Will Is A Buffoon-Again

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Will was staring at me and smiling as if caught up in his thoughts. I doubt he had many though. Bella who was standing behind me up on the dock jumped onto my back as if wanting a piggyback ride. I stumbled forward a few steps and caught myself. I continued to gallop around Will in circle and he still stood there with the same look on his face except his expression was souring and he was starting to frown. I gently set Bella down and waved my hand in front of Will's face and he still stood stock still in the sand. I told Bella to go and try to make some new friends. She nodded and smiled then dashed off towards the general area of the dining pavilion. I stood in front of Will with my arms crossed. I needed him to snap out of whatever daze he was in. I tried grabbing his hand and a shock went through my body. Will didn't respond to that and he was looking angry now. He was scowling. I was quite scared and my heart was pounding against my chest. I hugged him and his expression got angrier still and he wouldn't snap out of it. I was crying now I had tried nearly everything and he just stood there looking like he was about to kill someone. He started to walk towards the camp and I ran to catch up with him. I don't understand why he isn't responding. I finally matched his speed and walk in front of him. I pleaded I begged and then something that I didn't want to have to do came to mind. I pushed against him as he moved forward he finally came to a stop but he still had a look of the purest fury anyone could ever express. I looked Will in the eyes and stood on the tips of my toes to reach him. I finally got level with him or as close as I was going to get to level and smushed my lips against his. The shock of what I had just done struck me like lightning. I couldn't move and I kind of froze in panic. There I was kissing Will and all of the sudden he falls to the ground. I was using him for support and therefore I tumbled down with him. Finally unfrozen I scampered away a few feet after I had noticed that Will's breathing was back to normal and he didn't look like a serial killer. He had completely come out of his rage and he sat up and looked around. When his eyes landed on me they softened and then he looked away, embarrassed.

"What was that about?!?" I screamed at him angrily.
"Why in the name of Zeus himself would you have a look on your face like you were going to kill someone?"
"Well you see...ummmm...I-I am...what's the word?"
"Jealous. Will why else would you want to kill someone? You were jealous. But of whom?"

Will's mouth made an o shape but no sound came out. I stomped off towards my cabin. He was such an idiot. A dolt really. About as smart as a bag of pegasai poop. Why did I even like him? That's right. It's the little things like his slight southern accent that gets thicker when he's tired or angry. It's how he's so overprotective he has to watch me every waking moment. It's how he always smells like cookies and how his sweaters always droop over my hands and knees making the perfect blanket. It's how he always puts me first and never gives a second thought to it. I realized how dumb I was to get upset at him. I had forgotten to tell him about her being a child of Hades. I went back down to the beach and saw that Will wasn't there anymore. I walked around camp looking for him. I even walked over to the old chariot racing track and under the bleachers to Will's favorite spot. He was nowhere to be found. I was walking back to the Hades cabin dejectedly and saw Jason walking around probably doing something important and I asked him if he had seen Will.

"Sorry man I haven't."
"Oh it's fine."
"Oh congrats by the way."

And he walked away as if everything he said had made sense. I realized that Will was probably in his cabin being mopey because I yelled at him. I went up and knocked on the door. One of Will's sisters opened the door and said that Will wasn't there I managed to peek past her and saw Will wrapped up in a blanket lying on the couch. I pointed that out to her and she had no reason not to let me in now. I walked into the doorway and the sister went back to doing whatever she was doing before. I got an idea. I got on the floor and rolled over to the couch. I slowly peeked over the edge of the couch a Will and he still wouldn't unwrap his blanket tomb. I pointed at him and slowly moved my finger forward until it came in contact with his nose and I yanked my hand back down and said something that made him stop pouting.

"Boop beep bop boop beep beep bop!"
"I'm sorry for being an idiot."
"You weren't the idiot."
"Yes I was."
"I was the idiot. I yelled at you for doing something that you didn't know was wrong. I am clearly the idiot."
"You said it. I merely agreed."

I laughed and gave him a hug. He opened his blanket to me and I crawled in next to him. The blanket closed again and he draped his arm over my shoulder we watched some random TV show until the bell for dinner rang. I extracted my self and got up. I walked to the door and turned around. Will was sleeping. I chuckled to myself and went to go get dinner. I brought two plates back to the cabin and gently woke Will up. He sat up and blinked looking around. I held out his dinner plate to him and he took it. I told him that I had already burned some of the food for Apollo. He smiled and continued eating his food while on the couch. I sat down next to him and we ate in silence. When we were done he insisted on being the one to bring the plates and cups back up to the pavilion. I told him that we could go together. He still insisted on carrying the plates though. After dinner we played capture the flag. We had the fortune of being on the same team. Will and I worked together towards the other teams flag but they didn't have many guards. This had to be a trap. I fought off most off the guards but Will was in an intense battle with a kid from the Hermes cabin. I watched his moves hoping for a chance to help Will but I noticed something peculiar. The Hermes kid was backing up so Will was following. The kid avoided stepping on one spot on the ground. I shouted at Will to watch the kids footing and match his moves. Will finally clonked the kid on the head and he crumpled to the ground. Will went toward the flag and I told home to wait. I picked up a pretty heavy rock and threw it toward the flag. It landed on a pressure plate and a net sprung up taking the rock with it. I threw another one just to be sure but nothing happened so we decided to go the exact path that the rock had landed on. I knew something was wrong when I grabbed the flag and it gave me a shock so strong it had seemed that I passed out still gripping the flag. Will filled me in after the game and told me the my grip on the flag was so strong that he had to pick me up and carry me after his failed attempt to pry it from my hands. We ended up winning.

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