Aiden - Nine

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9 - Aiden

Now (22)


We got back to the house, and said our goodbyes as Blair hugged me, I found myself not wanting to let her go. Obviously, I did but everything in me was screaming not to and I wasn't sure why. It was pissing me off the way my body was betraying me when I was with her. I don't hold hands. Shit, I don't even smile that much when with a girl.

"Oh, thank god!" Ryleigh came running into the garage as I was cleaning both helmets and getting everything away. She ran up to me and hugged me.

"What are you doing?"

"We all heard there was a bad bike accident, I was so worried it was you."

"You didn't hear me pull in 10 minutes ago?" I pointed to the bike already away and back on the stands, which caused her to back away from me.

"Just saying I was worried about you."

"Okay, I'm going to grab some food." I hung both helmets and got to the door hand on the knob when she spoke again.

"Is she what you're looking for?" I spun around and gave her a confused look. "That girl, the tattooed, busty, colored hair, whatever drop dead gorgeous girl..."

"What are you talking about?"

"You've never had anyone but Ansley and I on the back of your bike. Never let anyone. This chick comes around, you just met her earlier today, so I'm told, and she gets to wrap her arms around you."

"Ryleigh you realize that for the past like easily year, I've fucked a different girl 2-5 times a week. Like full on man whore kind of shit. Right?"

"That isn't what I asked."

"What do you want me to say Ryleigh!?" I threw my hands up. "We aren't a couple; you aren't my sister, or my mother. I don't need to answer to you. You want to be friends, sick I'm there. Anything else I'm out Ry, fucking out."


"No, I'm sick of this shit. I'm allowed to put anyone I fucking want on the back of my bike; I'm allowed to fuck anyone that I damn well please, and I'm allowed to talk to whoever I want. I'm not tied down, I don't want a girlfriend, I don't want relationships that involve commitment like that. You've known this for years and it hasn't fucking changed."


"Sorry, I know I still didn't answer your fucking question but I'm a bit pissed off right now that you had to call me and act like a pissy girlfriend that I don't fucking have. So, to answer your question, about what I'm looking for? Nothing. I'm not looking for anything at all. A warm hole maybe? I don't fucking know, but not a woman to spend the night with, that's for damn sure." Before she could say anything else, I opened the door slamming it shut behind me. She ruined my ride high, my apparent Blair high since just thinking about her arms around me on the back of the bike has my temper coming down. Dylan came bursting in through the garage door laughing, obviously drunk which put a smile on my face.


"Me." I laughed.

"You disappeared."

"I went for a ride."

"With Blair." She pointed at me and batted her eyelashes, giggling.

"Yes, with Blair."

"It totally pissed off Ryleigh." She covered her mouth with her attempt to whisper. I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders. "She was freaking out the whole time."

"Not my problem." I started loading up a plate with food.

"Oh food!" Dylan giggled and grabbed a plate doing the same. Eating and laughing with everyone turned into drinking and being drunk, which turned into fireworks and passing out on my bedroom floor. Waking up face down in my boxers, still on the floor. Probably still drunk. A few groans later I picked myself up off the floor and walked out into the kitchen to get a drink.

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