Blair - Eighteen

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18 - Blair


This is seriously insane. So many things about this man that I have yet to learn, and seriously couldn't wait to learn every single one of them. Standing here watching him skate around the ice, he seriously looked like a pro. Most of them did, but I could spot Aiden as soon as he hit the ice. He skated hard and checked like crazy and was all over the puck. Needless to say, they definitely won the game with ease, five to nothing. I sat with the boys and Davin, as they were calling him, was explaining to me what was going on in the game. Thank goodness because Hockey was so foreign to me.

"He's going to have the GM talking to him as soon as he walks out of that locker room." Davin laughed and pointed to a guy in a suit and tie waiting. He had two other guys with him also dressed to the T. As if on cue Aiden walked out of the locker room and didn't even take two steps before he turned to talk to the guys in suits. He ran his hand through his hair and dropped down his gear against the wall, setting his stick-on top of his bag and followed the guys. "That's Tom, Rick, and Jim. Owner, GM, and Coach."

"What are they talking to him about."

"A contract with us. We need him."

"What if he says no?"

"Then they'll just keep asking and offering him more. I don't think they've ever fought so hard to get a player with no formal training. Aiden wasn't full-time in college, just a few courses. Never played for the University or anything like that. Just so happened to be spotted here. Since the season starts in a few days they're trying. They wouldn't be able to use him this season but to get him in and training with us tossing him with the AHL team so they could call him up when necessary...that's all they're trying to do right now." I nodded.

"Keryn could you believe it; our Uncle could play for the Stars!" Noah laughed. "Maybe Daddy will get us tickets to the home games!"

"Shoot, I'll get you guys some tickets for this season." Davin said to Noah.


"Heck yea, you can sit up with the rest of my family."

"YES!" Noah jumped up and down and went back to talking with Keryn. It took a while but Aiden finally walked back over and grabbed his stuff and walked over toward us meeting us at the bottom of the stands.

"Ready?" I nodded, and we all headed out to his truck, he opened my door before loading everyone's gear into the bed and got in driving quietly to drop off the boys. He stayed quiet after the drop off till I turned to him.

"Does anyone else know about it?" He shook his head. "Why not? Seriously Aiden, you're amazing." He huffed.

"I don't know."

"Do you ever think about taking it?"

"All the time." He rubbed his hand down his face and pulled into their driveway.

"Then why?"

"I don't want people to look at me and see dollar signs." He shrugged. "I don't know, that sounds fucking stupid as hell."

"No, no it doesn't at all. People who are in your corner, you know your village." I laughed. "They're always going to be there, the ones that come around for money are easy enough to weed out. If it's something that you can see yourself doing, something that you love. Well, there is no question."

"I should have just taken it when I was 18 and gotten the fuck out of here. But I would have regret that."

"Why?" He looked over at me and gave me a smile that told me everything. He would have regretted it thinking we never would have met. My heart hurt thinking about never meeting Aiden, never creating this baby, and I'm grateful he didn't take it back then.

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