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She let out a slow whimper that was obviously a reflex action to the news she just heard. The horror of what was happening and what lies ahead hit her and she was taken by dizziness that she had to hold the chair for support.

The nurse was carefully observant and from her reaction he knew this was rather a bad news. He wanted to say something but how many girls feign being surprised when they  receive news like that only to find out later they were loose girls and they actually know what they were doing. However, there's something rather interesting about this girl. Not to be deceived by look but he felt she was innocent and unaware yet, he decided to take his files back to the cabinet and hoped she would be gone when he comes back.

"Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un"

Everything was grey and black for her. It was a slow death for her such that when she makes a move to have a go in life, something holds her down. She felt dread as she realized her infamous secret was about to be out in the open and the most disturbing fact was there was nothing to defend herself.

She carefully rose her eyes glistening from tears she doesn't want to shed. She crossed the road and instead of going home she took another route to nowhere.

Zayyad stormed in the house and didn't bother to talk to anyone. He was still mad at the fact that they tricked him to visit a nun. He wasn't in a mood to talk and so help him God least he would lash out at someone.

He had a hot bath and put on a T-shirt with a comfy sweatpants. He came downstairs to find a cold dinner and that was all it took for him to explode.

"It's fine if no one wants me in this house just say it out and I can leave. Stop me giving me hint. You asked me to go see a nun I did and now there's no food for me."  He hissed and took the key he kept a while ago and stormed out not planning to spend the night in the house anymore.

Maama heard the muffle sounds from upstairs and came down to see what was wrong but he was already at the gate when she came. He drove with no direct destination. It was around  11pm in the night and he found himself around Ahmadu Bello way. He took another turn and slowed down. The road was almost empty. He was about going back home when he saw a hand waving at the side of the road. It was a lady. She wore a jeans and a top then a cap which she covered halfway of her hair.

Instinctively, he slowed down and whine his car glasses. To his surprise, she opened the door and entered.

Zayyad was stupefied and scared. What if she was a prey so he get robbed. Up close, he took in her features. She was dark skinned and had a round full lips. Her eyes, oh God Her eyes were intoxicating. They were lulling him and he wasn't angry anymore. How would he be? They were soo pleasing to look at damn!! Women are the most beautiful creatures in the world and if only they know how much effect they have on men.

She looked at him seductively intentionally brushing her hand with his then talked in a hush tone he barely heard. "Where to?"

His eyes almost bulged. Are you freaking kidding me? Oh yes, I know where to!!
He held the steering wheel and headed to one of his regulars for accommodation. What a beautiful way to cool off.

She didn't know the miles she covered on feet and the chilly air wasn't having any effect. Her lips were dry and face stained. She had never regretted knowing anyone in her life but him.

She had ransacked all she could do but poor Layla was so naive and young that everything seems impossible except taking her life which was out of the question.

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