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WARNING: NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART. You might also want to keep a box of tissues nearby for the next couple of chapters. So this is the third consecutive Nico chapter. Hooray. I bet you all hate me very much for the short and eventful cliff hanger. I am so mean yet somehow you people think I deserve 9.35K views and 631 votes. You guys must be either really nice or absolutely insane. I mean that in the nicest way possible. Probably. Most likely. Maybe. By the way you are going to ask me to update after this chapter. I would bet Nico's life. (Oh my Gods I am so mean)

I hated Cynthia with a burning passion. I had a feeling that the she devil was somehow involved in Will's disappearance. I decided to stalk her. Will would have been proud. I followed her into the wooded area behind one of the cabins and after about five minutes, she whipped around to face me. She latched onto my arm and her fake plastic nails dug into me as she attempted to drag me to Hades knows where. I struggled against her and started to pull away but she began singing. The longer she sang, the less I fought. It was tranquil and quiet, making me feel like I could curl up and take a nap. The leaves looked so comfortable and soft, luring me to their calm place on the ground. My eyes were closed before I hit the ground.

Once again, I awaken with a scream. The only difference being that it isn't mine. It's Cynthia's. I almost smile but then she walks in the room holding an ice pack to her precious little head. In my opinion it's only 'precious' if it's on a stake. I smirked and inquired as to how she managed to get the wound. She mumbled something about tripping and I laughed causing her to strike me. I moved to hit back but it's only then that I realize that I'm restrained. I growl at her and she laughs, the sound grating against my ears like nails on a chalkboard. Then she exits the room. I wonder what in the underworld the mirror across from me is for. I notice a bruise forming along my collarbone and a small cut underneath my eye. I shake my head to clear it and think. The mirror is most likely a two way mirror so that they could keep an eye on me. I knew what I was going to ask as soon as that monster got back from whatever she was doing. I was going to ask her where Will was.

I looked around the room. I was on a metal board in the middle of the place with tight metal restraints on my wrists and ankles. I was wearing no shirt and was thankfully still wearing my khaki shorts. The room was white with a couple machines in it that I could see. There were probably more behind me. It sort of reminded me of the scene in the movie where the good guy is chained to the table, about to get cut in half by a laser. I smiled at that thought but in remembrance of where I was, stopped quickly. I heard the door unlock and watched as a cart was rolled in by none other than the person who I needed to talk to. "Cynthia! My least favorite person in the entire universe! Would you take a request from a soon to be dead man?"
"Depends. What is it?"
"Where in the name of Hades is..." My sassily asked question died on my lips as a tall person with a mop of shaggy blonde hair walked in. "Will!"
"I'm sorry do I know you?" He asked with pure confusion in his eyes. There was also a spark of entertainment and an almost mocking tone to his voice. "Will?" I asked meekly. What had happened to him? Who did... "YOU!" I roared at Cynthia who looked like she was enjoying every minute. "YOU DID THIS! YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE A DAUGHTER OF APOLLO! YOU DON'T EVEN DESERVE TO BE ALIVE!" She chuckled as did Will. I watched with pure hatred radiating off of me. She smirked at me and I glared back. "Hey Will? I think you're going to have so much fun with this one. Not only to you get to torture him physically, but you also get to tear his emotional strength apart!" She chirped gleefully. He also had a smirk on his face and his eyes never left me. "Why's that?"
"Because he loves you! Isn't that just fantastic?"
"Oh absolutely brilliant!" She strutted out of the room. He walked up to me and got so close to me that we were almost nose to nose and I could feel his hot breath. "Oh yeah! Now I remember! I used to be your boyfriend! You absolutely adored me. I remember the picnics we had and watching Wyatt and Sunshine play. How boring could I have been? Not to mention that I was dating you!" I clenched my jaw staring straight back into the blue eyes that no longer seemed soft and were now hard and steely. "You, are not Will."
"Oh but I am! I'm completely Will! I just came to my senses and realized how pathetic you really are. There never was any fun in my life until I switched over. The winning side feels so much better!" He grinned ear to ear but it never reached his eyes. It was as if he wanted a reaction, and I sure as Hades gave him a reaction. I spat right in his eyes. He backed away in disgust and wiped at his face. His countenance now contorted into a snarl. He stalked over to the cart that I had completely disregarded until now.

