Drunk Enough to Want You

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Setting: Legendary
Inspiration: Kat Stratford from "10 Things I Hate About You" (I love when the responsible one gets drunk, it always leads somewhere cute or funny)
Mini A/N: I don't know what's up with this urge for writing angst lately

Julian raked a hand through his dishevelled hair as he made his way towards the bar. He and Scarlett still hadn't made up yet, and he was getting worried that she would never forgive him.

What if she walked away from him forever?

He didn't want to think about that possibility as he threw the bar door open, hoping to forget that thought altogether. Julian looked around the bar, searching for an area to take a seat when he realized that everyone was gathered around one particular table as the music began to grow louder.

Julian nudged one of the nearby drinkers, hoping for a somewhat sober answer. "Hey, do you know why everyone's standing around that table?"

The man threw him a drunken grin, "Yeah. Some chick has quite the dance moves and is giving everyone a show."

Julian rolled his eyes as he went to sit down at the bar counter, but he caught a familiar streak of grey hair that laced beautiful brown waves dancing on top of a table.

"I don't believe it," Julian muttered, shoving his way through the crowd so he could save Scarlett from making a mistake.

By the time he got to the center of the crowd, some guy was already trying to feel her up and Julian's jaw set.

"Ahem, excuse me, respectfully back off," Julian gritted through a fake smile as he placed a hand on Scarlett's shoulder.

"And who do you think you are?" The man asked, crossing his arms.

Scarlett looked back and forth between the two, too drunk and confused to understand what was going on. "Julian? What are you doing here?"

"I'm her... erm- friend and I was just taking her home. Isn't that right, Crimson?"

Scarlett paused, debating between denying that she knew Julian, or taking him up on his offer. But she must have wanted to get away from the man beside her who seemed a little too eager with his hands as she hummed, "Mhm."

The man narrowed his eyes at the two but disappeared into the crowd once more. Julian moved his fingers to the inside of her inner elbow as he helped lead her out of the bar.

"I was... having fun," Scarlett slurred, stumbling in his grip as they neared a floating carriage.

"Seems like other people were having a little too much fun with you." Julian caught a whiff of her breath and frowned. "How much alcohol did you have to drink, Crimson?"

Scarlett paused, in thought, "I lost count."

"In other words, too much," Julian grunted, helping her into the box compartment and the carriage began to move.

"You're just jealous." Scarlett slumped against the seat unceremoniously, tilting her head to the side.

"It's not like you to get full-on drunk, Crimson."

"You're avoiding my statement." Scarlett fell onto his lap, her face inches from his.

Julian quickly caught her, holding her upright. "And you're avoiding mine."

"I'm still mad at you," she whispered against his lips, her eyes darting from his eyes and back to his mouth.

"I know," he sighed.

She leaned in to kiss him, but Julian moved his head. "While in any other circumstance I would have loved to kiss you, Crimson, you're forgetting you're drunk. I'm not taking advantage of you."

Scarlett pouted. "How can a liar be so sweet?"

"That's the bare minimum in a guy."

Scarlett slumped her head against Julian's shoulder. "I'm tired."

"We're almost at the castle, Crimson."

Soon, the carriage stopped and Julian slung an arm around Scarlett, weaving her through the halls of the palace until he reached her room.

"I need your keys." Julian rested her against the wall, arching an eyebrow.

Scarlett's hand fumbled through her pockets until she dropped it into his hand.

He turned the door open, trying to get her to go inside.

"I'm too tired to walk," Scarlett whined, sliding against the wall to the floor.

Julian scoffed, "Oh for crying out loud- I'll just carry you."

His arms scooped her up, carrying her bridal style into her rooms.

"Okay, Crimson, I need you to work with me here. We're gonna need to - and here comes the vomit - great! Yep, let's go to the toilet, come on."

Scarlett emptied the remains of her drinks in the bathroom while Julian held her hair behind her back. She coughed a few times, and Julian rubbed her back trying to soothe her. When she was finally finished, he helped her take off her heels and carried her to her bed.

"Why are you helping me?" Scarlett mumbled through a yawn as he tucked the sheets in around her.

"I'll always take care of you, Crimson," Julian's voice softened. "Now, lay on your side. Just in case you throw up, I don't want you choking on your own vomit."

Scarlett reluctantly turned on her side, following his instructions. "Will you lay with me?"

"If I did, I wouldn't have the strength to leave. And you aren't going to remember tonight, so when you wake up, you'll most likely throw something at me." Julian walked into the bathroom, rooting through the medicine cabinet until he found two painkillers.

He found a glass, and filled it up with water, setting the pills next to the glass on her nightstand.

"I got you some things to help with your hangover in the-" Julian cut himself off as he heard tiny snores escaping Scarlett as she slept peacefully.

He let out a small laugh, pressing his lips gently to her head before leaving her room. He hoped she would be okay the following night, but he knew she had the strength to do anything. Julian paused at the doorframe, sneaking one last glance at his Crimson before finally leaving to give into sleep himself to prepare for a meeting for Caraval.

He truly did hope it wasn't too late to make things right with her.

I wrote this in 20 minutes and I'm exhausted so I'm just going to pray that I didn't make any huge grammatical errors :D

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