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Baba had initially discarded Innah's comment when she mentioned grandchild he found that out of stake. She was probably enjoying her stunt while bad mouthing her kids.

When he raised his face in which Layla's mirrored his, the little hope of refuting the statement he had vanished. Layla's face was white with fear and saddened with remorse or so he thought.
"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un"  Baba submitted whatever it was to his Creator. He heaved a sigh not knowing what to say to her.
Layla could feel the fear intensified as her body begin shaking visibly. Baba had supported her all her life but this, this she came with was totally unacceptable. Nothing would explain or validates what she did.

The air around them became suffocating Baba had to leave to get some doze of sanity.
Outside, he sat on a wooden tree branch they normally keep when a tree is cut off. His legs felt too weak for him. Hand beneath his chin, he started to sort and reflect his messed up life.
Hajiya Khadija was lying down in her bed eyes opened. Sleep had eluded her because of her early morning breakfast which had been sabotaged since Layla's leave.

She had been expecting her return 11 days ago. She made a mental note to get a small phone for Layla when she gets back.

Hajiya finally left her bed to the living room. She heard some muffled movement from the kitchen and went to check only to find Ni'imah already making breakfast. She had taken charge since Layla's travel and even though she enjoyed cooking, she was beginning to get tired of washing plates. She would choose cooking again and again before she takes doing the dishes.

"Ni'imah what's for breakfast?" Hajiya called from the kitchen door.
" It's beanscake mom. I heard you saying you have been craving it so I made it for you." She smiled toothily to her mother who mirrored her too. Her daughter was finally grown into a woman and she couldn't wait to give out her hand in marriage. Her one and only blood, Ni'imah.

That reminds her of her would be in-law Ja'afar. He was a neighbor. Ni'imah had told her about and she was genuinely happy for them.

Ni'imah brought her out of her trance. "Mum, Layla has overstayed her visit. Don't you think something is wrong? But, how would we know?" She asked rhetorically.

" That's same thing I've been thinking about. I think the driver should go and pick her up. Maybe they don't have transport fare. You know how hard things could be for people these days."

Her mother's suggestion was really helpful and Ni'imah sauntered to call the driver so hopefully, he leaves for Zaria tomorrow and she could plead with Hajiya to let her escort him since she has been home doing apparently nothing useful.
Minutes dragged by as Layla recoiled by the side of her mattress. She has been limped by too much emotional turmoil that everything was blurry and taking unnecessary long time to pass. Life would be a torture if she continues like this. She remained reserved to her room and would only come out for ablution. No food was served for her and she didn't care because she wasn't in a state of mind fit to eat. Her little sister bought a plate of Dambu which was remains of the household.

Slowly and dreadfully the time came for her to face her father. It was after Magrib that Mamman peeped through her shady curtains and called her to a literal jury. One where she would be convicted or acquitted. She found a spot and crouched. Her heart beat pounding she feared it would rupture.

Baba sat from the mat his rosary in hand. Innah was in the room and Layla realized it was a real 'father-daughter' moment.

A sigh escaped Baba's mouth. From the dimness of the kerosene lit lamp, she could see how sad his eyes were. His face looked as though he hadn't slept in a while. It broke her heart again and again  that she was responsible for that.

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