My eyes widened with fear as I saw Will grab a whip from the cart. The wretched box was covered in weapons. I steeled my nerves and tried to ignore the menacing gaze and the whip that I now realized had spikes on it. He was looking at me with seething malevolence and hatred yet all I could see was the person who was holding my heart in his hands. I had entrusted him with it and so far he had kept it safe. Now he had taken it out and seemed prepared to throw it on the ground and stomp on the shattered pieces. The whip lashed across my chest, cutting it open. I screamed in pain not only from the wound, but also from the hurt of his betrayal. Silent tears leaked out of my eyes as the person I loved ripped me to shreds. He went behind me and I heard the whirring of a machine through my incessant crying. I watched through eyes blurred with tears as a machine with a small claw on the end of it moved closer and closer. It grabbed the corner of a small square of skin on my arm that had been sliced by the whip and slowly pulled. I screamed with agony and I couldn't see anything through the misery and pain.

Finally being able to see again, I stared down at my new scar. It had started healing over so I knew that I had blacked out for quite a while. My shorts were drenched in blood from the cuts and I had turned in to a talking, breathing bruise. As I observed my lacerations, I recall hearing him speak with every strike. I wince at the memory but it washes over me and leaves me drowning in it. Every time he had brought the whip down to mar my bare skin, he yelled a or two word, all of the words forming a sentence. I pieced them back together and listened to the sentence over and over again in my head. "I only dated you imbecilic little piece of junk out of pity and now I'm starting to regret my decision." I scolded myself for actually trusting and letting people in. I showed him the deepest and darkest parts of my soul to him and he just took my vulnerability and tore me to pieces. I didn't know that I could ever trust again. Time to lock my feelings back into the cage they were in.

I take time to think back on all of the memories one last time, remembering my oblivion and naïveté. I remember seeing the happy and upbeat Will forcing me into the infirmary, holding me to my promise. I remember the shy and stuttering Will asking me to date him. I remember the concerned and protective Will who forced me to take and keep his sweater. I remember the stupid and jealous Will who thought that my half sister was a threat to our relationship. I remember the grieving and selfless Will who gave his life force only to watch me go on, blind to his presence. I remember the smiling and happy Will who practically beamed when I named the puppy. The last good memory of him, sleeping peacefully with me after confessing his nightmares of my hatred. The night that we had our comfort session, I had woken up afterwards and noticed him asleep. I had brushed his hair out of his eyes and kissed his forehead. I had whispered to him softly before trying to sleep again. My very last words to him. "We can't fix everything that's broken but we can try. I love you Solace." He had mumbled in his sleep. Then it had seemed irrelevant but now it was the most important thing in the world. He had spoken so softly that it had been hard to distinguish at first but now it was as clear as day. He had muttered a protest to my previous statement. "But I fixed you, Death Boy." A tear streamed down my ruined face. At some point I fell asleep.

I screamed with a voice full of raw torment as someone tore the scab from the square on my arm. I closed my eyes hoping for them to kill me already. When I opened them again, Will was standing in front of me smiling. "I guess I'm dumping you. I thought that was already established but you are so stupid that I guess I have to clarify it for you. After all, we can't have you saying that you love me in your sleep." All I did was give him a look that portrayed how truly broken I was. His neck tilted to the side and his eye twitched a couple of times. Then he resumed his normal stature and glared. I spoke, my voice sounded ragged and defeated. "Isn't it sad when you reach the point where you're used to it? I believe that no one can break me further. So kill me if you please. Torture me all you want. My screams are probably music to your ears. It doesn't matter anymore. Will was the only thing I had in this world. You took him from me and now there can't be anything that's worse than living without him." I closed my eyes to accept my fate. As soon as they had closed, they were open again trying to figure out what had broken through the two way mirror.

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