lot so a little but of attitude is expected. And yes! You can shower! You can do what ever really but do not out do yourself. It's been a really long time from you've been in reality and your body won't go back to normal immediately. We want to keep you in tonight because you lost so much blood and we have a therapist coming to speak with you later so that should also help. I'll unhook you and then you can use the bathroom." He says smiling before unhooking me from all the machines. He leaves me be and I grab my stuff. I go into the bathroom and turn the shower on. I look at myself in the mirror. I was skinnier than before and I wasn't cleanly shaven. I quickly grabbed my stuff and began to shave. I sigh feeling a little better when I was freshly shaven. I started to undress myself and saw all the cuts, bruises and scars. A tear pricks in my eye but I quickly wipe it away. I grab all my stuff and step in, all my cuts stinging in the hot water. I sigh and start to wash myself and my hair. I didn't know how long I was in there for but it must have been quite a while. I washed my body 4 times, trying to get her off me. I was my hair 4 times also. When I get out I put my clothes on and brush my teeth. When I was done I composed myself before silently walking back into the room. When I do I see KJ, Cami and everyone who was already in my room. I start to panic so quickly walk back into the bathroom. I start to have a panic attack. I start shacking my hands and tapping my chest, hoping to calm myself down. I slowly slide down the wall. There was a gentle knock on the door.
L: "Cole baby can I come in?" She asks gently. I sigh.
C: "yah." I mumble hoping she wouldn't hear me but she did. She slowly walks in. Not letting anyone else in the room see into the bathroom. She sighs and sits beside me, wrapping me in a tight hug. I was shacking, she sighs and rubs my back.
L: "just take some deep breaths. Nobodies going to hurt you. They just wanted to check up on you. KJ was super worried." She whispers scratching my back and head. I take some breathes and slowly calm down. She sighs.
L: "you've been in here for an hour and a half you know?" She says giggling. I sigh.
C: "I had to scrub her off." I whisper into her shoulder. She nods.
L: "that's okay, just don't hurt yourself. You look so much better all freshly shaven too." She says smiling. I nod.
C: " I feel a little better to which helps." I say pulling away from the hug. She nods.
L: "I'm so sorry for what I said that night, I didn't mean a word of it and I'm sorry I didn't let you speak. I'm sorry I sent you out and yelled at you. Im so so sorry." She whispers the last bit, tears falling. I sigh.
C: it's okay, I'm not mad." I whisper tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. She smiles sadly. I nervously lean in and kiss her. She instantly kisses back. It was our first time kissing in ages. She smiles into the kiss before we both pull away. Lili snuggles into my side and we wrap our arms around each other.
L: "I missed you so much. I thought I would never see you again. I thought you would hate me." She whisper, hiding her face in my neck. I sigh and rub her back.
C: "hating you isn't possible, I would never be able to hate you and me and you are in this for the long haul. You ain't getting rid of me yet Reinhart." I say slightly smiling for the first time in ages. She nods and looks up at me. She pecks my lips before resting her head on mine.
L: "I love you so much." She whisper. I sigh.
C: "I love you so much more." I whisper. She sighs.
L: "I never want to argue with you again so I'm going to let that one slide." She says smiling. I nod. Lili sighs.
L: "you should see KJ. He's acting like his life is on line. He was pacing back and forth, he was muttering to himself too. It was like he was taking over my some sprit." She says sighing. I nod.
C: "can we go back out? My butt hurts from sitting on this floor." I say shrugging. She nods and we both stand up, walking back into the room. I tense up slightly and sit back on the bed, not talking to anyone. I just look at any spare space. My dad sighs.
CD: "I'll step out and give you guys some space, need to phone your mum anyway. She's probably sick to the stomach with nerves. I'll be back in later okay?" He asks smiling. I nod and he walks out.
D: "I'll go call all our friends too. I'll be in the waiting room if you need me." He says walking out. I nod, now it was just us and Lili. KJ sighs.
KJ: "I know you probably won't talk much or let either of us come near you but I'm just so happy your okay, well your not okay but your not ..." He says not wanting to say the last word. I sigh.
C: "dead?" I ask in a mumble. He slowly nods. Lili sighs.
L: "okay, less negative more positive. He'll has no life changing injuries and he's talking to a therapist so he'll be good. Now, how and set been? I haven't been these last couple of days because we were looking around." She says sitting beside me one the bed. I move over so she can sit beside me. I wrap my arm around her shoulder and she wrap her arms around my waist, snuggling into my shoulder. Cami laughs.
CA: "Skeet fell on set, he tripped over hotdog and crushed one of the props." She she says laughing. I nod. Lili sighs.
L: "how was Machen? Is she still staying home?" She asks nervously. KJ sighs.
KJ: "she come into set on Monday but we sent her home because she just looked so sick." He says sighing. I frown. Lili sighs.
L: "she got food poisoning from a meal. It made her really sick." She says looking up at me. I nod.
KJ: "god bud, you missed a lot." He says sadly. I nod. Cami sighs.
Ca: "you were supposed to do that huge amazing shoot for vogue too, god you missed that. It's like a once in a life time thing, the probably called someone else." She says not meaning to be rude but it comes out rudely. I sigh in frustration and swallow back the lump in my throat and grab my phone, trying to ignore the outside world.
Cami's POV
I didn't mean that to sound rude but it just come out rude. I sigh.
Ca: "god I'm so sorry, that sounded so rude. It's just, I know you were super excited about it, especially because you didn't have to leave Vancouver." I say sighing. Lili smiles.
L: "okay, well there will be a load of different amazing opportunities. So let's not think about the past. What's done is done." She says smiling. I nod. Cole's phone starts ringing, scaring everyone. He sighs and stands up, walking into the bathroom. Lili smiles and sighs.
L: "it's his mom, she couldn't make it because she was busy so she's probably just checking up on him." She says shrugging, I nod.
Lili's POV
When Cole left, I knew he was trying to escape so thankfully his mom phoned him. She sort of saved him. I sigh.
