Our secret sister

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(Fake) (the virus didn't happen and Lili and Cole are still together)
Lili's POV
Recently Cole has been acting really weird. I'm not sure why but he just seems preoccupied and weird. He's been on his phone all the time but never took the calls with anyone else in the room. When I ask him about them he just says it was family which I knew was a lie. I think he's cheating on me. I really hope he isn't because I love him so much but he's just so secretive. It was really starting to get to me and I was going to find out why some way or another. I have been at set brainstorming all day on what I can do. I'm planning to try and see his phone to see if there's anything suspicious on it. When I got home he was asleep on the couch so I took this opportunity to look at it. I thankfully knew his password so I quickly went through his phone calls. He had a lot from Dylan, his dad and a girl called Jenna. My heart started beating really quickly. I quickly checked his texts and he has loads form Jenna who ever she is. I nervously tap on the contact and see this message.
Jenna: hey! When can we meet? I know your busy with work and Lili but I want to see you in person x It read I was nearly sick. I wiped the fallen tear and placed his phone were it previously was. I sigh and get changed when I come back out Cole was awake. He smiles.
C: "hey baby! How was work?" He says getting up. I fake smile.
L: "good yah busy but good." I say as he hugs me. I sigh and tensely hug back. He sighs.
C: "why are you so tense?" He asks worried. I sigh.
L: "oh I'm just tired." I say lying. He nods unconvinced. He kisses my head.
C: "I was thinking we could order pizza for dinner? It just sounds really good." He asks pushing my hair behind my ear. I smile.
L: "yah that does sound good." I say nodding. He nods.
C: "perfect will I order it now or later?" He asks. I think for a second.
L: "no I'm quite hungry." I say laughing. He nods and orders the food. When we were waiting we lay on the couch. His phone rang and it was Jenna. I pretended not to notice the caller. He got up and took it in the kitchen. I quietly followed him.
C: 'hey!'
J: 'hey I was wondering when we could meet just I want to see you in person.'
C: 'soon but I need to tell Lili. She's starting to suspect something and I'm afraid if I don't tell her soon she'll be mad.'
J: 'yah that's good just let me know when we can'
C: 'yah I will do but I gotta go.'
J: 'okay bye love you'
C: 'bye love you too.' He says before hanging up. I chock back a sob but Cole hears it. He sighs.
C: "god this must look so bad. I swear to god this is not at all what you think." He says panicky. I scoff.
L: "oh it's not. Who's Jenna then? Huh? I want to meet? I love you? How long has this been going on for?"I ask tears falling down my cheeks. He sighs.
C: "I swear to god I'm not cheating! I love you too much please Lili listen!" He says following me as I run to the bedroom. I sigh and grab my bag stuffing clothes in it. I look at him
L: "how is she then?" I ask between sobs. He sighs
C: "my sister." He says quietly. I scoff.
L: "nice try I'm not falling for that." I say looking at him. He looks at me seriously.
C: "she's Dylan and I's secret sister. Our secret sister. Believe it or not but she's our triplet." He says wiping a tear. I frown.
L: "my a*s she is! Nice try." I say still packing. He sighs and sits on the bed.
C: "you think I've faked that? The emptiness, the pain, the confusion, the constant question of 'where is she?' 'Where is my baby sister?'. Always feeling like half of myself. Knowing I have a sister somewhere in this world that only my family knows about. Or still remembering that day when we were torn apart at the age of 5. Not knowing what she looks like or who she is. It was 23 years ago and I can still remember it." He says tears pouring. I frown and look him dead in the eyes. I knew he wasn't lying, he wasn't faking it. I sigh.
L: "your not lying." I say shocked. He shacks his head.
C: "no I'm not." He says sniffing. He sighs.
C: "every big brother just wants to protect their little sister not be split from her and to not see her for 23 years." He says sadly. I bite my lip and stand up. I sit beside him.
L: "can you explain it to me?" I ask gently. He nods.
C: "when we were born my mother didn't want Jenna in the spot light. 'She was too pretty for the spot light' that was moms words. So they hide her and we only saw her over FaceTime if we were in an acting job so we only saw her in person for like a day a month. Then when my parents divorced it was dad keep the boys and mom took Jenna for a quiet life. It was loud and messy. Dad did try to get Jenna but mom just took her. When they finally both had signed the papers mom came to our house said goodbye to Dylan and I. We got to hug Jenna quickly before she was took away with mom. We were five so we understood what was happening but at the same time we were confused. Dad just told us that they weren't together anymore and that mom took Jenna. You don't really understand a divorce at that age but we knew what happened with Jenna. We haven't got to speak with her from that day. I didn't know where she was, who she was, for all I knew she could have been dead, I knew she wasn't famous because I did try to find her but I couldn't. I'll know she's my sister when I see her like. Then at the beginning of the month I got a DM from Jenna Sprouse. I was really confused because it couldn't have been her and her surname still wouldn't be Sprouse. She left her phone number in the message so I text her. We talked for about a day and then we got talking with Dylan. I knew it was her. We got dad in contact with her and they have met. Dylan and Jenna have FaceTimed they just haven't met in person. I've only talked to her on the phone." He says quietly. I sigh.
L: "god I'm so sorry. I didn't know you felt like that." I say taking his hand. He sighs.
C: "nobody does apart from Dylan. I forgot too sometimes because it's been there so long I'm used to it. Just this new feeling is confusing. I'm happy and I don't have that empty feeling anymore and it's so new. But I've been pushing people away because I can't figure out what to do with it. I'm sorry I was closed off and secretive. It's just for the first week I didn't believe it. Then the second week I did and I was getting everything explained and getting dad to meet her. Then last week I really only got to know her and I still dont really know her and then this week I'm just trying to figure everything out." He says confused. I shack my head.
L: "no it's okay. I understand. I just thought you were cheating on me. With the wanting to meet and the love yous I just jumped to conclusions. I guess I never thought you would have a sister." I say shocked. He nods.
C: "I suppose it does sound like that but I would never do that. I love you too much." He says looking at me. I nod.
L: "I love you too." I say kissing him.
L: "do you have a picture of your secret sister?" I ask happily. He nods and pulls his phone out. He shows me this picture:

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