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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...


Aala's pov :

"No.. No.. No. No. No...... She lwoves me mwore! " Zain yelled at his maam for the nth time but he was hell bent on annoying Zain to no mercy.

" Dream on boy, she's my sister she loves me most, even more than you! " Humza poked his tongue at Zain playfully.

Ask him to be dramatic he'll give you a good show!

We all were seated on the lounge area, while I sat on the four seated leather sofa and Humza sat beside me closely and asfa sat on the singlet sofa on my other side and Zain was standing on the plush ivory carpet glaring daggers at his maam for annoying him.

" No you're lwying, she's my mwama, she lwoves me more! " his face was red from anger as he kept his both hands on his hips.

" Humza stop it! " asfa yelled at him playfully, I twisted his ears lightly for annoying Zain but he has no plans to stop harassing my little boy.

One thing about Zain you'll know is that he hates sharing me with anyone, he hates when someone gains my attention .

He's very possessive of his mama!

" Aal don't you dare open your mouth, it's getting interesting! " Humza whispered in my ears and I just huffed at him.

" No Zain, Before becoming your mom she's my sister first, she loves me more and I'm her first baby, she loved me even before she loved you! " he was teasing him to his extent as he turned on his seat sideways facing me and hugged me tight while I was facing front towards Zain and humza kept his head on my shoulder and wiggled his brows challenging and mocking at my boy.

Zains eyes were filled tears as his lucid azure blue eyes turned glassy " Avva mommy, maam is so mwean! " he sniffed running into the awaiting arms of his asfa mummy who wrapped her arms around him happily and made him sat on her lap shaking her head at humza.

She kissed his chubby cheeks and wiped his tears quickly " Awe don't cry my baby, you're maam is so mean! Mama loves you more than maam and avva mummy too! " she peppered butterfly kisses on his cheeks and he giggled enjoying the news which he was hearing.

" Hey.. You didn't mean that! " Humza growled at her with scrunched face not liking the fact when she said she loves Zain more than him!

Serves you right for teasing him! Baby brother!

" Oh I mean it In every single way Mr, isn't it baby? " asfa asked Zain playfully tickling his tummy he was so ticklish just like me,

" Yesh.. Yesh..  Everyone loves me more! " Zain grinned loudly and poked his tongue at his maam, the same way which he did back a while ago.

" I can't believe you're going to be a dad soon and still behaving like a toddler Humza " I laughed at him happily, my lion is happy when they broke the news that they were expecting their first child, we lost it.

It was the most happiest moment in our life, mama was in tears knowing that she's going to be a grandma again, we couldn't control the happiness that erupted in our chest.

" Hey you can't expect me to stop fooling around you just because I'm going to be a dad huh? " he questioned still hugging me merrily.

" After all I don't know when I'll have you all to myself to annoy and tease especially when you'll move out to New York after marriage, I'll miss you! " he mumbled grumpily against my shoulder.

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