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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies..

I request my precious readers to pray their Salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy..


Zaamin's pov:

I flipped the pages of the file which I was currently going through checking the profit data of the past months when a knock interrupted my concentration.

Ayan peeked his head inside as I looked at him just raising my eyes "Mr.king is here sir!" He informed as I nodded at him with a smile.

I closed the file when the door re-opened and leaned back on my reclainer chair when he stepped into my office like the king he was, His aura of power, his command and confidence, the sense that—whatever he was—he was something humankind wasn't prepared to face.

"Well is it not the great king welcome to my humble abode!" I winked at his emotionless face and he just rolled his eyes and took a seat infront of me.

"Don't irritate me zaamin I'm not in the best of mood lately!" His clipped voice made me scrunch my face.

"Geez..loosen up amaan you don't have to be serious all the time!" I told him shaking my head and taking the signed file from his hand and going through it once again.

"Tell me dude what made you to invest in my new project huh? You want to extend your business in airlines too ?" I asked him seeing the investment he made in my new upcoming project.

"You know me yasin I always like to try new things so why not invest in something which I'm sure about it succeeding!" He told as his steel like grey eyes held some wisdom unknown.

"Well Is it the day when I'm finally going to see heaven, Mr.king is praising me I never thought this day will come so soon, I feel honored! " I goaded him knowing his so called unwelcoming personality.

"Stop irritating me like zamy, yasin! my patience quota for the day is already filled by his irritating smile and rambles!" He told me glaring which has no effect on me nor our friends group.

"Well he's the only source of entertainment you have otherwise you'll even forget emotions and feelings exist in the world!" I told him with a glare.

"Whatever i don't care!" He told with a tight lipped smirk.

He's one of the tough nuts to crack in our friends circle including some crackheads, running oil and petroleum industries and being the mafia king has made him even more colder and unapproachable.

"I feel so sorry for my future sister in law, whoever is the girl she must be fiesty and kind hearted to deal with an insensitive dude like you, may Allah give her patience!" I prayed goading him to see his reaction and his eyes narrowed in my direction.

"Like that will happen, I no longer hold the capability to care let alone love so do not daydream and I don't waste my time hoping for something which doesn't exist!" He scoffed and his honesty is the one thing which will keep you intrigued about him.

He tells you about how he feels or closes himself off from everyone but never lies about his feelings.

"You're the biggest pessimist I've ever met dude try to have some positivity or light in life!" I told him when he stood up buttoning his suit jacket which was his classic three piece balck Armani.

"I'm the king of darkness and no light will be able to brighten it up!" He told arrogantly, I stood up and shook his hand firmly "We'll see about that!" I winked at him and he smirked an evil one.

A BILLIONAIRE'S STARDUST जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें