Blair - Thirty

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Blair - 30

Late March

I was freaking out twisting my fingers into one another trying to calm myself down. It wasn't working. My worst, well one of my worst nightmares was becoming reality. So, I swallowed down the lump in my throat and hit call.

"Hey beautiful." His smiling face filled the screen.

"Hey, so I have a dilemma." I bit down on my lip.

"What's that?"

"They sent Landon for singles and I'm set up for couples."

"What do you mean?" Concern etched his handsome features.

"That they apparently have me set up with someone that isn't Landon to take doubles with."

"Blair, are you telling me that you're doing a couples photoshoot with someone that isn't Landon, or myself?" I nodded slowly still biting down on my lip. "We talked about this, it's hard enough to see pictures with you and Landon. Someone new is a deal breaker. Especially someone neither of us know."

"It's my job though Aiden." I sighed.

"I understand, but it's a job that you don't need. It's a job that you being pregnant shouldn't have to be doing especially with someone new. Fuck Blair, we haven't even had our shoot together with that amazing belly of yours. I'm not good with this." He shook his head a few times and looked down.

"I don't have a choice, it's a new photographer and everything."

"You always have a damn choice." His voice raised just slightly.

"Well, this time I don't." I got a little snippy. He let out a deep sigh.


"I've been doing this for years Aiden, I love it and I'm not going to stop, and nobody, not you, not anyone else, is going to tell me what I can and can't do when it comes to it."

"That's not what I'm saying at all! I'm saying that you're going to be uncomfortable, and you should never be uncomfortable with a shoot. That right there should be enough to change it. Not to mention that your nerves are going to have some kind of effect on our son."

"I can't change it. I don't have a say in that. It has to be a couples shoot today and..." I shook my head. "Look I have to do it. Landon said they just got started so by the time they get back here it'll be too late. What are you doing?" He was looking straight ahead and it looked like he was walking, but he just shook his head.

"I've got to go." He hung up the phone and I sat in the dressing room with my jaw dropped. What in the actual fuck was that? He's never hung up on me, he's never gotten angry or upset like that when it came to any of my shoots. I dropped my phone down and rubbed my belly.

"It's okay buddy, Daddy will get over it. He loves us." The baby kicked a few times before settling back down. My shoot itself wasn't for another hour maybe more so I just hung out in my dressing room and called Ansley.

"Hey hey."

"You okay?" I laughed looking at her pained expression.

"Braxton hicks are fantastic yes." She rolled her eyes. "What's up?"

"I think Aiden and I are fighting."

"You think?" She laughed. "You know he's a crazy hot head, so like, you'd fully know if you were fighting. Though you have calmed that boy down a lot." She laughed again. "Talk to me boo, what happened?" My shoulders fell.

"Well, I have to do a double shoot today. That's like what is scheduled and it isn't with Landon, and I just found out that it wasn't with him when I came in. They full on sprung it on me." Ansley's eyes went wide.

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