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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies..

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...


Zaamin's pov :

It's been three days since Humza had woken up and everything went back to almost pretty normal and two days since I'm giving silent treatment to asfa for hiding things from me .

She tried to talk to me several times but I only gave her answers in monosyllables or curtly.


As I entered the room, Humza was wide awake but he looked so pale and weak that made me feel bad for him.

His head and left hand was wrapped with plaster but he was smiling at my love as she was feeding him, asfas back was facing so she couldn't See Me coming but Humza saw and a smile grazed his face.

" Assalamu alaikum Humza, how are you feeling now? " her head jerked around so fast that I thought it would break.

Her eyes widened and mouth went agape seeing me here. She was gaping like a fish out of water seeing me here.

I gave her a Didn't- expected-me-here-right? Kinda Look and she lowered her gaze in guilt.

" Walaikum salam zaam, I'm good bro! "  he said as I side hugged him.

" You like to worry us a lot brother, need to put control on that !" I joked and he laughed a little.

" when did you arrive bunny? " she asked but I completely ignored her like she's not even in the room.

" What did the doctor say about your health Humza ? " I asked him instead and his brows raised an octave, he clearly understood that I was avoiding her.

" The doctor said I'm out of danger zaam, Alhamdulillah! " I adjusted the pillow behind his back so he don't strain himself.

"  Alhamdulillah! Good, I was shocked when Imad informed me about your condition, I flew back immediately after hearing about your accident !" I stressed on imad to let her know that she didn't informed me in the first place.

From the corner of my eyes I can see her wince on my accusation but I kept my face neutral, Humza looked droopy as the medication seemed to kick in.

" Take care brother, I'll come back later to see you ! " I told him and he nodded silently, when I was about to open the door " bunny please.. I'm sorry! " she pleaded and I felt bad for making her sad but she should know how it feels to be left out.

" You failed me as a brother asfa! "  I told her, she knew when I Call her by her name then she messed up a big time.

When I was out the door I began to walk but my traitorous eyes looked at the glass window outside humzas room and she was crying in humzas chest, my heart clenched seeing her cry.

By the way her lips moved I can easily make out that she was telling him about my behaviour how she didn't want to stress me to how she had ended up hurting me unintentionally.

My poor love!

But some lesson needs to be Learned !

And I'll make her understand!

A BILLIONAIRE'S STARDUST Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin