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Layla released a small whimper barely audible. She made an effort to open her eyes which was futile. She was aware of the throbbing pain in her head as though it would fall from her head. Maybe, if she put it down she would get some relief from the agony she was feeling but that requires energy which she lack. Then the body aches, her body was sore especially area around her legs.

She has lost the count of time. When was it? Which time of the day was it? She remembered nothing apart from the heavy weight of his body as he pinned her to the bed. She felt the excruciating pain when he tore his way into her. She felt pain from every part of her body. When he thrust into her again, a numbing pain washed her down and that was the last thing she felt before she loomed into nothingness.

She had resurfaced from the agonizing darkness and felt a change in her environment. Though, opening of eyes now need tonnes of energy that she relented. Moving of her arms too was horrendous, area around her legs were as though it were amputated. She didn't get where she was but the last thing she saw was the ceiling fan of her room. Now, she didn't feel the movement of the fan neither did she hear it and if she were right she knew she weren't deaf. Maybe she'd died and they were taking her to her grave or worst he was going to dump her somewhere.

Now, she felt her hand being punctured, maybe he was drinking her blood. Was that not what she saw in a movie? He had taken what he wanted from her now if anything, if she could talk right now, she would plead with him to kill her directly and stop inflicting her with pain intermittently.

She made another attempt to open her eyes but closed it as quickly as it opened because of a blinding light ahead of her. The effort it took to closed the eyes was all she felt before she was taken by blackness.

Minutes or hours or days passed when she revived again but it was actually minutes. The agony was extending the length of time and Layla was sure this was the end. This was where the curtain was drawn to mark the end of an unfulfilled life, unaccomplished life. Come to think of it she had never completed anything. Was it her school that she was a dropout, or her life that wasn't on any radar and God in Heavens brought him to do the last mission? Terminating her. He did his job quite good, he met her in just three days and he was able to kill her, literally, and if anything emotionally and physically. She didn't have emotions because she has been drained long enough she'd lost touch of it.

This was a prize she was paying for being a daughter to a selfish woman. Their poverty was never an excuse to subject her to this slavery. She had seen worst even in their neighborhood but they had one thing that Innah knew nothing of. Their neighbors have contentment. They believe Allah is sufficient to them and He is. In their faith in Him they've guard their name and dignity and if anything they're doing just fine.

She was hellbent on seeing where she was and regardless of the throbbing of her head, she opened her eyes and adjusted her gaze to observe her surrounding. The light was still there meaning it wasn't grave, grave is dark anyway.

She shifted her weight to a side, it was an effort though, then caught the height of a lean body with something that looked like a lab coat. Who took her to hospital? Definitely not him. He wouldn't have that empathy unless he saw her dying and he want to save his ass by the way.

She picked a word from the muffled sounds fogged by the pain in her head. Something about bleeding. Maybe that's the reason she was feeling a numbing pain around her groins. The guy who she guessed could be a doctor was talking to a woman who looked confused and sad. Talking needs energy and that she hasn't so she looked, at least that she could do for the main time.

The Doctor came out from the small room his face cold with fury. Who could've done that to that small girl? It was inhumane!!! Something made him suspected the guy that brought her. His demeanor shows that of someone who could be outright ruthless or the least narcissistic and could do anything to check his ego in balance.

He approached Zayyad who was wearing a smirk he felt like slapping it out of his face if anything for the pain the poor girl was going through.

He came straight up with his question having no time for useless formalities " Who did that to her? She's been torn for God's sake!!!! Who's is this animal??!! " he was loosing his cool and it wasn't nice. He hardly got pissed off about anything but not rape cases and this was one. He steadied his gaze at Zayyad, pinning him to his chair, daring him to mess up with him. He didn't give a hoot who he was. A simple call and he would have his ass behind bar. At least it would take some hours and some exchanges of paper before the bastard get a bail. By then, that smirk on his face would be gone.

Zayyad was tempted to fire back with what the hell is his problem with what happened. He should do the needful and get his cash. Was that not what he's doing it for? What was with the personal vendetta against the person behind it?

He made to say she slipped and fell but it barely got to his lips that he realized how cheesy it sounds even to him. How do one fail and bleed between his legs?

" She's a relative and I just happened to be passing by the road and saw her lying there. I picked her up and drove here directly that's after calling Yaseer of course." he squeaked. Okay, he just called her a relative, she's one literally. Didn't they say almuslim akul Muslim? Damn, the words flew efficiently. He hoped the doctor buys it. The fool was suddenly playing big brother.

The doctor didn't for a bit believed a word Zayyad said. He has an instinct that tell him to like or hate people and the indicator blinked red immediately it settled on Zayyad. He figured talking to him won't change anything and won't lessen what she feels. He strode back not bothering to look at him because if that smirk was still on his face by Allah, he wouldn't think twice about giving him some hard slaps.

Zayyad felt his curiosity intensely at knowing whether or not she was alive. He wanted to know. "Doc, is she alive?" he was careful not to push the doctor any further.

" Fortunately." he answered back not stopping in his stride. Whoever did that to the poor girl will pay one way or the other. Even if she was alive he was sure she was traumatized. It was too much for her to take in. He noticed how she stiffened when he touch her trying to get a visible vein from her pale skin. Surviving was one thing but being safe was another. He prayed she wasn't infected with anything. From what he's seen, the girl has enough pain to wallow in.

He quietly opened the door so he wouldn't wake her or worst, scare her. She's been out of consciousness for a while he'd want her to gain some strength before stitching her up.

Knowing Layla was alive made Zayyad's heart flipped with happiness. She's alive!!! He wouldn't have to deal with murder case at least. He felt the need to sleep fitfully, curled under his blanket with a blaring conditioner. The thought alone made him close his eyes in anticipation. He was considerate enough to bring her here, now he needed a sleep and he wouldn't waste a minute. For her own good,  he wish she get okay tomorrow if not he would be leaving for Kano. He didn't come back to Nigeria to be a nurse or some guard.

He has gotten what he wanted and truth be told he was glad though, later on he realized in his haste, he forgot to use protection. What a nut head he was!!! It was unsafe. That was not how he do things. He cringed at the thought of Layla having his child. Well, it's just once and the possibility is very low. Hopefully.

He timed himself for 3 minutes because he would be damn if he wait for her till morning. No freaking way!!! He glanced at his time and two minutes were gone. Walking to the lot would take a minute or so, he stood up and headed home.

Next thing running in his mind was how to explain her absence when asked. He wouldn't say she vanished into thin air. Damn, it was all her fault. She was too weak for his liking. She supposed to thank him for showing her the pleasure she had been missing. So timid for his liking seriously.

He honked at their gate several times before the gate man came to his aid. He drove in and didn't glance at the gate man who was asking if everything was okay. He walked to his room and on instinct almost walked to her room to sleep when he stopped mid stride and walked to his room. He felt the coziness of his room making him cherished it after those hectic hours. His time read 4 in the morning. It has been a long night really. Everything was under control for now. All that was important was for the big man himself to sleep. Tomorrow, he would give her a stern warning and pack his stuff to Kano. Nothing much to wait for in Abuja.

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