Confessions at the Athena Cabin

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After breakfast spent annoyingly with Will chiding me about wearing proper clothing while he sat there in a tank top and shorts, I decided to find someone to confide in. I thought about going to Hazel but then she would go all don't-hurt-my-brother-or-else on Will and that would probably freak him out. So I went with someone that I considered a friend but wouldn't be overprotective.

"Hey Nico!"
"Hi Annabeth."
"What do you need?"
"To talk to someone."
"What about Hazel?"
"My sister should probably not know about this."
"So...matters of the heart?"
"How did you know?"
"You tell Hazel nearly everything."
"So who is it?"
"Who are you crushing on this time?"
"Oh, Solace."
"Awww! Has he made a move yet?"
"He um k-k-kinda a-asked m-me out."
"What did you say?"
"Tell me everything that happened"

I recounted how Will had pulled me aside and how I had dashed away and everything else that happened last night.

"Wow! You initiated contact twice! That's amazing for you especially seeing as how intimate the contact was!"
"Ummmm o-okay."
"Sorry I don't mean to startle you but you are doing way better than you were on Agro II."
"I uh...just um...n-needed someone to um...confide in."
"Do you need help with anything in the relationship or do you want to fangirl over it because if you want to pull a fangirl Percy would-"
"NO. No one is telling Percy about this. That will NOT happen."
"Okay...can I write him about it?"
"No! No one is going to communicate this to Percy in any way. You can't tell anyone to tell Percy. Percy cannot find out about this."
"Why not?"
"Well you see, no offense to your boyfriend or anything but he tends to obsess over people who are dating and for right now he's stuck on Frank and Hazel and I definitely do not need him becoming latched on my relationship."
"Sorry I just...I guess I am kind of on the secretive side and I don't need Percy forcing me forward because he feels sorry."
"You're fine."
"But I do need help. I don't know what to do. I mean like should I do anything special because we're dating or something?"
"The only thing that you can do is to express your love for him by doing little things like grabbing his hand when it brushes against yours and give him a hug before you go to bed. Other than that just keep up being nice and friendly to him and add in a few extra actions."
"Thanks Annabeth!"

I left feeling much better now that I wasn't the only one bearing the weight of the massive secret I was keeping. Annabeth had been extremely understanding thankfully. I was lucky enough that she didn't hate me for when I had a crush on her boyfriend.

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