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My eyes snapped open right as the sun came up. I noticed that Nico had snuggled into me. He had his face buried in my side and was clutching my shirt like it was a lifeline. I don't think I could get up without waking him so I sat there and watched him. He talks in his sleep and it's just adorable. He murmured something about a potato attack. I almost burst out laughing but managed to hold it in. Then his fists relaxed and he snuggled closer. All of the sudden his fists clenched, grabbing my shirt even tighter. He seems upset. He starts talking but louder and clearer than the previous potato mumble.
"Will?" He asks as if I had left him. I had to resist the urge to answer him. "Will? Why are you doing that? Will? No! No stop!" His voice had raised to a shout. I wanted to wake him but I was afraid of what would happen."Will! Don't! Please! No!" He then started weep gently into my side. His tears woke him up and when he noticed that I had been watching him, he blushed furiously. He let go of me and faces the wall but I wrapped my arms around him, pulling us together.
"Please don't ask me about it" he muttered
"Did we survive the potato attack?"
He gave me a bewildered look and was quickly replaced by a look of realization which was in turn, traded for a look of the whale face (-_-).
"I talk in my sleep don't I?"
"More of like a mumble"
"Oh gods. What did you hear?" He said with fear hanging on the edge of his voice.
"Oh I heard the ending of the potato attack dream but I heard all of that last dream. With surprising clarity too."
"Will, if you want me to expl-"
"Nope. Not unless you want to. It's your dream and not my business...unless you want me to know about it so I, your hero and role model, can chase away the nightmares." I received another whale face.
"Yes darling?"
"Why'd you just call me darling?"
"I thought I'd try something new."
"Please don't ever again call me that"
"That's not you were originally going to ask me, was it?"
"It wasn't"
"Well then spit it out death boy"
"Ask your question"
"Cynthia is your sister right?"
"Half-sister" I coldly corrected.
"Does she has the same powers as you?"
"I doubt"
"So she is fantastic with archery. She excels at music. Her singing is stunning."
"As you remember from previous attempts, I did not inherit my dad's musical talents."
"Oh gods you didn't"
"Would you like me to demonstrate?"
"No thank you. I'll take a pass on that dreadful offer."
"We'll take my musical talent multiply how bad it is by ten and add it to 90,000."
"And you have my archery skills"
"How bad can you be?"
"First time I tried to shoot an arrow I pulled back the string which had so much tension that it tried to snap back into place. It took my hand with it and broke three of my fingers along with impaling my foot with an arrow and breaking the bow in half." He stared in disbelief. Then he burst out laughing. His laugh was cute but I still didn't like the reason why. He was laughing at my injury. I unwrapped my arms and hopped out of the bed. I told him I had to go to my cabin and he nodded thinking about the things I had just answered for him. He was probably matching up all of the pieces of the Cynthia puzzle and trying to figure out why she would do that. When I reached my cabin, I had no doubt that my little mastermind would have the problem solve before I came back.

Sorry that it's short! I am at Universal Studios and I can't wait to go! Once again; thanks!
-Od anonymný

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