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I pulled myself up off of the wretched water bed and away from Will's warm embrace. His smile faltered for a second but he continued to beam at me. I'm pretty sure that if I had turned off the lights right then and there, his smile would have been emitting light. I yanked on his hand like a child in a store who wanted their lingering parent to move. I managed to tug the very heavy Will up and he hugged me again. Gosh what was up with him and these hugs? Not that I was complaining but still that make three in the last ten minutes. "That bed is evil. I don't wanna sleep on it."
"Use my bed then"
"And you'll take the evil bed?"
"You'll take the floor?"
"Where will you sleep then?"
"My bed"
"What's ugh?"
"Me what?"
"You are being difficult"
"I am?"
"On purpose"
"Why ever would I do that?"
"Because your evil. Like the bed."
"In no way am I like the bed"
"You're both evil"
"I thought it was you who was evil"
"I am the night. I am not evil."
"So the night is not evil or cute?"
"No. It is the definition of darkness."
"So if I got a dictionary there would be a picture of you underneath the word darkness."
"Yes. You're picture would be under the word annoying."
"I thought I was evil"
"No that's the waterbed"
"So I'm not evil?"
"You are. Just not as much as the waterbed. My stomach still hurts."
"Awwww does widdle Nico's tummy huwt?"
"Yes. Yes it does."
"Does widdle Nico wanna bandage?"
"Yes please"
"Only if you say it with a baby voice"
"Never mind then"
"Oh c'mon. Pwease?"
"Fine. May I pwease have a bandage?"
"Aww that better"
"You are so weird Solace"
"You know it and love it"
"Oh shut it"
"Shut what?"
"Your mouth"
"There you go with the 'ugh' again"
"What's your problem with it?"
"I'm not going to stop"
"Yes you will"
"You can't make me"
"Yes I can"
"I am using the thing you promised to do me. I forbid you from saying ugh or anything of the sorts."
"I hate you"
"No you don't. You lurrrve me."
"Fine. I strongly dislike you at this moment in time."
"That I am fine with." I narrowed my eyes at him. It's so hard not to express your frustration when dealing with an idiot like Will. I don't know why I like him so much sometimes. He's difficult and annoying and so stubborn. Then I remember that he's also adorable and accepting and caring and all in all amazing. His soft blonde hair and chiseled structure doesn't hurt either.
I flopped onto his bed and he perched next to me on the edge. The he stood and scooped me up. I was being carried around like a baby when one of Will's sisters walked in. Will let me get down to stand and pushed me forward as if I was to introduce my self. He gave me a smile and told us each others names.
Her name was Spring, a twin to the Autumn person who walked in on me and Will at the infirmary. She too 'shipped it' and she was really nice about it. It's like we had our own personal fan base. We talked for a little bit about how idiotic Will could be as he sat off to the sidelines adding in a protest or comment. When it got to the time when Will got lost in a little kids corn maze he cut us off. "Okay that's enough story time!"
"Why didn't you just walk over the two foot tall stacks of hay?" I asked him. I was genuinely curious if he was that stupid.
"Well I didn't want to break the rules!"
"There were no rules" Spring chimed in.
"Well...I didn't want to cheat!" He sputtered.
"And so instead you got lost?" I retorted.
"Well I can't just magic myself out like you can!"
"I wouldn't even waste my time on 'magicking' my way out. I would simply walk over the hay bales." At that he stuck his tongue out and huffed out of the room. And then sheepishly walked back in recalling that this was his room. I bade Spring goodbye and she practically skipped out of the room as if she had met a celebrity. I fell back onto Will's bed and started thinking. It's never good when I think. I always end up on a sore subject or prospecting the worst. The latter was what was in store for me today. I began thinking. Will was amazing he was so kind and sweet. When he was nice to others I tended to get a little jealous. That's his job though and I know I shouldn't get jealous but I can't help it. Wait. If it was his job to be kind then could he be dating me just because he was obliged to do things for his patients? But that's too extreme. He wouldn't be obliged to date me. Unless he thought that it would damage me further to not go out with me. No that can't be right. He asked me. If I had asked him then I would have more reason to doubt this. Gods almighty what is wrong with me? Stupid Nico thinking way too much. But what if it's not because he's obliged but because he's scared of me? I can be quite frightening and that's my opinion. But once again. He asked me. Gods I need help. Just lock me in a padded room while I'm permanently hugging myself why don't you? Sometimes I over think. I just get bored and explore the what ifs. They almost always end up badly.

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