L: "did Mr Sprouse take the bag with him or did he keep it in here?" I ask giggling. KJ sighs.
KJ: "he took it with him, but I'm sorry, I have to film a scene in 20 minutes so I have to go." He says sighing. I nod.
L: "gym scene?" I ask him. He sighs and looks at his phone. He looks at Cami.
KJ: "it's actually a Varchie scene so you need to come too." He says stuffing his phone in his pocket. Cami nods and grabs her purse. She sighs.
Ca: "tell Cole we love him as a brother and we'll see him later." She says before leaving the room. I nod and smile. KJ waves at me before leaving. I sigh. I think they feel bad about the whole situation. I know Cami didn't mean it. I text Dyl and tell him when ever he's ready to come back in. I sit on my phone until Cole comes back in. He sighs.
C: "why'd they go?" He asks quietly. I sigh.
L: "had to go to set, Cami said to tell you they love you like a brother." I say smiling. He nods.
C: "probably another flipping Varchie shower scene." He says rolling his eyes. I giggle and sigh.
L: "I texted your brother to come back in when ever." I say smiling. He nods.
C: "good because all I can taste is metal." He says sitting beside me. He winces and quickly stand back up again. I frown.
L: "are you okay baby?" I ask nervously. He sighs.
C: "yah jus hit a bruise and clearly one of my stitches." He says sitting back down carefully. He sighs when he's sat down.
C: "I missed so much Lil's. That shoot, my dads birthday, loads of shooting, time with Dylan, time with you, I was planning on going to Italy, I was supposed to shoot Barbra. I had so much planned, so much to do. Like that shoot for vogue would have made my career. Like it was already good but this would have literally put me up there. It would have made sure I can professionally do photography after Riverdale. Like now everyone will think I've just stopped. I haven't been on social media, I haven't been out, I haven't been in episodes of Riverdale, I haven't been doing shoots. I can't tell them either but if I don't they'll just think I've dropped off the face of the earth." He says sighing. I put my hand on his face.
L: "I know how much you were looking forward to that shoot and I know how that it's annoying but you'll get more opportunities. More better amazing opportunities. Your dad doesn't care if you miss a birthday, he's just so thankful that he has you back. One birthday means nothing when he saw you. All the shoots or trips can be done when you are better. As for me, I'm just glad that your back with me. We have many years to catch up for missed time. Nobody is annoyed at you, nobody cares about what you've missed. We are all just so happy to have you back, to lighten up the makeup trailer when it's 4 am and we've only been on set for 10 minutes." I say smiling. He shoots me a small smile and I kiss him. He kisses back but pulls away. He sighs.
C: "I've popped a stitch, might need the doc." He says sighing. He hits the call button for the doctor. He was bleeding quickly. The doctor comes in nervously.
DO: "Mr Sprouse? Everything okay?" He asks curiously. Cole sighs.
C: "I've popped my stitches from where I was stabbed, im not really sure how but I'm bleeding quite a lot." He says pointing to his bleeding stomach. The doctor nods and grabs the equipment. I hop off the bed and sit in the chair. Cole lies down and the doctor stitches him up. He sighs.
DO: "please be careful, you've lost a lot of blood and anymore you'll need a donation. And try to eat something, if you can't keep it down we'll put you on a drip and then you can try again." He says before walking out of the room. I nod.
L: "that was like 10 stitches, how big is it?" I ask shocked. Cole shacks his head and life his shirt up so I can see. It was very long. I sigh.
L: "that'll leave a mark too, god I'm so sorry." I say rubbing his arm. He shrugs.
C: "won't be my first, probably won't be my last." He says sitting back up. He sighs.
C: "I just can't wait to get home, in a comfortable bed." He says. I nod.
L: "our bed is much more comfortable than this one. But I'm thankful we have it." I say getting beside him and cuddling him. He nods.
C: "me too, and it is very comfortable compared to what I've slept on previously. My patients was thicker than it." He says shacking his head. I sigh.
L: "what happened?" I ask knowing it will help him if he talks about it. He sighs. ⚠️⚠️
C: "I was walking down to KJ's and I felt someone put something over my face and then everything went blank. I woke up and I was alone in a tiny room with grey walls. I was tied to a chair with my hands and legs tired. There was a gag in my mouth. I had a panic attack. There was one little lamp for light. Then she coms in first and done stuff, and left me on the floor naked. Then he comes in and gives me the other clothes and beats me. He tells me it was my mother who was behind it all. She visited everyday and sometimes brought me water or something to eat but that was about once a week. As for the man, he would come in everyday sometimes just to torture me or beat me. As for today, they were getting suspicious that you were onto them and when she come in they were just getting a plan to drive me out of Van. Then when the police come in, she stabbed me." ⚠️⚠️ He says, tears rolling down his cheek, his body shacking in fear. I sigh, wiping my wet cheeks and hug him. He hits his face in my neck, tears still rolling. He sinks into me. Sobbing uncontrollably. I just hold him, whispering sweet nothings into his ear. After 40 minutes we were lying on the bed. He was still shacking but not as bad as before. I sigh.
L: "yah know when ever you were gone, it really showed me a different side of everyone." I say scratching his neck. He hums in response. I nod.
L: "your brother can't concentrate and closes himself off. KJ completely losses all humanness. Cami gets too protective and Charles gets clingy to Cami." I say giggling. He nods.
C: "who knew Charles could go clingy without me? Who knew he was clingy?" He asks shocked. I nod.
L: "I don't think anyone did. Especially not Cami." I say also shocked. He nods.
C: "Cami and Charles aren't even together. If I thought he'd be clingy to anyone maybe you." He says surprised. I sigh.
L: "actually they got together." I say quietly. He sighs.
C: "good for them." He says sighing. I rub his back. It was another thing he missed. We just sit and cuddle until his dad and brother comes back in.
3rd Persons POV
The rest of the day Cole spent it with his family and loved ones. He spoke to a professional therapists during is getting help for the past month. He woke up that night again, with flash backs from her. Lili held him, calming him. It was morning again and he was finally getting home, one month, 2 weeks and 3 days later.
Cole's POV
Lili swing the door open to our apartment and I sigh in relief. It hadn't changed one bit. Lili giggles.
L: "what's wrong?" She asks confused. I shack my head.
C: "nothing, it's just nice to be home." I say snapping back to reality. She nods, I walk straight to the bedroom and lie down on our bed. I close my eyes, for the first time feeling relaxed. Lili comes in and sits beside me. She sighs.
L: "Rob wants to know when do you think you can film?" She asks gently. I sigh.
C: "I'll go back in on Friday of next week and then normal from then on." I say seriously. Lili sighs.
L: "is that not a bit too soon?" She asks nervously. I shack my head.
C: "no, I need to keep busy. That gives me 7 days to rest and then I'll be fine. I'm not going to get better if I run from reality." I say seriously. She nods.
L: "I just don't want you out doing your self." She says kissing my head. I nod.
C: "and I won't." I say shooting her a small smile. She nods and lies down beside me. She sighs.
L: "whens your mum coming over?" She asks snuggling into my side. I sigh.
C: "tomorrow, thankfully. She's the one person I actually want a hug from who isn't you and I don't want to sound babyish. It'll be nice to see her too though cause it has been like, what? 4 months." I say shrugging. She nods.
L: "no, she you'r mum, no matter what age you are, you will always need your mum." She says smiling. I nod. I snuggle into her and close my eyes, feeling exhausted. She giggles.
L: "take a nap baby, I'm not moving." She says quietly. I nod and drift off into a long, peaceful sleep.
Lili's POV
I smile and cuddle more into him if that was possible. Cole's face was buried into my neck and I was now holding him but I loved it. I must have also fell asleep because the next thing I know was I woke up too my phone ringing. I quickly grab it so it won't wake up Cole. I answer it without looking how was actually ringing me.
L: "hello?" I ask quietly.
?: "hey hunny." My mum (LM) says through the phone. I smile slightly.
L: "hey mum! How are you all?" I ask happily. She laughs.
LM: "we're all good, how's Cole? Is he okay?" She asks worriedly. I sigh.
L: "he's okay, he's going to a therapist once a week to talk about everything, has to go back to the hospital next week for a checkup and to get his stitches changed. But apart from all that he's okay. He's scared of people. The only people he trusts are his parents, Dylan, his doctor and me. In the beginning he only trusted Dylan but it just took him awhile. He's really skinny though and has a bruise on every part of his body." I say sadly. She sighs.
LM: "god love him, why did he not trust you? Did they get the person who took him?" She asks curiously. I sigh.
L: "he didn't trust me because she r*ped him multiple times a week when he was away and it was his biological mother, his biological uncle and cousin who took him. They were all shot but are all okay. We'll get a court date set and hopefully have them locked away for a long time." I say a single tear slipping down my cheek. She sighs.
LM: "god that's absolutely awful! I can't imagine how he must feel?" She says upset. I sigh.
L: "it will definitely change him, it will change everyone. Yah know, I saw a different side to everyone, one set or his family. It was like time stopped." I say sadly. She sighs.
LM: "he is loved by so many people. I can't imagine how you felt? How are you?" She asks concerned. I sigh.
L: "I'm just glad to have him back, to have him safe and in my arms. I was so scared when he was missing, like everyone was there for me and was watching over me, Cami never left my side but the only person I wanted was him. I wanted to be talking to him, to be filming with him and to be crying to him. It was really hard because I had to be strong for our friends and Dylan but everyday I lost more and more hope. I thought I had lost him and that scared the crap out of me." I say more tears rolling down my face. She sighs.
LM: "you should talk to your therapist about this." She suggests. I sigh.
L: "no I have to be strong, I'll be fine." I say nodding. She sighs as there was a noise from through the phone.
LM: "sorry hunny I have to go! Someone's at the door, I'll call you later. I love you." She says before hanging up. I nod and set my phone back down. I feel gentle circles being traced on my waste. I look down to see Cole awake. I smile.
L: "hey handsome, how long have you been awake for?" I ask smiling. He sighs.
C: "from your phone rang." He says looking up at me. He straightened up so he was eye level with me. I sigh.
L: "so you heard?" I ask nervously. He nods.
C: "every last work of it, and I'm glad I did. I might have been the only one who was taken but I wasn't the only one tortured." He says looking me dead in the eye. I sigh.
C: "I was the only one physically harmed but it was just as hard on everyone else as it was me. Especially you and maybe Dylan but he's probably already sobbed to Barbara so he should be fine but apart from you mum, who will you tell your feelings too? this past month has been hard on everyone. I'll be okay with time, maybe more than I'd like to admit but I'll be okay and if you don't talk to someone if it be someone from then cast, me or your therapist you won't be okay. I won't be okay if your not okay. I'm gonna talk with KJ because I know he'll need to vent, Cami will probably talk with Charles, Dylan will talk to Barbra and my parents will talk to each other but who will you talk to? I know your mum but she can't hug you, unless you go home but you won't want to miss work. You don't need to be strong anymore." He says placing his hand on my cheek. I nod and let a single tear fall. He sighs and pulls me into his chest. I cry into his neck and cling to him never wanting to let go.  Cole was rubbing my back, whispering sweet nothing into me ear. After I while I had calmed down and was still just laying in Cole.
C: "how are you feeling now baby?" He asks gently. I sigh.
L: "okay." I say tiredly. He nods.
C: "good but sleep, you can hardly keep your eyes open." He whispers. I nod and within seconds I'm fast asleep.
Cole's POV
I'm so glad Lili told me how she was feeling. I didn't want her to make herself sick by not telling me. I need her to get through this so I'm just happy I know she'll be okay. I just sit and watch her sleeping. I missed her so much and I'm so happy to be back with her. She was holding me very tightly, afraid to let me to go. I wasn't to tired so I just lay there. I went on my phone but I got hungry so I gently got out of Lili's grip and stared to make some food. I made enough for the both of us. Whilst I was making some pasta, I felt arms sneak around my waist. It scared me at first but then I realised it was Lili. I relax.
