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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their Salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...


Aala's pov :

"I d-didn't meant t-to do that!" I cried sitting on the tiled floor "oh my Allah! Why are you crying sis please stop it!" Someone hugged me tight kneeling down beside me.

"I h-hurted him asfu I hurted h-him very b-badly!" I hiccuped not being able to say it properly as pain engulfed my whole body.

She caressed my back while holding me tight "please don't cry I'm sure you didn't meant to do that, he'll understand but please for Allah's sake stop crying!" She pleaded in a soft tone but I shook my head "that's the problem asfu he understands me and always end up getting hurt either way, I feel so guilty I feel so ill about myself I just hate it when he gets hurt because of me! He doesn't deserve any of this heartaches which I'm giving him!" I wailed clutching her gown as she struggled to calm me.

"I'm trying asfu I'm trying very hard to forget my past and move on with him, but its not easy whenever I make a move something or the other happens i remain in that same position I'm so tired of being stuck in the same place and on top of that he always understands me never imposes his rights on me and he's such an incredible father for zain which swells my heart seeing them happy together he's a great man asfu any girl would be over the moon to have him but look at me a girl who's stuck in the past and cannot able to move on!" I sniffed while wiping my tears harshly.

"I tried to forget dani but I failed every single time no matter what I do everything reminded me of him and whenever I think to give zaamin a chance or whenever we get close, I look at him in a different way his nature character everything pulls me towards him but at the same time I feel like I'm betraying dani his feelings how can I allow zaam to get close to me when I claim to love dani! My mind is so twisted that I constantly run in the same circle which has no end!" I let my heart out in front of asfa maybe it was the first time I'm confessing this, my inner thoughts.

"I have no idea how can I ever solve something which I'm not able to understand! Its damn hard!" I cried not being able to withold anything.

Asfa remained silent throughout my rambles but she cupped my face and made me look at her wiping my eyes "look at me sis just listen to me ok? I know its hard for you losing your husband when you needed him the most would've hurted like hell i won't even understand the pain which you've gone through but also listen to this!" She smiled at me lightly.

"I'm not asking of you to forget him all I'm saying is not many people get a second chance at love you're getting it so you should embrace it without any guilt and you don't have to forget dani bro or replace him for doing that he will always hold a special place in your heart you just have to allow someone to make place for themselves and believe me when it'll happen you know he's the one and dani bro would have only wished for you to be happy always and he would've want you to make new memories and live happily!" She told me with a gentle smile and her every word pierced my soul maybe she's right maybe this is the sign I needed.

"But will he forgive me?" She asked as fresh set of tears escaped her eyes and asfas own was brimming with tears "he will sis he will because his happiness lies in you!" She told hugging me tight but my eyes widened "B-but where is he ? He was so hurt by my actions that he stormed off will he be alright? I'm so worried for him?" I asked her sniffing and wiping my tears, I wanted to ask his forgiveness I've taken him granted for so long and now its my turn to correct my mistakes but the main question

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