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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ، سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ العَظِيم

Transliteration: Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi, Subhanallahil Azeem..

Translation: Glory be to Allah and all praise is due to him, glory be to Allah the great

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy ...

Prologue on your request =)


It's been three years since I last saw my daughter laugh wholeheartedly or even smile contently, she's never been the same after she lost her husband Daniyal in a tragic car accident, I lost my good son in law but we can't deny our fate.

We should accept and move on but it's not the same case with my aala, she lost her husband when every women needs their husband most, during their pregnancy! hearing the tragic news she had gone into early labour when there fruit of love Zain was born!

He became her source of inspiration and reason to live life even when she don't want to live, that cute little grandchild of mine became her refugee in pain.

My two children suffered from that fateful accident, though I'm thankful to Allah then asfa, my sweet daughter in law as she managed to make Humza realize that it was not his mistake but deep down I know, he still accuses himself for his big sisters situation!

But I can't see my children hurting more and more each passing day and aala's too young to live a soulless life for that she has to agree to my demand and should agree to marry zaamin!

I just want my daughter to be happy and I exactly know who can make her happy and will be a perfect father to my handsome grandson and I just pray to Allah that all should go well! Aameen!


The darkness of the night began to fade away as the Dawn was making its way and aala was mesmerized to see the sky changing its color little by little a faint smile on her lovely lips as she closed her eyes inhaling the fresh breath of the dawn.

Many contemplate why is the air so fresh and pure at fajr time ? and the answer was simple yet complicated to understand for mankind because " no hypocrite gets up to pray fajr! " .

After finishing her tahajud salah she was standing on the balcony gazing at the sky because she couldn't sleep, her nightmares still haunts her, her cries of agony, pain, love, longing for the one who can never return to her in this life.

Her Daniyal!

Her late husband!

It's been three years since his demise in a tragic accident but still the pain felt raw as if it happened just yesterday, they say time heals everything but she was not healing from the pain but it was only making her miserable more and more but life has to move on.

She accepted her fate! it was her destiny! she never questioned or blamed Allah's decree for her but it hurted her and it still does! She knew she was tested with what she loves the most and she wants to be successful!

Allah took her dani from her when she was pregnant with his child, their fruit of love! whom she loved the most, he was her life! her love! her soul mate! But she dealt with his death through prayer and patience!

A BILLIONAIRE'S STARDUST Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin