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Layla felt a stiffened change in her body. She could feel herself lying on something. Opening an eyes was a tremendous effort and she luckily did it. She saw different people busy doing different things. Some were in a white cloth which she dreadfully realized was lab coat. What happened?? She felt as though it was a repeated scenario from her past life when she woke up in a hospital bed with her whole body in agony.

She was having a slight headache but she was aware of her surrounding. A female petite doctor came and checked her temperature. She smiled at her revealing her gap teeth to which Layla wanted to  reciprocate the warmness. It finally dawned on her that she either fainted or she was carried here unconscious. The later sounds absurd.

She was not surprisingly terrified at seeing him. He knew well not to make any advance with his father in the parlor. But the immensity of hate was beyond her. She felt nauseous again. It had become recurrent event. She hardly have appetite.

Hajiya entered the ward with a tray of food and she literally forced the food on Layla. She couldn't protest and was hungry so, it was sane for her to eat something. She was spoonfed by Hajiya and her heart warmed at the gesture. How could they be so tender and loving?

Abba had entered and asked if she felt better and she smiled and answered to him. He had changed clothes which meant he was back home. A while later they were picked up by the driver and were taken home after a brief directions and prescription by the doctor with a strict warning that she get enough rest.

The house was awkwardly silent when they entered and Layla was escorted to her room. The drapes were raised to allow sunlight into the room.

Ni'imah entered the room with a sullen concern look. She stretched her arm and sat closely to Layla at the edge of the bed.

" Awwnnn sweetheart. What's wrong with you? "

Concern was obvious in Ni'imah's face as Layla mirrored her face forcing a tight smile which didn't reach her heart. Layla was awed by how they genuinely care about her well being. Her heart literally swelled with happiness. They had made her feel happy in a way she hadn't felt in a while. She realized for the short time she had joined this household they had formed a bond and the household had really accepted her into their family.

They were literally a family. Her family. Her heart was feeling it too much to take at once. She had thought she was alone in this world but what happened had shown indeed they're people that care and it reminded her of a line she read in one of her lesson with Ni'imah. ' family are not just people you share blood with. They're loyalty. Family is loyalty.'

She had detached her mind from Zayyad. They're people who now matter to her. People who want to see her smile and that positivity was enough to hang on.

Hajiya stood up and also told Ni'imah to allow her to rest which she wanted to protest against at first. She knelt closer and kissed her forehead before squeezing her hands then whispered " Get well soon Angel. "

The warmness Layla felt had amplified how she was feeling. She felt better. Love could really heal alot of things. Maybe the remedy for her ache was Love. Ridiculous as she thought, it felt like that was what she needed at the moment. That was her last thought before she felt asleep.

Zayyad noticed how the atmosphere of the house had changed. Everyone looked tensed and apprehensive. He was in his room when they came back. He had slept and woke up at the sound of someone going up the stairs. When he peeped from his door, he saw it was Ni'imah. He walked back and got ready to pray zuhr and Asr. On his way out, he saw Hajiya in the kitchen. He stopped by and asked how the girl was feeling deliberately omitting her name.

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