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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu...

I request my precious readers to pray their Salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy.


Third persons pov :

She ran to the bathroom as fast her weak body could allow and emptied her guts out seeing blood in her vomit was not a new thing for her but the amount of blood which came out now was surely an alarming thing.

Zaamin rubbed her back trying to ease her pain which was taking a deadly toll on her seeing his other half in pain made his stomach churn.

He helped in brushing her teeth then after cleaning her up he scooped her in his arms and placed her carefully on the hospital bed and reclined it to a seating position. He attached the nasal cannula which was attached on her nose to the oxygen cylinder to increase the oxygen flow which helped her ease the process of respiration.

"This is getting nasty as time passes!" Her voice was hoarse even talking seemed like a big task for her.

He looked at her fragile form his heart breaking at the mere sight of her condition once a healthy bubbly girl was now left with only skin and bones her cheeks hollow with sunken eyes yet she was the most beautiful creature in his eyes.

How could she not? after all she's his other half!

"You need to be strong for us! You can't give up my tigress!" He caressed her cheek lightly, her lucid jade eyes had lost the spark in them which always seem to be burning with passion to fight.

To fight against cancer!

It was a rare type of thyroid cancer she was diagnosed with!

The medication seemed to have no effect as she was on the last stage of the deadly disease which wanted to take her life away which zaamin couldn't allow to see her leave him forever.

"I can't do this anymore these chemo has done nothing then make me very weak! I'm tired zaam!" She cuddled up on his chest cocooning herself in his warm embrace as he held her close to himself.

"Urw-" he began but she cut him in the middle "I know its not easy but you had to understand this z-zaam I had the spirit to f-fight if not for myself but for you and dad but I j-just can't anymore, its so painful every single breath seems like needle pricking my skin!" She sobbed on his chest as he weeped inside his head not being able to show his vulnerable self to weaken her further.

He needed to be strong for her!

"I want you to let me g-go, I want to l-leave this world peacefully I don't want to fight with d-death anymore!" She fisted his tear soaked shirt as he rubbed her head which was bald due to the amount of chemo she had undergone.

The most priced possession for a woman is her hair! And hers was gone!

No amount of words can describe the ill feeling she felt at that time, it was indescribable and that was a moment in her life she couldn't forget like EVER!

"You're literally asking me to rip my soul out of my body? Do you think I can let you go like it's easy for any of us to let you go? Do you think I'll handle the pain like I'll be able to live without you?" He asked cupping her face, the emotions which seemed to display on her face was broken beyond repair.

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