Bad Cooking and Heavy Hearts

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Setting: pre-Caraval, during the month Julian arrived on Trisda, the fourth part to "Falling For The Sailor" (aka Doughnuts and New Beginnings).

"Falling For The Sailor"

Scarlett paced her bedroom floor. It was five minutes until noon, and she was debating whether or not to actually show up at Julian's boat. It wasn't that she didn't want to, boy, she wanted to. She just didn't think it wise. Her sister almost caught her last night, not to mention she made out with a different man than she was engaged to, in public.

If she left now, she would only be a few minutes late.

She glanced at the clock, threw on a shall, and rushed to the docks. She tried turning back a few times on her way, but couldn't find it in herself to go back to the dreaded estate.

Julian's brown hair ruffled lightly through the wind as he stood atop his boat. His sleeves were rolled up and he was leaning carelessly on the railing of the boat. Scarlett was glad she came.

"Now you're the late one, Crimson." Julian clucked his tongue mockingly when Scarlett got closer to the boat.

Instead of leading her inside the boat's chambers like the first time she met him at the docks, he led her to the open part of the boat on top. He wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned in, but didn't meet her lips.

"What are we doing?" Scarlett asked quietly while wrapping her arms around his middle, "this isn't going to last. We both know it."

He sighed, resting his forehead against hers, "I don't know what we're doing, Crimson. I just know I don't want to stop seeing you, even if I know it won't last."

The soft outdoor breeze cooled Scarlett's warming cheeks. She was being irrational, she should've turned away, it was the perfect chance.

Instead, she kissed him.

"If you're hungry, I made lunch." The corners of Julian's mouth edged up when they pulled apart.

"You can cook?"

"I didn't say that. I said I made lunch, whether it's actually edible or not, we'll just have to find out."

She smiled while shaking her head as the two descended into the chambers of the boat. Scarlett sat down at the bar-styled table and Julian brought over two plates of fish and chips.

"Lovely Crimson, I present to you, surf and... fries. Made by yours truly."

"Smells... great!" Scarlett complimented, even though the fish did not smell great.

"Taste it and tell me what you think," Julian urged with a sly grin.

Scarlett hesitantly took a bite out of the fish and almost gagged, "It... tastes unique."

Julian ate some of his fish too and immediately spit it out, "Dead Saints! How did you even swallow that?"

Scarlett laughed while sipping on her water, watching Julian find a napkin to clean up the mess, "It wasn't that bad."

"I never thought you were a liar, Crimson." He took her hand and quickly dragged her off the boat. "Let's go eat some real food that doesn't taste like rotten seaweed."

"Where did you have in mind?"

"The grill near the dress shop, I forget what it's called..."

"Francine's Fries?" Scarlett presumed.

"Ah, that's it."

When they reached the outside of the grill, Scarlett hesitated.

"I really shouldn't go in there with you." Her hands dug into the skirts of her dress, fidgeting with it nervously.

"Why not?" Julian asked with a hint of a smile.


"You're engaged? Really, Crimson, it's getting old. We're just two friends grabbing a bite to eat, no big deal." Julian shrugged.

"I thought you said we couldn't be just friends." Scarlett raised her eyebrows.

"They don't need to know that," Julian said as he opened the door.

He led her to a table by the window and she helped him pick the tastiest order off of the menu. She sipped on a bubbly soda, laughing at the jokes he made to ease her while they waited on their food. He would make any joke just to hear the delicate sound of her laugh, to see her beautiful smile, to feel the love that was radiating off of her, to taste her soft lips again.

They exchanged bites of each other's meals, deciding which of them had the better food. T

hat's when Marcello Dragna walked into the small grill.

Scarlett's mood dimmed into a dull grey like the way clouds cover the sun. She sunk in her seat, keeping her head below the table. The trouble Tella would get in if she got caught. Scarlett wondered what she was doing, foolishly hoping she would have a chance at another life with a boy she actually showed interest in. If there was one thing she had learned, it was that there was no happy ending in store for her.

"Crimson, what are you doing?"

"My father," she whimpered quietly, "don't look behind you."

She couldn't see his expression, but if she could, she imagined his emotions were purple with panic.

"We need to wait until he's distracted, and then we need to get out of here," he whispered to her under the table and she agreed.

She needed to get away from him or she would never marry the count. And then how would she get Tella to safety?

She heard the sound of coins clattering against the wood of the table, and he hurriedly tugged her from her position under the table.

"Now, Crimson."

They darted out of the grill before Marcello could even batt an eye, Scarlett felt as if it was too easy, and she knew why. The hard part was leaving Julian. When they reached a shaded tree far away from the grill, Scarlett spoke first.

"I don't think we should do this again, Julian," Scarlett said quietly.

"I agree, I hate cutting our dates short."

Dates. That's what Scarlett had been going on while she was engaged: dates with another man.

She felt brown guilt. Scarlett didn't regret anything, she made that clear, but she still felt guilty.

"No, I mean I think we should stop seeing each other," Scarlett corrected slowly.

A flash of hurt hazed over Julian's eyes, disapearing quickly. He nodded, digging his hand through his hair.

"I guess that would be for the best," he agreed lowly.

Scarlett could feel tears pooling up in her eyes, but refused to let them fall.

"Goodbye, Crimson," Julian murmured.

"Goodbye, Julian."

Scarlett pressed a small kiss to his cheek before walking back to the Dragna estate. She was right that night she seen him again at the club, they would end up like they did on his boat.

As her heels hit the ground, her heart grew more heavy. She desperately wanted to run back to him, but she knew things with Julian would just end in heart break. At least, that's how things ended in her almost-ending.

I'm super excited for the last part! Sorry if this one was a bit sad, I just felt like I kind of broke character with Scarlett? I needed her to have a semi-final walk away before they sailed away to Caraval. Hope you guys are enjoying :)

The Deck of Destiny - A Caraval Oneshot CollectionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora