Thirty- three

454 61 17

Women were a wonderful creatures and Zayyad prided himself in having them at his whim. Skinny, chubby and anyone his eyes could land on. It was a game of ego for him and he kept winning yet he was haunted by the one game he played and failed.

He watched the dark skinny girl dressing from the bed side. He would want what they had to last longer perhaps for more months but she was being clingy and he hated clinging. Was that not what made Noor a burden? Talking of which he hadn't seen in 2 days. Noor. She has been exceptionally tolerant of his behavior and it was again becoming some game he was loosing, too.

She has been always welcoming and warm and he would be lying to himself if he deny not liking that. He could see right through her eyes how she longed for him and how hurtful she was about his escapades but he didn't care or if he did, he wasn't sure.

He got up adjusted his clothes and left with his key  not saying a word to the lady who was adjusting her hair do. He didn't even know her name and he loved that anonymity and freedom. They were always baby, sweetheart and on and on. Just like the other women he knew this would be the last time she would see him and of course goodbye wasn't a part of this type of life.

Noor had came back from family visit. She had been mute for someone who hasn't seen her family for months. The emotional pain she was enduring was becoming a toil on her. Her mother didn't ask her what was wrong until she was about to leave and she lied she was just having headache. Love shouldn't be hurting her this much.

Lying in her bed she finally allowed her eyes to shade her tears. It was too much to take in for her. For the fourth time in this week she felt nauseous and ran to her bathroom to throw up.


The atmosphere in the house was filled with hostility as they all sat on a mat. Layla sat near Gwoggo. Usman was seated close to his uncle, Baba. Innah got a separate space and sat her eyes bloody red and puffy. It had been an awful night for her. 

Gwoggo took reign of the gathering and began looking from her brother to his wife.

"My visit shouldn't come as a surprise to you because I know whatever is happening. Hamma, you lost the hold of your household and this is why we're talking about this today."

She sighed and there was not a sound.

" for about 3 months, Layla has been with me. I refuse to not inform you because she prefer that." She chose her words and let each have its impact.

"When she didn't come back yesterday I knew something was wrong but for some reason I still believe she's not a wayward child. What happened was very different from what was obvious. She was striped of her dignity while in her work house. It was the son of her employer who did this to her." Gwoggo dropped the bomb watching from Hamma to his wife who was in shock from the revelation of truth. Even Usman was bewildered.

Looking at Innah, Gwoggo said " you Hadiza what type of a mother are you?? What insensitive person are you? You subject your daughter to the world and how do you even sleep knowing your daughter's whereabouts is unknown. I'll understand if he as a man was nonchalant but you, this is inexcusable." Gwoggo spat angered at both of them.

" Since you as a family couldn't do the right thing for her, henceforth I'll take Layla and she'll live with me. I already know this house is the last place she wants to be. As for the stupid person who did this to her, I'll find him and take him to court and justice will be meted biiznilllah."

Layla was so proud of Gwoggo and what she did might seem irrelevant but it made her so happy. She wished Gwoggo was her mother. Layla watched her defended her and took her in. She was definitely her blessing in disguise.

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