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The car slowed down at the gate as Zayyad started honking furiously. He was confused for a moment when he Saw Alhaji Hussien holding the door. No freaking way!!! He wouldn't miss the silhouette of this man even in another world. Whenever he looks at him he was literally looking at himself in the future. The pointed nose and the chin that was bit covered by gray hairs resembled his.

He shrugged nonchalantly knowing for sure he would get a long talk on how driving at night is risky and how his phone hasn't been going through and how scared they were. He could bet his life Maama was somewhere close too. They were just worrying unnecessarily. Was he not there now? He parked in and came out in his 3 quarter trouser and top.

" Hi Pops."

He walked leaving the father mouth agape. He walked five good hours straight in that short trouser!! What's Zayyad turning into? He was really scared for him with this way of life.

"Stop right there. What's wrong with you? Is that how to greet an elderly person? You've too much westernization in your head Zayyad that I'm beginning to feel scared. Why are you arriving late?" he probed further.

Maama came out from the dark in a long hijab that covered her feet. Zayyad wasn't surprised. He knew she would be close. They still think he's a baby for God's sake!!

" Alhaji, since he's back we can at least now go and sleep. Whatever there's to correct should be in the morning."

Maama has always been the one that support him and literally got his back. She moved and held his hand her face glinting with motherly love, that which makes her his favourite person on earth.

" Welcome home Fatso. Go to your room." She tapped his shoulder. She was the only one allowed to use that name. He was fat growing up but somehow his love for sport has regulated his body.
He was far from fat now. Slender and muscular. He sometimes flexed it for Maama just so she stops calling him Fatso but all in vain.

Zayyad had a quick shower and prayed late magrib and Isha. It was now a normal thing for him to do that but it would change by tomorrow because his father would wake him up by 4am. He laid in bed and was taken almost immediately by sleep.

Time was stable or so she thought until she was surrounded by darkness. It then occurred to her that she had been seated there crying and it was already one in the morning. The night was silent with few odd sounds from birds.

The following day she woke up late and was surprised no one called for breakfast or anything. She had her bath and took out a book she keep note of all important things that had happened to her like when she got admission into the Government Secondary school, when she took first position the following term, even when they had Quranic Competition which she came third and firmly believed she was cheated. She even wrote her prime suspect who refused to give her her much deserved point. The last page was when she joined Alhaji Hussein household. She read the words she wrote which were filled with hope and enthusiasm that life has something good in store for her.

Today's page would contain the most traumatic experience in her life. The day she got her dignity snatched away and her voice trampled on in the same house she felt held hope for her. Tears had welled up her eyes when she decided to write down what she feel like any other day.

She felt insulted by his leaving wondering which could have been better. Coming back to seeing him in the living room or his absence? She was confused to choose one. Is this the part where he close her chapter and this dark story? But she knew this wasn't the end of whatever it is Zayyad had done to her. She would tell Allah. He is the Mighty and Powerful one.

The pills took their effect and she was sleeping a dreamless sleep with a face stained with tears. She hugged her pillow as it was the very thing that was literally there for her. Writing felt soothing to her aching heart and she couldn't stop herself. By the time she put down the pain, she had written two pages of how to slowly kill someone in the most excruciating way. She felt pang in her chest. She had become a suicidal sadist. She was craving to see someone in pain, every inch of his life being removed and giving him an unimaginable pain. Was she loosing her faith?

Her mallam had thought her to Do unto others what you want to be done to you. Why would she wish him death? Hell, why was she feeling she could pick a knife and stab him in the groin. She needed to be caged. It wasn't too late to see Dr. Munir if he could help set up some session with a psychologist. Or maybe she needed another round of sleep.

She was crying again realizing that the depth to the damage Zayyad had done to her was not yet known. Emotionally and psychologically. She had stained the paper so she closed the book and flipped it to a side.

She heard Malam Tani's voice by the door and she quickly wiped her face and made to the door. She had rested enough it was time to cook something for them. She opened her door and greeted him with a choked voice and a smile that was forced.

" Fulani how are you feeling today? We didn't feel your move so I decided to check on you. How's the leg? "

She smiled this time genuinely feeling warmth of how little things matter. The old man has so much grey hairs on his head that tells how old or how much he has seen in life.

" I feel better Alhamdulillah. I was just about to come and cook something to eat."

He nodded his head and reached out a nylon she didn't see earlier.

" I bought this earlier it's masa and taushe just boil some tea and eat. Don't worry about us we'll be fine. The driver is willing to cook later on."

She thank him and collected. He was about to leave when she asked him a question that has been bugging her.

" When did he leave?"

" Who? " he asked innocently.

She couldn't bring herself to call his name. It was a taboo. His name shouldn't be welcomed on her lips. She kept mum.

" Or you mean that stupid Alhaji's son? " he said distastefully.

" Yes, him." she barely whispered her heart clutching.

" Just before we left to pick you up. That boy is nothing like his father. He threatened to slap me the other day because I asked him your whereabouts. I noticed how he overworked you with his silly demands. I'm really glad he's not around at least you'll rest. But I was honestly surprised when he gave orders and paid for your expenses. It was so unlike him. I hope he do better."

No he will suffer in agony and live a life of misery. I don't pray he get better. I pray he gets worse and get served in this life what he made people taste.

It was a relief when she realized she said all that in her head. Thankfully, she wouldn't raise any suspicion. She walked back to her room and made to boil the tea.

A soft knock rapped on his door before it was opened. Maama stood by his elegant bed. He didn't look like someone that woke up for Subh and it was already pass one in the afternoon. She nudged his legs and he shifted his legs to avoid another nudge which failed.

"Zayyad, wake up. It's time for Zuhr and you don't even look like someone that prayed Subh."

He stirred up and sat to face her pouting.

" Maama, I'll pray when I wake up."

She glared softly at him.

" Is that a reason why you shouldn't pray on time? Clean up and go to the Masjid. I'll be waiting for you downstairs." she walked out not giving him a chance to protest.

He grudgingly left the bed and cleaned up. He prayed Subh and Zuhr same time and walked downstairs to meet his mother.

Heyyy lovelies,

I honestly don't know what's happening to me. I lost my muse and it do happen. I've been so busy doing what I don't even know 😂😂

I dedicate this chapter to one of my favorite people Audu. He keeps pushing me to write and i promise to make it up for him. So here it is. You're appreciated 🙌🙌

Okay hit that star and keep something for me to come back and read.

See you when I see you

One love 💗💗


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