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I am so so so so so so sorry for not updating sooner! I continually leave you guys on cliffhangers. I'm sorry I can't resist. I know I need to stop. I have officially become a cliffhanger addict. Does anyone know how to cure this? If so feel free to message me or leave a comment. So onward my friend. 3.56K VIEWS AND 234 VOTES!!! I DONT KNOW WHAT IN HADES REALM I DID TO DESERVE THAT MANY READS AND VOTES ESPECIALLY SINCE I SEEM TO BE A "evil little doppelgänger of Rick Riordan" (Thank you trenchcoatfreak)! THANK YOU AMAZHANG VIEWERS AND THANK YOU GODS OF OLYMPUS!!! But anyways. Let's get down to business (to defeat the Huns).

What in Hades Realm did I do that for? Why would I do that? Argh! Which is is now a word I can only think thanks to the person I had just kissed. Ugh! Why? I don't-but I-and he- and- and-and...okay. I am calm now.

I crawled out of my safe haven under the dock and decided to face reality. I was just going to not bring up what I just did. If he brought it up I would be very sarcastic with him. Countering the sweetness with bitterness right? That's the best thing to do. I took a deep breath before heading back to the Apollo cabin.

I stopped at the door and turned the handle. It was locked. I frowned and walked over to the infirmary. No one was inside. No patients or nurses or doctors. In fact now that I think about it there's usually at least one couple *gag* making *gag* out *gag* on the beach and I saw nobody. The camp was unusually quiet. I looked at the climbing wall the training arenas and the dining pavilion. I checked each and every one of the cabins. All were locked and vacant. What in Zeus' names is going on here?

I went over to the old bleachers and I noticed that someone was there. They had their back to me and I darted behind a convenient and random trash can. I heard harsh tones yet I was too far away to distinguish the words. I covered my ears as a shrill, piercing scream cut through the vast silence of the camp.

Curse Will and his stupid leave-the-weapon-in-the-room rule. I reached down to the side of my shoe and pressed a button. I winced at the whirring noise it made as a little compartment on the bottom of my shoe slid open to reveal a Stygian knife with a four inch blade. I did the same with the other shoe. I took the knives out and closed the compartment. Yes I know. Cliché. But it's hard to hide two black knives when all you have to wear is bright orange shirts and khaki shorts with hardly and pocket space.

I glanced around the side of the trash can and watched in horror as the person with their back to me moved aside. Will was sitting on a huge rock, almost completely mummified in duct tape. His hands were sticking out and taped to the flat top of the rock and his legs were plastered to the side of it. His head was completely uncovered by the monstrous grey tape yet replaced by bruises and cuts.

I must have let out a gasp because Will's captor turned to face me. She still had the red marks around her neck.

I jumped to my feet and charged at her. I unleashed a flurry of slashes on her and she was barley able to block them with her spear. I noticed the chips of wood that fell off with each of my strikes. Luckily they only allow beginners wooden spears. I smiled and watched as she brought the top level with me so that she could injure me. I jumped to her side and brought down a knife on the middle of the wooden handle. It snapped in half and she fell to the ground. I moved swiftly to her side and pressed the blade of my knife to the skin of her neck. "One cut from this and you'll be sent straight to the Underworld or maybe Tartarus."
"You're too weak to kill me" Cynthia spat
"That's right I won't kill you. But I'm not weak. I just don't want to stoop down to your level." She gaped at me and I grabbed her wrist, yanking it so that it came up from the ground diagonally. I pinned her shoulder to the ground with my foot and slammed the other into her forearm. I heard a satisfying crack and a scream of pain as her arm snapped.

Will gasped and yelled at me to stop. I had almost forgotten that he was there. I ran over to him and latched on to him. He rested his head on top of mine because he was unable to hug me back. After a minute with me hugging a duct tape clad Will and Cynthia rolling on the ground in pain, I let go of Will. I walk over to Cynthia and pulled her up by her good arm. "Will can help you ease the pain but only if you cooperate."
"I told were too kill me." She gasped through her tears
"I'm not the monster that you're aspiring to be." I pushed her back down to the ground and I smirked as I heard her moan in pain. I strode back to Will and started unsticking him from the wall. When he was finally detached I winced and realized that I wasn't done. I had to rip the duct tape off of his skin. That was definitely going to hurt.

