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Before you freak out. Yes this is from Will's perspective. Do not get your hopes up. I may or may not bring him back in this chapter. So everyone seems to agree that I truly am almost as evil as Uncle Rick. It's an honor. Even my friends think so. I will do my best to live up to the complete and utterly pure cruelness of Uncle Rick. You have no idea how much we honor being called 'Rick Riordan's doppelgänger' or 'Uncle Rick's legacy' means to me. *sniff sniff* I thank you all for your kindness. I was also wondering if you guys want fluff or action? It's kinda hard to do equal amounts of both and you guys seemed to really like the earlier and more lovey dovey chapters. How's about we vote? I also thank those of you who are reading and commenting and voting. Did you know that we are up to 4.49K views and 305votes? Neither did I which is why I completely FRICKITY FRACKEN FREAKED AND FLIPPED! YOU GUYS ARE THE MOST AMAZHANG VALDEZTASTIC LEVESQUERIFFIC GRACEIOUS MCLEANFUL CHASOME JACKSONLENT READERS EVER! THANK YOU ALL! Alrighty then. I am calm now. I think. Thanks again. Also this is a really really really really REEEEAAALLLYYY sad chapter. I cried a tiny bit while writing it. But maybe that just means I'm a very weak person. I don't know. You tell me. Anyways. Alon-sy! (Doctor Who is amazing)

Being dead is a really weird feeling. It's like you're flying. Not that I've ever done that. So for those of you who aren't offspring of Zeus, it's that feeling when you're falling. Not when you hit the ground but that brief moment between tripping and the crash. It's amazing.

For some reason I wasn't in the Underworld getting judged or on my way to the Underworld. I was exactly where I had been when my eyes had closed. Hey maybe I wasn't dead! But then why was I feeling the floating sensation? I had to be dead.

I sat up and looked around. There was someone who was hunched over next to me. It was Nico! "Hey Nico! You're alive!" Powerful energy surged through me as I continued to talk to him. He wasn't listening. "Nico?" He grabbed the knife that he had been stabbed with. "No!" I tried to take it from him but my arm just passed right through him. My arm just passed right through him. My arm. Went directly through Nico and the knife. I sat in shock staring at my hand. I stood up and walked behind him. I tried to grab his shoulders. But I connected with nothing solid. I kept standing behind him. I leaned over to see what he was doing. He turned the knife over in his hands. A tear rolled down my face and hit the blade. How was that possible? How could something that isn't matter create something that was? It didn't make sense.

I looked down and Nico looked up. I gave him a sad smile but it was as if he was looking straight through me. It was like I wasn't there. His deep brown eyes weren't focused on me. His eyes were distant and red rimmed with tears. You have no clue what it's like to stand above the only person in the world that matters and have them look directly at you and not see you. It tore my heart to shreds. I held back tears. I stumbled backwards and collapsed to the ground, burying my face into my arms. The tear flow never stopped. They poured out and my body shook from the tears. He couldn't see me. It was torture. I screamed at the sky. I stared at it in anger. How could the gods do this to me? How could me own father let me be tortured like this. A sob escaped my lips and I started sobbing again.

Soon I wasn't even crying. I had run out of tears. I sat up with my shredded and watched as Nico laid his head on someone's chest. That someone was me. The solid body of me. Deceased is the medical term. I always got emotional when a patient died. I always blamed it on me. And now I'm dead because of me. Because of my need and love for Nico.

He sat there with his head on my chest for a couple of minutes and eventually stood. I followed him drifting behind him like a lost puppy. I moved the same way I would move if I was living. The only difference is that I was hovering about an inch off of the ground. It was unsettling to watch my feet walk on thin air so I trained my eyes on Nico's back he walked over to my cabin and kicked down the door.

I gave up on watching him. What was the point of anything if Nico couldn't see or hear me? I tried to sit dejectedly against the cabin wall yet I fell straight through it. I hit the invisible ground barrier that I could walk on. It hurt. It may look like nothing but it's something and that something causes a lot of pain. So I lay dejectedly on the ground. My shattered heart was in too many pieces for me to try and cope with how heart wrenching it is to be there and not be able to do anything.

I stood and started to walk back to my body. I thought that maybe if I go back to my body then I would finally be able to rest in peace. I would be able to face the judges and hopefully end up in Elysium. I couldn't just watch Nico go through his everyday life without me. It was torture to not be able to making him laugh and smile. If I was being tortured, I couldn't begin to imagine the agony Nico was experiencing. If we had switched places I wouldn't be able to move because of the sobs.

If I just observed his life, three things could happen. He could continue to live out his life and he might never let anyone close every again. If I watched him I might never be able to see him smile. The second thing that could happen is that he kills himself. He would be with me but he would sacrifice everything thing else. I couldn't let him do that. The third and worst of all is that he could move on.

He could forget all about the boy that died to save his life. He could ignore all of the time we spent together. He could let others in and get help. That's what I originally wanted him to do but I wanted to be there with him. I know it's sounds like I'm an awful person but I don't want him to get over me. I want him to miss me. Because if he doesn't then I will have been just another person. If Nico moved on then he had never truly loved me. He would have never felt the same way I did for him. He would have been unknowing of the way I looked at him. He would have just stared straight through me like I wasn't even there.

I finally reached my body and lay down. I lined up my hands, feet, torso, and head. I closed my eyes as Nico walked towards me. A stray tear flowed down my face. I gave him a weak smile knowing that he couldn't see it and then closed my eyes. This time hoping that I wouldn't be tortured any longer.

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