Aiden - Twenty-Five

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25 - Aiden

Christmas Eve

I let out a huge sigh of relief when she finally gave in and accepted the car. Never in a million years would I have thought I'd be buying a vehicle to all but give away to a woman I'm seriously head over heels for. All I could think about the past couple weeks we've been together is how I don't see my life without them, like my future doesn't exist without Blair and Ryder, which got me to thinking all the ways I could better her life to make sure they stayed safe. I pulled up to her parents' place and ran over to open her door.

"Thank you." I smiled and put out my hand which she gladly took.

"Thank you, beautiful." She stopped and turned in front of me. Placing her arms gently around my shoulders.

"You're way too good of a man for me Aiden Lucas. I don't know what I did to be able to be with you." Her eyes were shining.

"It is I that does not deserve you ma'am." She giggled. "Blair...I..." Before I could get out another word, the front door of the house opened up and Ryder came running out.

"Momma! Did you see da snow dis mornin?!"

"I did how cool is that!"

"So tool! Hi Den!"

"Sup, buddy."

"Who's tar?"

"All of ours." Blair looked over at me and stuck out her tongue. I looked up after smiling at her and saw both of her parents standing on the steps, they started walking toward us.

"Very nice ride. Chris." Her Dad held his hand out which I quickly took with my opposite one.

"Aiden. Sorry sir, nice to meet you."

"No need to be sorry Blair told us about the accident, it just slipped my mind. Nice to meet you as well." I gave him a smile and took her Mom's hand.

"Aiden, nice to meet you ma'am."

"Oh, a gentleman, now are we? Evelyn." She smiled.

"He teached me Nana!"

"Oh, sweetie, I'm so glad that he did." She laughed rustling Ryder's hair. Ryder then ran over to me and I picked him up settling him on my hip.

"Den are you donna see Santa wif us in da mornin?" I quickly looked over at Blair wide-eyed and she laughed.

"We will see baby, okay?"

"Otay Momma! Nana and Pap got us stuffs! Tome on!" He was bouncing in my arms so we all started walking towards the house.

"Blair tells us you are quite handy?" Her Dad asked. "Must be frustrating with that broken arm of yours."

"It is the worst. I'm very active, so sitting idle is just killing me."

"I can only imagine. I sit at a desk all day, I'm not a work with my hands kind of guy, so you being in construction I...phew." I laughed.

"I uh, do a lot. I didn't actually realize how much I needed this arm until I couldn't use it." We both laughed and got inside. Dinner went really smooth too, her parents looked like they were having a great time. I was having a great time, and that beautiful smile on Blair's face hasn't left. Even when her brother showed up unannounced, she tried to make the best of it.

"Brody we weren't expecting you." Her Mom stood giving him a hug.

"Yea, well I heard my little sister was coming with a boyfriend, so figured what better time than to show up with my girlfriend. Meet Claire." I was in the middle of standing up for Blair's intro but before she could get anything out Brody's girlfriend walked around the corner.

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