I grabbed the first piece that was hanging off of his arm. I yanked it and he shirk away. I finally finished ripping the tape off and he was bright red. I watched as he started the get a golden haze around him. After a minute he was back to his regular skin tone. He ran over to me and scooped me up twirling me around. "You saved me Death Boy!"
"Ok let me take a look die at your wounds." He grabbed my hand and examined my pointer finger. "Will. I have a splinter. You just had duct tape ripped off of you and Cynthia's arm is broken."
"Yes but you are most important"
"My bone is sticking out of my skin over here!" Cynthia whined and Will rolled his eyes as he trotted over to her. I looked at my finger and noticed that the small slit marking the piece of wood in me was gone. I shook my head and followed behind Will. He was sitting on the ground next to her and I saw that he had a scowl on his face. I crouched down next to him with my hand on his shoulder. He turned to me and smiled. Cynthia snorted in disgust and I tossed her a glare that made her shrink away.

Will turned back to her and a look of distrust crossed his face before he he sigh and started to help her. He had grabbed her elbow and begun looking at her arm. He winced and rubbed his own arm glancing up at me apprehensively. "Remind me not to anger you"
"Don't anger me"
"Thanks" he replied sarcastically. He touched the skin around the protruding bone and Cynthia hissed in protest. Will's hands had that glow around them and he made no move to soothe Cynthia. He gently pushed the bone back into her arm and she screamed so loud I had to walk away with my hands around my ears. I came back and she was drying her tears with her good hand. The white bone that was sticking out was no longer visible and the muscle had sown itself together. There was still a huge gash on her arm though. Will was in the middle of creating a makeshift cast and as soon as he finished it he stood up and walked over to me. All of the gashes on his face were gone but there were still some bruises left. He looked ready to pass out. He walked over to me and hugged me. I tensed at first but then I wrapped my arms around him again. "I am so tired"
"I can tell"
"I didn't mend the bone or the skin but I fixed the muscles and moved the bone back into the right position along with all of the little bone splinters so that it should heal like a normal arm. Her arm will feel an immense amount of pain if I were to stop the healing energy in her so that should give you some leverage. Don't injure anyone please. I'm too tired to heal."
"You need to rest. You are completely drained."
"Yeah?" He asked drowsily
"I'm going to let go and step away now. Okay?" He groaned and lifted his head off of mine. I smiled and Cynthia rolled her eyes. Another glare made her scoot backward. My back was to Will and I started to go over what Cynthia was to do. She had to tell us exactly what she was doing and why.

I was still instructing her when Will came up behind me and set his head on top of mine and draped his arms around my shoulders. He was really warm and so I didn't try to shake him off. Cynthia shook her head as I continued speaking with her. He lifted up one of his hands and started playing with my hair. After a minute, his arm dropped back onto my shoulder. I brought up my hand and laced my fingers with his. He sighed and didn't do anything else. When I stopped talking after asking her if she was going to agree, I heard Will start to snore. His breathing became even and I started to feel him falling backwards, dragging me with him. My eyes grew wide and I let out a little shout as we crashed to the ground.

Will moaned and propped himself up I was still lying on his stomach. He stared at me for a little while and the burst out laughing. He was quickly shut up when he received a hard hit on the head. I jumped to my feet and went to grab my knives but saw they were missing from the rock I had left them on. They were now in Cynthia's hands.

I faced her in a defensive stance. I ducked past her first few strikes but her last one grazed my face and I backed away my hand on the wound. It was a cut about three and a half inches long. It was a thin line running down from the corner of my eye to the bottom of my jaw. I looked at the blood on my hand and then at Cynthia with pure hatred in my eyes. She was going to pay.

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