Blair - Twenty-Two

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22 - Blair


"Okay turn your head slightly into his hand and close your eyes." The photographer barked at Landon and I. Landon rolled his eyes.

"Seriously, could this guy get any worse." I did as asked, but complained about it every second.

"Blair!" I looked over at one of the assistants. "Hey, sorry!" She ran over. "Your phone has been ringing for about 10 minutes straight. It's Ansley?" I gave her a weird look but took my phone from her hands and dialed Ansley back.

"Hey girl! Where is the fire!" I let out a small laugh instantly regretting it when I heard the tone in her voice.

"Hey, so I never want to be the one to make a call like this."

"What happened? Is Aiden okay?" Panic ran through my entire body and I was already walking to the dressing room to change. Landon right on my heels.

"He was in an accident. He's in surgery right now. I don't know much besides the injuries he came in with. He was talking to me and the EMT's and then passed out."

"What happened?" I was throwing clothing on as quickly as I could. Aiden's hoodie over my tank top, leggings that were probably backwards, and my vans slip-ons. Without another word to anyone I ran out the door of the studio jumped in my piece of crap Honda and rushed to get Ryder from the sitter.

"I don't know, Jordan didn't see anything. Aiden's two friends Gabe and Ethan won't answer their phones. But they were all out riding, he came in unable to move his right arm at all and was having trouble breathing then passed out. Got him into x-ray, he has a collapsed lung, and three broken ribs along with 4 that are fractured. They took him right to surgery to plate his ribs and get his lung reinflated and everything. Can you come here; I could really use my friend."

"Love I'm already on my way. I have to grab Ryder and drop him at my parents."

"Okay thank you."

"Call me with any updates please. I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Will do love you."

"Love you too." I parked at the sitter's house and quickly texted Landon.

Me – Aiden was in an accident he's in surgery. Sorry. I'll keep you updated.

Lan – Go be with ya man. Txt me.

I ran inside and, in a rush, got Ryder and right back out after explain a little to Jaime. Once little man was buckled in the car, I called my Mom.

"Hey sweetie."

"Mom, I need you to watch Ryder for a bit. A close friend of mine was in an accident and I need to be at the hospital."

"Okay, when are you dropping him off?"

"I'll be to you in about five minutes."

"Be careful."

"Will do." I hung up the phone and tossed it on my passenger seat.


"Yea baby?"

"Who was in nacciden?"

"Aiden baby."

"He okay?"

"Ansley said he should be."

"He will be he tuff." I smiled at my little boy and pulled into my parents' driveway. My Mom met me outside and grabbed Ryder out.

"Go. Call me later."

"Thank you!" Soon as they were both clear I quickly headed to the hospital. Franticly running into the Emergency department and to the desk. "Aiden Lucas."

Finding You (You Series, Book 4)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora