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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu..

I request my precious readers to pray their Salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy..


Zaamin's POV:

We reached Ibrahim mansion after an hour & half drive, all the while Zain was on my lap telling me how much sweets and ice creams he ate yesterday without her mamas acknowledgement.

Sly boy!

He was enthusiastic but later fell asleep on my arms as we neared the mansion, on the other hand I was filled with a little ok ok a lot of excitement and nervousness at how she's going to react to me.

Will she be happy?

That was my biggest concern but I know I have to bid my time with her, it'll not be easy for her to completley accept a man as her husband when she lost her dear one in a brutal accident.

But I'm very proud of her! Of how much she handled Allah's decree with patience and prayer without throwing a tantrum or cursing her fate like most people do.

Not to forget how she raised zain all alone without a partner by her side, playing the role of both mom and dad. She is most the selfless women I have ever seen heck we didn't even spend time with each other I'm already talking about her like I knew her from decades but it's true you don't have to be with each other all the time to know one's personality.

She has a soul of stardust!

So magical! Filled with hope, love and charismatic energy!

I don't know if I can ever compare with her previous late husband but all I know is I'm going to give her all of me and will try my best to make both of them happy till my last breath! Aameen!

As we entered the living room all the ladies were happy to see us, mama hugged me and I bent forward so she can kiss my forehead with ease, which made me to miss my own but I smiled at her.

"May allah fill your marriage with barakah, love and happiness!" She blessed me as all mumbled aameen.

Asfa and safwa both jumped on my arms giggling as I twirled them a little then hugged them both tight "congratulations bro! I can't believe you're married!" They both yelled in happiness as I chuckled at their excitement.

"Thanks my love and princess, I can't believe it too!" I said and everyone laughed.

"Go and meet her we know you're getting impatient to see her!" Asfa winked at me as I grinned at her.

My love knows me very well!

My heart was beating a little abnormally fast today but when I entered her room emotions rushed into my nerves making me overwhelm.

The room was squeaky clean with beautiful interior, it spoke class with a womanly touch.

The walls were beige in color as the marble floor was hidden with lush dusty rose carpet, a round crystal chandelier hung from the sealing  illuminating the whole room. A queen size bed which was perfectly organized with various pillows as I turned around there she stood near the balcony, her back was facing me she didn't noticed my presence in the room.

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