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I am a terrible author. I apologize for doing that to you but I couldn't resist a good April Fools joke. 2.05K views!!! Thank you amazhang people!!!

He was such an idiot. A very large and heavy idiot I soon realized. He literally knocked me off of my feet and I fell onto the floor as he hugged me like a lifeline. "Strangling-can't-breathe" I managed to get out and he finally released me. Then he stood and helped me up. He glared at me and started shouting about how I was a terrible person for doing that sort of thing but I had to do something. I was seriously doubting whether I should trust him or not. I sat in the Big house for over an hour thinking about my options. I realized that Will is often a little, okay, way too overprotective of me and that he would do anything to prevent hurting me. So I decided to go see how Cynthia was. I went over to the training area where I knew she would be and I was met by a sword to my throat. I happened to have been walking on an empty mat so that, to anyone else, it would look like me and my captor had been sword fighting. My eyes met Annabeth's and she gave me the death glare before getting up and turning around after telling me to follow her. "How do you know I won't run off?"
"Because I know you know that I can force you to follow me and neither of us wants that."
"Okay I'll follow you."
She continued to stride into the forest and we ended up in a clearing. She sat down on a rock and motioned for me to do the same. I nervously perched on a rock across for her as she stared me down. I fidgeted with the hem of my shirt as we continued to sit in silence. Finally I got so freaked out I burst the silence. "What do you want?" It came out as more of a squeak because when Annabeth gives you the death glare it's basically a sentence unless you happen to be Percy or extremely lucky. I was neither of those things. "Why are you staring at me like I just murdered your best friend?"
"Because you need to stop being such an idiot!"
"Will would never lie to you unless he thought you would hurt yourself. You need to stop be so insecure and thinking that you can't trust people! At least let them try to explain themselves before you go off and try to befriend the person who tried to murder you!"
"B-but do you know all of those things?"
"Percy has been stalking you and informed me that you just had a fight. So I decided to take action and force you guys to make up."
"Percy has been stalking us?!?"
"We need to come up with a plan."
"For what"
"For you to seem like you never had a thought about breaking up with him."
"So I was thinking that you could say that it was an April Fools joke."
"It's not even April!"
"Have you ever asked Will what day it was?"
"Not that I can think of. Why?"
"He is extremely forgetful when it comes to stuff like that. The way I see it is that he has so much running around in his mind that he's lost his concept of time. Have you ever noticed how he look a little confused when meals are dismissed?"
"Now that I think about it, yes"
"Which is a good thing for the plan. There's also the fact that he trusts you and such a little detail will go unnoticed by him. Another thing is that he will be so over joyed to get you back that he won't pay attention to why as much as the fact that you are together again. Got it?"
Sadly she was wrong about the glad to have me back part. He was furious that I had done that to him and pushed me into the waterbed with a huff.
"You're sleeping there because you did that to me."
"Okay that means I'm out of the deal!"
"You promised to do me a favor. You didn't specify if you slept on a bed or not. I could just kick you out and you would still owe me a favor."
"But you won't do that. Right?"
"I won't because I'm too nice"
"Yes. Yes you are. Which is why you'll let me sleep on the pegasai down bed."
"You're right"
"And you'll sleep on the water bed."
"Where will you sleep then?"
"I can't sleep on the waterbed. I'm allergic to water"
"Solace, about 70% of your body is made out of water. I don't think you can be allergic to it."
"But I am. So I have to use the pegasai down bed"
"But you told me I could use that one"
"You can. When you have nightmares or are have trouble getting to sleep or if you just want to cuddle." I rolled my eyes and turned around and walked out to go get covers for the water bed. I then remembered that I had no clothes to wear tomorrow and there was no way that I was going to wear the same thing and end up smelling like body odor. I poked my head back into the room and asked if he knew where I could get some clothes. He smirked and passed by me, leading me to gods know where.

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