C: "what are you doing awake?" I ask her sarcastically. She giggles.
L: "I didn't feel you beside me and it was a lot colder so I come to find you, but really I missed you." She says kissing my back. I nod and finish playing out myself a small plate of food.
C: "do you want some?" I ask her. I feel her nod so I also make her a plate. I turn around a look at her.
C: "sorry, I got hungry so made myself some food, well and you." I say passing her the food. She nods and kisses my cheek. We walk to the dinner table and we sit down to eat.
C: "why is Camis iPad on the table?" I ask confused. She giggles.
L: "Cami wouldn't leave my side so she was staying here, must have left it." She says shrugging. I nod.
C: "how are you feeling?" I ask gently. She smiles.
L: "better thank you." She says smiling. I nod.
C: "that's good." I say smiling lightly. She looks at me seriously.
L: "how are you feeling?" She asks seriously. I sigh.
C: "can I lie or do you want the truth?" I ask. She glares at me. I nod.
C: "right, the truth, okay well, like I've been hit by a truck, it hurts to breathe, I can't stretch to the top shelf in the kitchen. I have a cut on my hand that opens every time I move it so in conclusion, not the best." I say honestly. She sighs.
L: "how long ago was it when you took your last medication?" She asks confused. I look at my watch.
C: "3 hours, so I'm still medicated." I say sighing. She nods.
L: "this is so sh*t" she says sighing. I nod.
C: "tell me about it, anyway do you know we're my laptop is? I need to answer all my emails." I ask standing up. She nods and runs to grab it. She comes back out with it.
C: "thank you." I say as she hands it to me. She nods and finishes eating. I sit back down and open my laptop for the first time in a long time. There were hundreds of emails. I scroll down to the bottom and start from there. 20 minutes later I see an email about the photo shoot I was supposed to do. I read it over and over again, not believing my eyes. I look up at Lili and she frowns.
C: "can you read this? I'm not going crazy right?" I ask her as she reads the email. She starts smiling. She nods and reads it out aloud.
L: "Dear, Mr Sprouse, although you might be away for a while, when you return we would like to offer you the photo shoot. We didn't do it when we were meant to as the model was sick so it still has to be done. We have never seen a photographer so talented and would still love to give you this opportunity. Let us know when your back and we'll get it sorted. Thank you Vogue." She reads shocked. She looks at me.
L: "Vogue are letting you do the shoot, the best one out there, you are doing it." She says tears in her eyes. I nod.
C: "I get to do the shoot for Vogue. I need to phone Dylan." I say grabbing my phone. I quickly ring Dylan and he picks up with seconds.
C: "I get to do the shoot for Vogue!" I say happily. He chuckles.
D: "try breathing then tell me what your going on about." He says laughing. I sigh.
C: "the shoot for Vogue that I missed when I was away, the model was sick so couldn't go it and they still want me to do it. Vogue want me to do the shoot!" I say happily. He sighs.
D: "so the shoot you missed, is still taking you?" He asks shocked. I laugh.
C: "yep." I say simply. He laughs.
D: "that's amazing, absolutely amazing." He says laughing. I sigh.
C: "I gotta go, email them back but I'll call you later." I say before hanging up. I quickly email them back. When I'm done we sit and watch a movie together. After about 5 movies we were finally getting to bed. When we were in I really wanted to ask Lili something but I wasn't sure how she'd react. Lili sighs.
L: "what's wrong? You want to ask me something?" She asks nervously. I shack my head.
C: "nope nothing." I say shrugging. She sighs.
L: "baby..." she says looking at me. I sigh.
C: "I was just wondering if we could sleep with the light on? I don't care if you say no but it's just it was so dark there and they done stuff in the dark and I'm just still really on edge and it creeps me out and I understand if you want me to sleep in the spare bedroom because I know you find it hard to sleep in the light so I'll just go there anyway. Yah sorry I asked.". I say getting up of the bed. She sighs.
L: "where the hell do you think your going?" She asks sternly. I freeze, being scared.
C: "just to the spare room so we can both sleep comfortably. Me with a light on and you with in off. I just want you to be comfortable and I'm okay with going there for tonight so I'll see you in the morning. If that's okay?" I ask panicky. She shacks her head.
L: "so you go away for a month and then your first night back don't sleep with me because you want me to be comfortable?" She asks confused but still a little sternly. I nod.
C: "well yah, I don't want to annoy you and I sort of want to sleep tonight if it's possible so it's just easier and I don't want or be the reason you don't sleep. It's not that I don't love you because I do I just want you to be comfortable. And technically I'm not sleeping with you I would be sharing a bed with you. It will be a long, long time till that happens, so sorry. Feel free to do something or something with someone else if you want, I sort of did but I didn't but I did so I'm sure it's just the same." I say rambling. She was just staring at me. I nod a little and walk out of the bedroom. I walk into the kitchen and grab a glasss of water to calm myself down. I walk to the spare bedroom and turn on the lights. I get into the bed and try closing my eyes but all I see is them. I grab my laptop and book from the living room quickly and then get back into bed. I watch some shows hoping to tire myself out.
Lili's POV
Did Cole just tell me it was okay to sleep with someone else? Did I hear that right? I would never do that. I was just sitting on the bed star struck. I just sit there for a minute letting everything sink in. He was sleeping on the floor for a month and wants me to be comfortable? He wants me to sleep alright. I shack my head and walk into the spare bedroom. I notice all the blinds were shut and the lights were on. I smile gently at the sight of Cole watching a film on his laptop. I gently tap the door trying not to scare him but he jumps anyway. He quickly looks over and sighs.
C: "are you angry?" He asks nervously. I shack my head.
L: "no, I'm confused. Why don't you think I would let you sleep with a light on?" I ask curiously. He sighs.
C: "you sleep with black out curtains." He says seriously. I nod.
L: "yah but I love you more than I love my black out curtains! And as for the other thing, there is no way I would sleep with another man! I would never do that!" I say a little louder than I should have. He sighs.
C: "I know you wouldn't in normal times and neither would I but I might not ever be able to be that vulnerable again Lili! I might never! I can hardly touch my legs with out being afraid of my self so how am I supposed to trust somebody else?!" He says loudly with watery eyes. I sigh.
L: "I don't care Cole! I don't care if I can never touch you from your stomach below again!" I say annoyed at him. He sighs.
C: "but you want kids Lili and I'm not getting any younger so if we were to have them it would be within the next 10 years and honestly right now it doesn't feel like I'm going to survive tonight!" He shouts annoyed. I nod and storm out of the room, slamming the door shut behind me. I hear Cole let out a sob of fear but I was too annoyed so I just went to the bedroom. I just sit on the bed. Regretting what I had done and getting flash backs of that night. It had only been 5 minutes when I heard a knock on the door. I wipe my cheeks and I open it. Dylan was standing there. He looks panicked.
D: "where's Cole?" He asks nervously. I frown.
L: "the spare bedroom why?" I ask confused. He ignores my question and runs past me, straight into the bedroom.
Dylan's POV ⚠️⚠️
I was sitting in my hotel room when my phone rang. It was Cole.
D: "what's up brother?" I ask curiously. All I hear was a shaky breathe. I already knew what was happening so I was already on my way out of the door.
C: "I can't breathe." He whispers gasping for air. I sigh.
D: "I'm on my way, just take some long deep breaths and all be there before you know it." I say before hanging up and running to the apartment because it was only a little away. When I got there Lili answered the door. Why wasn't she helping him?! I shack my head and run to Cole. I go straight into the spare bedroom to see Cole cured up into a ball, gasping for air and tugging at his hair. swallow back the lump in my throat and drop to the floor beside him. I grab his hands out of his hair so he doesn't pull all of it out and I see some hair he's pulled out.
D: "Cole you have to breathe! In and out!" I say seeing how quickly he was breathing. He takes them but his whole body was shacking. His hands were ice cold. After 10 minutes his breathing was a little bit back to normal but still very shaky.
C: "sorry, you can go now. I'm fine." He says his whole body still shaking. I shack my head.
D: "I'm not going until you've stopped shacking and can breathe properly." I say calmly. He nods. We just sit there until he's breathing is back to normal. I sigh.
D: "what happened?" I ask gently. He sighs.
C: "I wanted to sleep with a light on but when I said it I remembered Lili can't sleep with any light so I told her Id sleep here so we could both sleep. She was confused why I wasn't sleeping with her, even though technically I wasn't sleeping with her. I was sharing a bed with her. I told her to if she felt the urge to do stuff with someone else because I'll probably never be able to do that again. After that I left the room. After a while she come in here and was pretty annoyed. She raised her voice, more than she should and I was petrified. She told me she would never do that and I explained that I may never be able to do that because I can't even touch my waist below with out getting scared. She said she didn't care but she wants kids that's something I don't think will ever happen now." He says tears running down his face. I shack my head.
C: "I don't think I can do it anymore Dyl, it's only been a couple of hours and i'm already done! It hurts!" He says shacking. I nod and wipe my own fallen tear.
D: "you have to get through it though, if not for me for Lili." I say sadly. He shacks his head.
C: "nah, Lili doesn't care, she hates me." He says sighing. I frown.
D: "no she doesn't." I say confused. He nods.
C: "she does, she never slams doors but she did there now, just like they did. Slam a door and punish me till I can't breathe, punch, punch, punch, punch, punch." He whispers the last words. I sigh. He was in a daze, whispering punch. I grab his hands.
D: "stop." I whisper. He shacks his head. I pull him into a hug as he stops and comes out of his daze. After 10 minutes I could tell he was asleep. I picked him up and placed him in the bed. I walk it to see Lili anxiously sitting on the couch. I sigh.
D: "you shout at him and slam a door after everything he's been through?!" I ask her annoyed. She sighs.
L: "I didn't mean to." She says sadly. I nod.
D: "just like you didn't mean to tell him to go away that night or f*ck off?" I ask rudely. She nods.
D: "you know he sat there for 10 minutes in a daze whispering punch. Over and over and over again. A tear falling out of his eye each time." I say annoyed. She sighs and looks at the floor.
D: "he just wants what's best for you! And he probably will sleep with you again but all he was thinking about was you, making sure you were happy, making sure you were comfortable and got a nights sleep. And you throw it back into his face after so long by slamming a door." I say shacking my head. She nods.
D: "talk to him in the morning, I can't have him doing anything stupid. If he wants to give up he will." I say going to leave. Lili nods.
D: "tell him to call me in the morning." I say before gently closing the door. I walk back to the hotel room. When I get there I see Barbara. I smile but frown.
D: "what are you doing here?" I ask her shocked. She smiles.
B: "I come out to see you and to see your brother when he's up to it." She says hugging me. I nod and return the hug.
B: "why is your shoulder wet?" She asks confused. I sigh.
D: "Cole had a panic attack, that's were I was." I say sadly. She nods and we go into the room. We were lying on the bed when she asks,
B: "you okay? I know this isn't easy for anyone but your his twin." She asks quietly. I nod.
D: "I'm fine it's just not nice seeing his like that. He was fine earlier, he was answering emails and was eating but just like that he couldn't breathe. It's scary and heartbreaking." I say sighing. She nods.
B: "do you know the reason or was it just everything?" She asks curiously. I sigh.
D: "I think maybe everything but also Cole wanted to sleep with a light on and Lili can't sleep with any light. He went to the spare room after saying stuff about him being okay if she done stuff with other men because he wasn't sure he'd be able to do anything. Lili was confused and got a little annoyed. She raised her voice at him and slammed a door which completely triggered him. He was sitting on the floor, whispering punch, punch, punch over and over again. It was creepy." I say a shiver running down my spine. She kisses my cheek. We spend the rest of the night cuddled up, but honestly, I wasn't too comfortable because I didn't know if Cole was okay.
Lili's POV
I didn't think I'd sleep much so I grabbed a cup of coffee and took a nice hot bath. After a while I went in to check on Cole. He was still asleep but his body was gently shacking. I sigh and sit on the bed beside him. I gently stroke his cheek and kiss his head. I lay beside him and just look at him, he looked so peaceful but at the same time scared and on edge.
L: "I'm so so sorry." I whisper kissing his head. He starts to move about a little and his eyes flick open. He goes into panic but when he sees me he shuts his eyes tight.
C: "please don't hurt me." He whispers scared. I sigh.
L: "I'm not going to hurt you." I whisper sadly. He nods and relaxes a little bit. I sigh.
L: "I'm so so so sorry, I didn't know how to react and I was shocked. I didn't mean to raise my voice or slam the door. I was confused and I guess maybe a little bit happy, not because of what you said but because no matter what has happened all you cared about was me." I say honestly. He nods.
C: "it's good." He whispers grabbing my hand. I nod.
C: "I love you so much, you know that right?" He asks curiously. I nod.
L: " I do and I love you too." I whisper gently. He nods and pulls me into his chest. I rest me head on his chest. I smile and snuggle into him. He kisses my head and before we know it we are both fast asleep with the lights on.
Cole's POV
I wake your gasping for air. She was everywhere. I quickly run to the bathroom and take a shower. Scrubbing my body. After at least an hour I got out, my body raw red. I wasn't tired anymore so I went into the the kitchen and make myself a coffee. I looked at the clock at at read 4:30am. I sigh and sat out of the balcony, watching the streets of Vancouver fill with cars by the minute. A couple of hours must have passed as I heard Lili wake up and she come out to the balcony. She smiles.
L: "good morning baby." She says sitting beside me. I quickly look at her before looking back out to the streets.
C: "morning." I whisper feeling exhausted. She frowns.
L: "what time were you up from?" She says laying her head on my shoulder. I sigh.
C: "probably around 3." I say kissing her head. She shoots her head up.
L: "3?!" She asks confused. I nod.
C: "she was just everywhere so I had to shower and then when I come out it was 4:30 so I made some coffee and sat out here." I say shrugging. She nods.
L: "you should have woke me." She says gently. I sigh.
C: "you were so tired and I was okay." I say honestly. She nods.
L: "is you scrubbing your skin the reason why it's practically peeling off?" She asks nervously. I nod.
C: "she was crawling over me so it was the only way to get her off." I whisper. She nods.
L: "you've been out here for 3 and a half hours, do you want to come in?" She asks standing up. I nod and get up. I walk into the living room and flop onto the couch. Lili smiles and lies beside me. I wrap my arms around her and rest my head on her chest.
L: "what happened last night?" She asks running her hands through my hair. I sigh.
C: "I guess the drip finally stopped." I whisper my eyes closing. Lili sighs.
C: "I cracked. You raised your voice and slammed the door just like they did. It was like reliving the moments only I was safe but I didn't feel safe. I knew your were annoyed with me and honestly then I didn't trust you so I called Dyl. After a panic attack and a huge flash back moment I crashed." I say seeing everything from last night flash before my eyes.
L: "I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me." She whispers. I sigh.
C: "it doesn't matter, I probably wouldn't have let you touch me anyway." I whisper back. She nods. We sit in silence.
L: "Last night, what you said, did you mean it?" she asks breaking the silence. I sigh.
C: "yah, well I guess. I don't know how long it will be before I can let myself be that vulnerable with you. I don't want to tie you down especially because we're both getting older and I know you want kids young. I just don't want to make you put a pause on your planes. I just want you to be happy." I say honestly. She sighs and kisses my head.
L: "I promise you, I don't care how long it takes you and even if you don't. I love you and only love you so no matter what you do or what happened I will always be there. Always." She says smiling. I nod and lean up to kiss her. She sighs.
L: "there's also the factor that I'm just super hot too so?" She says shrugging sarcastically. I chuckle a little and she giggles.
C: "you are right there." I say smiling. We spend the rest of the week together. Me healing and Lili being the rock she has always been.
Lili's POV
Today was Cole's first day back at set and to be honest, I was a little nervous on how it would go. Cole has spoke to Barbara, his mum, Cami and KJ but there the only ones. He's only let his mum touch him. I know he's also nervous but also ready to get back. I was awakened by Cole shacking me.
C: "baby wake up." He whispers tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. I smile gentle.
L: "good morning." I whisper back my eyes opening but quickly closing to adjust to the bright light. He sighs.
C: "you have to get up. Rob wants you in earlier for a scene." He says rubbing my back. I sigh and turn around to face him. He was crouched on the floor beside our bed. I giggle.
L: "how can you be up and dressed already?" I ask yawning. He shrugs and stands up.
C: "I've been awake for awhile so I just got ready." He says. I nod and get up. I wrap my arms around Cole, burning my face into his shoulder. He wraps his arms around me waist and kisses my head.
C: "are you okay?" He asks me calmly. I nod.
L: "yah I'm okay, I'm just tired. How are you?" I ask kissing his shoulder. He sighs.
C: "I'm looking forward to going back really I am but it's close to set and everyone will be there. I'm absolutely petrified but I have to go soon rather than later so I just have to do it." He mumbles into my shoulder. I nod.
L: "you'll be okay, I'll be there and they won't hurt you. I'm only doing one scene that your not in so the rest of the time. If you don't feel comfortable just go to our trailer. KJ is at set all day to so he'll be there." I say rubbing his back. He nods. I pull away from the hug and kiss him. He smiles into the kiss causing me to also smile. After a couple of kisses we go our separate ways.
Cole's POV
We have just pulled up to set and I'm absolutely terrified. Lili sighs and grabs my hand.
L: "you okay?" She asks me in whisper. I nod. She sighs and we,get out of the car. I grip Lili's hand. She sighs and kisses my cheek. We walk in and go straight to our trailer. We pass some people but I simply ignore them. I sigh.
C: "I honestly hate this." I say as soon as we get into the trailer. Lili sighs and looks at me sadly.
L: "I know this makes you uncomfortable baby but unless you quit you have to do it at some point. If your not ready to come back after today then you can take longer off." She says sympathetically. I nod.
C: "I just hate it because I feel like a child! Like I'm scared if somebody I trust isn't in the room and I hate that I need reassurance all the time! I just feel like such an inconvenience!" I say annoyed. Lili sighs and walks over to me. She wraps her arms around my neck and places one on my cheek. I sigh and lean into it.
L: "I know for a fact that everyone who you trust doesn't care if you need reassurance every second! We are just so glad to have you back with us. So I don't care and anyone else doesn't care that you need someone with you all the time." She says softly. I sigh and look at the floor. She moves my face back to look her in the eyes. She smiles.
L: "do you believe me?" She asks smiling. I nod. She smirks.
C: "yes." I say quietly. She sighs and pull me into a hug. I rest my face in her neck and take in her calming scent. I take a couple of deep breaths. She rubs the back of my neck.
L: "I'm always here okay? I don't care if I need to tell you that every 5 seconds." She says kissing my shoulder. I nod.
C: "thank you." I mumble into her shoulder. I feel her smile.
L: "your welcome." She whispers. After a long hug we both pull away and get on with our day. Our first scene was one with Cami and KJ in Pops, so Lili and I walk to Pops set. When we get in there I grip Lili's hand tighter seeing all the people. She gently rubs me arm and kisses my cheek. We sit in the usual booth and get ready for the scene.
KJ: "how have you been?" He asks curiously. I just sigh.
C: "okay." I say simply. He nods and we get in with the scene. After the scene I still felt nervous but I was a little bit more relaxed. Lili smiles.
L: "you were amazing in there!" She says happily. I just sigh.
C: "I tried." I say shrugging. She sighs and kisses my cheek.
Lili's POV
I hated seeing Cole like this. I felt so useless. He had smiled, yes but they weren't his normal happy smiles. The ones that's would light up any room. Now he only smiles a couple of times a week. I hate that he isn't happy and that I can't do anything about it. We were walking back to the trailer after about our third scene of the day and I could tell Cole was getting tired. He flops on the couch when we get in and I sit beside him. He lays his head in my lap and puts my hand in his hair. I giggle lightly and play with it. He sighs feeling relaxed.
L: "you okay?" I ask him in a whisper. He nods and closes his eyes.
L: "you sleepy?" I ask him smiling. He nods again. It didn't take long before he was fast asleep, his lips slightly parted. We both had a 30 minute break so I let him sleep. I kept playing with his hair because I knew when I did he felt safe. I was just staring at him when there was a gentle knock on the door. Madchen come in. She smiles.
Mach: "hey, I just wanted to see how he was doing." She says smiling. I sigh.
L: "he's exhausted, as you can see. He hasn't slept a whole night since. He's either awake with a nightmare or he just can't sleep. Majority of the times he doesn't tell me till the morning time either, so he goes through it all on his own. He's cut his skin form scrubbing that hard in the showers. At times all he can see is her and it's scary. I find it scary so I can't imagine how he feels." I say sighing. She nods.
Mach: "yah, I can't imagine how many thoughts must be going through his head. It's mad like. I feel sick to my stomach to think he went through some of that stuff so for him."  She says shacking her head. I nod.
L: "it's not been easy and it won't be." I say sadly. She nods.
Mach: "how has he been coping?" She asks. I sigh.
L: "honestly I don't know. He smiles sometimes and he has laughed a little but it's not the normal smile you would get from him. He just seems to be another planet most of the time. Like there's times he'll just zone out and I'll have to snap him back to reality so it's very hard. I feel so helpless though." I say looking down at Cole. He looked so peaceful. I gently trace my thumb over his cheek. She sighs.
Mach: "yah it's such a hard thing to over come. Do the police have the people?" She says smiling sadly. I nod.
L: "yah they got him when they got Cole but it was his biological mother, uncle and cousin." I say sadly. She quietly gasps.
Mach: "omg really?!" She asks sadly. I nod.
L: "yah, I'm a couple of weakest he had to go to court." I say shacking my head. She nods.
Mach: "that will be really hard for him." She says sympathetically. I nod. I was about to say something but Cole starts shacking in his sleep. I gently rub his head trying to stop him from shaking but all of as sudden he jolts up, his eye shooting shut and a tear slipping down he cheek. He starts to mumble.
C: "no no no no no no no no." He mumbles hiding his face in his hands. I sigh.
L: "Cole baby your okay." I whisper gently placing a hand on his back. He tenses up but relaxes when he realises it's me. Madchen smiles sadly and stands up.
Mach: "I'll come see you two later." She whispers before walking out. I smile lightly to her and rub Cole's back.
L: "baby your okay. It was just a nightmare." I whisper. He looks up and around the room and turns around so he was sitting with his feet on the ground. He sighs and takes a deep breath.
C: "I'm so fed up Lil's. I can't keep going. It's been ages from I've slept a full night and I can't keep doing that. I'm exhausted yet every time I close my eyes all I see is them and he from when I was like 4. I just want things tot go back to normal! I don't want to feel like this anymore!" He says annoyed. I sigh and pull his head into my shoulder, hugging him. He sighs.
C: "I hate it!" He says sadly. I nod.
L: "I know baby I do but it will get better! It will take time and it will be hard but you have to fight! If not for your brother then for me! This time next year when you feel better everyone will be so proud of you! You just have to make it through these next few months!" I say hoping he doesn't give up. He nods. I sigh relieved. He sniffs and cuddles into me. I smile and kiss his head.
C: "thank you baby." He whispers. I smile.
L: "your welcome. I'm always here." I whisper back. He nods and lays his head on my chest. I giggle and sigh.
L: "you okay now?" I ask him. He nods.
C: "yah." He whispers. I smile and rest my head on his. I sigh.
L: "as terrible as this situation has been and if there was anything I could have done to stop it I'd give anything but one thing I do love is how cuddle you are. Not because of why just you love cuddles." I say smiling. He looks up at me.
