The Little Things That Made Me Love Her More

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So this story is the same as the last one only it's from Cole's POV. So once again BOLD = a reason he loves her and NORMAL FONT = an example. I hope you like it and leave any requests in the comments! Thank you for reading! -G ❤️)

She always gives me space when I need it
When I get stressed I start to push people away. It's something I've always done. I don't mean to do it but I do. I normal just ignore them, which is what I'm doing to Lili. I just get so stressed that I shut down. Lili was trying to talk to me.
L: "Cole are you even listening to me?!" She asks me annoyed. I just ignore her and stare straight out the window not wanting to snap. She taps my knee but nothing. She sighs.
L: "you feel stressed don't you?" She asks me sighing. I still don't reply. She nods.
L: "right then, when your ready to talk I'll be in the bedroom." She says kissing my head before walking into our bedroom. Do I feel guilty that I do this? Yes very much but I can't really help it. It's what I do. I sigh and after about an hour I go into the room. Lili was lying on her side. I sigh and lie behind her.
C: "I'm so sorry. I'm am a*shole." I say sighing. She giggles.
L: "your not an a*shole you just have a weird way of dealing with your stress." She says smiling. I nod.
C: "I'm sorry." I whisper kissing her shoulder. She smiles and turns around.
L: "it's okay. You just needed space and that's okay." She says smiling. I nod and kiss her nose. She was so understanding.

The way she always plays with my hair
It doesn't matter where we are or what we're at, Lili will always play with my hair. As for now we are at set. Lili, Cami, Mads, KJ, Casey and I were all sitting in the student lounge because it wasn't being used. I was sitting on one of the cars and Lili was sitting in the arm of it leaning her elbow on my shoulder. One of her hands were sitting just off my shoulder and the other was playing with my hair. She would run her fingers through the thickness and then scratch the back of my neck. I smile and place my hand on her thigh. When we're at home and cuddling she always plays with it. If we are together she never leaves my hair alone and I love it.

How she's always up for adventures
I had just saw photos of Antelope Valley. I really wanted to go there with Lili for a photoshoot. I look up at Lili.
C: "how would you feel about an adventure?" I ask her smiling. She nods.
L: "sure! When and where?" She asks me. I smile wider than I plan to. She giggles.
C: "how about now? It's nice weather. Only if your free that is." I say shrugging. She nods.
L: "perfect! What will I wear?!" She asks me pulling me into our bedroom. We pick a beautiful black dress and a white flowers tops with denim shorts. We drive up and take the photos. We were now back at the apartment and I was looking through the photos. I sigh and place my hand on Lili's thigh.
C: "baby these are absolutely gorgeous!" I says smiling. She blushes and rested her chin on my shoulder looking at the screen. She smiles.
L: "they are amazing." She says happily. I sigh.
C: "they are good photos but you make them amazing." I say seriously. She blushes again and kisses my cheek. I sigh.
C: "thank you so much for going there today." I say sighing. She smiles.
L: "it's my pleasure! I'm always up for an adventure!" She says smiling. I smile and kiss her. She was the best.

Always up for cuddles
I love cuddling. Only one person knows that and that's Lili. If we have a free moment together we're cuddling. Lili doesn't love it as much as I do but she does it for me. We were currently lying in bed and we had our backs to each other. We weren't in the midst of an argument I was just reading and Lili was on her phone. I put my book down and turn over. I wrap my arm around her waist and put my face in her neck. She sighs.
L: "you just can't leave me alone can you?" She asks me. I sigh and back up a little.
C: "sorry." I say sighing. I take my hand of her waist and just lie on my side of the bed. Lili sighs and sets her phone down before turning around and snuggling into my chest. I smile and wrap my arms around her.
C: "sorry I'm so clingy. I just love cuddling." I whisper. She looks up at me.
L: "it's okay. And I wasn't mad about you cuddling me, I meant it sarcastically and it just come of wrong." She says sighing. I nod.
C: "no it's okay! We don't have to cuddle if you do-" I say but she cut me off by kissing me. I smile. She pulls away.
L: "now stop talking and sleep. I'm not moving so neither are you." She says kissing my chest before turning the light out and closing her eyes.
C: "I love you so much." I whisper. She smiles.
L: "I love you too you big cuddle bug." She says giggling. I chuckle and kiss her head.

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