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The faint call for Subh prayer from the nearby masjid was what woke Layla from her dreamless sleep. She was soaked in perspiration. The whole incident with Zayyad came back to her, the lustful look he gave her, that made her feel he was seeing deep into her soul, she felt naked and trespassed. How did she even sleep? It sure is nature.

She stood from her coiling form and head to the bathroom. She had her ablution and set her face to the Qiblah. Again, she felt a lone tear rolling down her face. Why did her family subject her to this? Why is she burdened with the responsibility of her family? She was so happy back then at home. But she was happy with Hajiya until just yesterday when she met this monster.

She had her bath and dressed in a plain Ankara which she came with. It was her sallah dress which her Baba bought for her. It was flowing and didn't fit her. She entered the kitchen and cleared it before she leaves. She didn't hear his move and didn't want to. For her sanity, she wants to believe he's far, kilometers if possible away from her.

When the sky was more bright, and the sun was already rising through the horizon, Layla walked to the gateman little room. The Gateman, Malam Tani, was seated on a bench listening to early morning news on BBC Radio. The volume was high that he missed when Layla's shaky voice greeted him with a salam. She had to raised her voice again before he turned toward her direction, adjusting the volume of his radio.

" A-ha Layla is that you? " he asked surprised seeing her this early. She should be in the kitchen making breakfast.

" Yes it's me Baba tsoho." she crouched down beside him.

" How are you my daughter? I know you're missing Hajiya."

She smiled a bit before stating her main reason to see him.

" Baba, please I want to use your phone to call my mother."

He looked quite surprised before he asked " hope everything is okay Layla? "

"Yes, everything is fine I just want to talk to my people at home."

" That won't be a problem. I just unplugged it from charging but you should talk fast because I don't have much credit."

Her heart instantly leaped with joy.

" I'll try and make the conversation quick in shaa Allah."

What's even there to say? I'll just inform her that I'm coming back today.

She moved away from Malam Tani after she had collected the phone and dialed her mother's number.

The call was picked almost immediately and she wasn't surprised because her Innah is a morning person. Besides, she'll have to dress up her siblings and get them ready some for school while others for hawking. She felt a pang in her chest. While girls are close to their mothers, she was quite unfortunate not to be. She always wondered if she were her Innah but whenever she looked into those eyes and the small curved lips, she knew she was looking at an older version of herself.

" Good morning Innah." she was careful keeping her voice low.

" Layla, what is it this early morning? Are you alright? "

Her heart warmed at her mother's question and she felt like really meant it.

" Are you deaf? Can't you hear? "

Now, this sounds more like Innah, always in a hurry.

" I'm fine Innah. How's Baba and Rahama?"

" Your dad feels better, I'm not in the room I would have given him the phone. How's Hajiya?"

The question made her remember her purpose of call plus she was spending malam Tani's credit.

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