Aiden - Seventeen

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17 - Aiden


After Blair and Ryder left, I went and started getting ready. I had a game today, and a game to coach. I got all my gear and loaded it into my truck.

"What you doin?" Jordan asked as soon as I came back inside.

"Hockey, you?" He shrugged.

"Summer." I shook my head as he smirked. "Ans should be here in like twenty. She said she wanted to cook everything here?"

"Hayes is coming early that's why. He's building another set of cornhole boards."

"Shit, forgot about that. Makes sense." He laughed. "Who would have thought man."


"Ans, falling for one of our friends."

"I feel like it comes with the territory of having two brothers." I laughed.

"You right. Shit, guess I better go get dressed." He nodded to the window as Hayes turned into the driveway.

"Probably, Hadlee definitely doesn't want to see her Uncle Jordan in his polka dot panties."

"Fuck you." He laughed and walked back to his room. I met Hayes outside.

"Y'all got that wood right."

"Yes, you need a truck."

"Na, I like my car too much." He laughed. "Plus, Ansley's getting a SUV anyway. Need more room and all that."

"For Hadlee?" Hayes smiled and handed me a bottle of Jack Fire. My liquor of choice. "What's this for?"

"A congrats to an official Uncle Aiden, from your soon to be brother-in-law." Hayes smiled waiting for it to click.

"What...Ansley's pregnant?!" He nodded. "Oh, fuck man! Congrats!" I pulled him in for a hug.

"And, I asked her to marry me. She said yes."

"Well, that was only a matter of fucking time! I'd say shots are in order but I got a game."


"Yes, tonight." I shook my head and laughed. "Fucking awesome." I helped him get out Hadlee and get everything set up before heading back inside and in to my room. I got on my dress pants on top of my under-armor, already sweating my ass off. Threw on my dress shoes and opted to keep the shirts off for now. It's fucking hot, I wasn't putting on the under-armor top, or the dress shirt and tie until I had to. I walked out of my room singing Good Time by Niko Moon.

"Is there anything you can't do?" I looked up quick and laughed. Blair was standing there looking absolutely gorgeous. She had a pair of white ripped jeans on and a light purple top that brought out the green in her eyes.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I kept walking until I was standing right in front of her and set my shirts and tie down on the table next to us.

"Ansley dragged me over, said she didn't want me at the apartment alone after we got everything cleaned up. Then she ditched me for Hayes." She shrugged with an adorable smile. "Where are you going looking half dapper?" I laughed.

"Hockey. I've got a game to coach and a game to play right after."

"Really?" I nodded.

"It's too hot to put all of it on right now though." She sifted through the shirts.

"Tie?" I nodded, watching her bit down on her lips drove me crazy. I cleared my throat.

"Want to ditch Ansley and come with me?" She smiled.

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