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The sky was cloudy and the evening breeze was quite warm when the bike man slowly parked and Layla alighted. By this time, her heart was about to explode from excessive fear. She was so scared she debated entering the house or leaving and going where exactly? No where. Perhaps, it was not the time to come.

Rahama was luckily sleeping and the silence was a blessing for the chaos in Layla's mind. She made up her mind and headed for the house. She didn't get much attention from the people by the street because it was just after magrib and it was a bit dark and with the remarkable weight she had added, one need to see her face first to recognize her.

If Layla had thought motherhood had changed her into woman, her voice was still weak and even weaker and timid when she said her salam for even Baba who was seated on a mat with a lantern by his side didn't pick up who it was.

Memories washed over her and it was as though she has been away for awfully long time. How long had it been since she left this hell hole?? It seemed a long time, from a long life. The old Layla.

Displeased by the sudden heat, Rahama started crying and what a good timing for her to announce her presence literally. She said the salam and stopped at the compound to a shock gripped Baba. He couldn't move from where he was seated because for a long minute he thought he was hallucinating yet he looked up again and there she was standing while carefully shushing the child on her back like a mother that she was.

They kept silent and it was Innah who had came out to see whose child was crying. She let go of the bowl of soup she was serving fear stricken. And how Layla had wanted that minute and moment to linger. It was everything she wanted to see in Innah's eyes which she held all thanks to the lantern close to Baba. It was worth the struggle and pain and it was just the beginning. Everything stopped for that household and tired of Rahama's cries, she loosened her and held her in her arms as though confirming that which they all want to deny.

Tears had found Baba's cheeks for he had a mixed emotion of finally seeing his daughter when all hopes were lost and then she was carrying a child. Ya salam..

"Layla is that you??" Baba asked for it was still like some hallucinations for him.

"Yes Baba it's me." She said simply as though she had just gone out to buy something and came back in few minutes with the thing she had set out for of course.

"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un." Innah said before slumping down her legs feeling so weak. She was living her own dream. Her nightmare she had fought with all her might.

Rahama, the youngest sister came out at the mention of Layla and ran to her sister, hugging her. If there was a definition of love in that household, then it was Rahama. Full of laughter and as small as she was caring and warming.

Innah kept reciting different verses as though to avert what she was seeing and Layla couldn't have been more proud of herself and her daughter. She had lived her own part of the hell and it was just the beginning for Innah and... Zayyad.

Baba hadn't mentioned a word and was still seated. Whatever was happening was written and he was more pleased to have his daughter back than what she was carrying. That was written too.

"Malam, you're not saying anything." Innah with a face stained with tears looked at Baba hoping he would do something. Anything.

"What will I say Hadiza??" He asked not a bit concerned about why she was crying. As much as they were all in the mud, she was at the depth of the mud and he hoped it changed her. For some reason he liked what he saw on her face. Fear.

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