C: "is that a bad thing?" He asks. I shack my head.
L: "no I love it! To me there's no such thing as not enough cuddles! If I could never stop cuddling you I would. I love it!" I say happily. He nods.
C: "I love it too." He whispers.
C: "I feel safe." He also whispers. I smile.
L: "I'm glad." I say smiling. We just sit together, enjoy the silence and each other's presence. Cole suddenly speaks up.
C: "I think I have to go there." He says gently scaring me. I frown.
L: "where?" I ask confused. He sighs.
C: "down that road, to the storage units and to see them. I think it'll be closer, maybe the closer I need." He says sighing. I nod.
L: "if that's what you want to do, we can go. Although you'll have to see them in court because they need a jail sentence." I say sadly. He nods.
C: "I better call my lawyers then." He says chuckling sadly. I sigh.
C: "do you know when?" He asks nervously. I nod.
L: "Friday in two weeks." I say simply. He nods.
We get on with the day. Not many questions were asked but we all knew they were busting to. When we get home we stay on the couch most of the time until Cole gets up and grabs the keys and coats.
C: "put your shoes on, I have to go tonight or I won't sleep." He says kicking my shoes over. I sigh and put them on.
L: "are you sure, it's just, you haven't had a lot of time." I say unsure. He sighs.
C: "yah exactly so if I do it now it won't be fresh pain like it would be if I got over it and then went." He says shrugging. I nod and we walk out hand in hand. When we get to the road I could tell Cole was getting more and more nervous. I sigh.
L: "you don't have to do this you know?" I say squeezing his hand a little he nods.
C: "I know but I want to." He says before walking on. He keeps walking but stops. He sighs and shuts his eyes.
C: "I was right here when I felt and arm sneak around my mouth and I was knocked out cold. Next thing I know I was in the storage unit." He says sighing. I wipe a fallen tear and go over to him. He opens his eyes.
C: "it feels weird being here." He whispers. I nod.
C: "Vancouver doesn't feel safe anymore. It doesn't feel like a second home anymore." He says looking around. I nod.
L: "do you want to go back?" I ask him. He nods.
C: "I want to go to the storage unit. No I need to go. Get it done with tonight." He says sighing. I nod and we began on our way. After a 15 minute walk he stops just outside the gates.
C: "I have to go in alone." He whispers. I frown.
L: "no chance! I'm coming with you!" I say seriously. He shacks his head.
C: "the only way to get over it is to go alone. I'll be fine." He says before walking off. I sigh.
Cole's POV
As I walk up to it I fell their hands all over me. I shacks my head. I stand in front of it. It was taped off by the police. I sigh.
C: "what did I ever do?" I mumbled to myself. I sigh.
C: "what did I do to any of you? I loved you all." I mumble chuckling to myself.
C: "love? F*ck, the only people yous three loved were yourselves. Rot in hell! All of you." I say annoyed before walking away. When I get to the front gates Lili hugs me.
L: "are you okay?" She asks worried. I nod and smile lightly.
C: "yah, I'm good." I say smiling. She smiles widely and we walk back to our apartment.
We were back and cuddles up in bed. Lili sighs.
L: "do you feel any closer after tonight?" She asks curiously. I nod.
C: "a lot. I just want to get court over with and then I know I'll be okay." I say smiling lightly. She nods and pecks my lips. She snuggles her head into my neck. After a while we were both fast asleep and for the first time in ages I slept a whole night.
Time jump- The Court Day (I know nothing about court so sorry if it's weird!)
Today was the day of court and I was really nervous. Lili and I were wearing this:

 Lili and I were wearing this:

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Lili looks at me.
L: "are you ready for this?" She asks nervously. I sigh.
C: "I think so." I say back shrugging. These last few weeks I have been busy getting caught up on stuff and filming so I haven't had time to think. At 12pm we left. When we got to the courthouse my dad, mom and Dylan were all waiting which I didn't know about. I smile.
C: "what are you guys doing here?" I ask hugging my dad. My mom sighs.
CM: "we are here to support you and to watch them burn in hell." She says seriously. I nod and hug her, finally after hugging them we were called in. Lili grips my hand.
L: "I love you okay!" She says smiling. I nod.
C: "I love you too." I say kissing her before going up to my seat. They were all sitting behind me because they weren't actually being called for a report. The judge begins.
J: "today we are here to decided the prison time of Melanie Wright, Mark Wright and Rebecca Wright. They kidnapped and abused Cole Sprouse. Cole is here today along with the officers today to report on their side of the story. Cole of you please stand, state your name and begin." He says smiling over to me. I nod and stand up. I take a deep breath.
C: "Cole Sprouse. I was walking down 'Ville road' by myself when I felt and arm creep over my mouth and someone nock me out. The next thing I remember I was in the unit and Rebecca come in. She stripped me of my clothes and against my will, sexually assaulted me. Then mark come in and beat me. They would beat everyday and Rebecca would come in about 5 times a week. Then on the day Melanie come in and hey started to discuss moving me from Vancouver because they knew Lili, Dylan and the police were on to them. I don't remember much else form that day because a lot happened." I say wiping a fallen tear from my cheek. I hear Lili and my mum sniff. The judge nods and I sit down. My dad rubs my shoulder. The police come up and make their statements before the jury leave to make their decision. They come back in 15 minutes later.
Jury: "Judge we have made out decision! We grant Melanie Wright, Mark Wright and Rebecca Wright guilty and life in prison!" He shouts. I look at the judge shocked and he nods.
J: "Court dismissed!" He says. I stand up and turn around to face my family. They were all smiling. Lili runs over to me and jumps into my arms. She was tears.
L: "you did it baby!" She says smiling. I nod.
C: "I did it!" I say happily. I had got the closer I needed to heal.

I am so sorry this took me so long to write but with life and working on other stories it got pushed to the side a little so please let me know what you think! That's the re-write so if there's any other of my stories you want me to re-write or you have any ideas let me know! ❤️- G

Sprousehart one shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora