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Zayyad had gulped down the second cup of his supposed drink which was basically tasteless to him all thanks to his dear father announcing his 'wedding' to him. How messed up that sound? He chuckled at the mockery. So, He's getting arranged because they believe that would be his redemption. His parent never fail to amaze him really.

As far as Zayyad was concerned, he was a best version of himself and best version of son they would ever pray to have. He comes home, pray and party a bit. Does that make him someone needing redemption?? He hissed and tossed the cup which surprising didn't break. He was more agitated by the nun being the mate than the whole idea of marriage. The girl was boring and to make it worse, timid. When last did he like something timid? He felt the white eyes that could barely look back at him. Her long hair was the most beautiful he had ever seen, touched and held. He devoured the moment and it was ecstatic. If only the nun was this close to what Layla was.

He hurried upstairs feeling a whole sensation of just seeing Layla as though it meant anything to him. He would have to go to Abuja soon before his supposed wedding coming in 3 months.
Life has slowly lost all its vibrant promising colors and all it left for Layla was an obsessiveness for revenge and that enough was all she needs to live. Murmurs were already passing from neighborhood to another but none was bold enough to make it outspoken. Her appearance was becoming more apparent to whatever it was cooking up in her womb.

It has been almost a month since Ni'imah's visit. They had parted ways with Layla promising to be in touch when 'things' get better. It had sounded any time soon but the deafening silence from her had made Hajiya, Abba and Ni'imah worried if all was really well.

Dije had heard the rumor from across the street when she went to fetch water few days back. She had completely rebuked and discarded the baseless accusations. Layla would do no such thing. Even with the few experience she had gotten from her stay in Abuja, she remained timid and meek and looked like Dije would still be fighting her fight for her.

Sitting beside Layla as she carefully and subconsciously examine her, she feared the rumors could be through and it scared her to her core. How could she confront Layla with such blasphemous rumor? Dije knew well something was not the same in Layla's house. It had started with her always being in the room and lost in thought then Innah barking at any given opportunity. Whenever she was about to leave, Layla would make her promise she would come back the next day and she try keeping to her promise.

Layla was slowly loosening her hair which Dije made for her a week ago. She was so reserved that no effort was making her bulge into going out and socializing again. Perhaps she was becoming aware of her body and the glaring nature.
" Layla, when are you going back to the city?" Dije asked behind her.

She had ignored the question for some times Dije had asked before. Seeing how adamant she was, answering could be the last resort.

"Dije I'm not going back anytime soon. I think I'm back to stay here."  She didn't look up as an annoying tear was about to make its way out.

"Is there anything bothering you? Something you want to talk about?" Dije was desperately trying to get what was wrong with her childhood friend.

Layla nodded.

Frustrated, Dije picked up her hijab and stood up tying her hair and aiming for her slippers.

"Where are you going to?" Layla asked from where she was seated.

"I'm going home. Iya warned me not to stay for long besides, she was complaining that you just came once." She managed to came up with an excuse but she was really frustrated by how distance Layla was when it was obvious she was in need of help.

Handsome Devil  ✅ Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora