Aiden - Thirteen

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               13 – Aiden


I woke up to my alarm going off in the pocked of my jeans. It took me a minute to realize I was still on Blair's couch, and that she was asleep on my chest. Well startled awake now, because of my alarm. I cleared my throat.

"Shit." She jumped to a sitting position and looked at me with concern etched all over her face. "You good?" I let out a quiet laugh, she nodded, but her wide eyes told me differently. "You should go to bed, it's early."

"I didn't realize either of us fell asleep."

"Me either." I stretched my arms up and caught her eyes drop down to where my shirt was lifted up.

"I uhm."

"Blair don't over think it." I laughed and slid my shoes on standing up. "I got to get to work. I'll text you?" She nodded biting down on her lip and nodded. I smiled and pulled her into a hug. "Stop overthinking." I laughed letting her go. "Bye Blair, have a good day."

"Yea, you too." She waved as I walked out the door the same time Hayes walked out of my sisters holding Hadlee.

"This will never not be weird to see." I stated to Hayes, he laughed and pointed to Ansley's door.

"This is normal." He pointed to Blair's. "That? Not so much."

"Don't say anything to Ans please? I just passed out watching a movie with the kid."

"Mhm, right I'm sure. His Mom being hot has nothing to do with it." I laughed and shook my head.

"We're friends' man." He nodded.

"Friends, right."

"Shut up." We both laughed and went our separate ways since he had to drop Hadlee off. I rushed back to my place to get ready for work then headed to Cole's.

Me – Stop overthinking.

Blair – You aren't even here; you don't know what I'm doing. lol

Me – I know you're over thinking the fact that we passed out together on your couch.

Blair – I just don't want...

Me – Just two people falling asleep. I get it, I've told you enough times since we first met that I don't want anything from anyone. You've made it clear that you don't want anything either. We are friends Blair lol, we both know that's it.

Blair – Okay, I just don't want you to think like that I thought this meant something or whatever.

Me – All good. Promise. Think about tomorrow though, it'll be a good time. Plus, I bet Ryder would love to be on a four-wheeler.

Blair – You are aware that he's only two, right? Lol

Me – Lol I'm aware, but I got his Mom on the back of a street bike and she loved it. I'm sure he'd really like being in full gear on the front of a four-wheeler.

Blair – Okay...we will be there. But please god be careful.

Me – Lol my middle name.

Blair – Is Easton. :-p

Me – Haha, true, but yes, promise I'll be careful. I'm usually the one taking the kids out. We just got to the first job, talk later?

Blair – Sure 😊

Just as I was about to put my phone in my pocket another text came in.

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