A Splash of Pride Makes A Bath of Jealousy

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Setting: Post-Finale / Pre-ScarlettxJulian marriage

Julian loved Scarlett dearly. He loved that she was his fiancee, and he loved the place that they were in. They talked through everything and made decisions together.

Something that he didn't love was Poison. Everything about Poison made Julian's blood boil and his jaw clench. The way he looked at his Crimson; the way he spoke to his Crimson; the way he acted around his Crimson; Julian wanted Poison as far away from Scarlett as possible.

He knew that he should tell Scarlett about his bitter feelings towards Poison, but he didn't want her to think him petty. Julian was a man of pride and he would prefer to shove that jealousy down to his toes.

He seen the way Poison was ogling Scarlett at the royal court meeting, and he knew that Scarlett was becoming overwhelmed with the stress of running a kingdom, so he decided to do something kind. The bath in the empress chamber's was filling up with steamy water, and the sweet aroma of Scarlett's favorite bubble bath flowed through the air.

Julian hummed quietly as he tended to the slow-filling tub, the many candles that littered the bathroom providing a relaxing glow.

A door from the other side of the bathroom opened, and Julian heard muffled steps until it went quiet. All of a sudden, the door burst open and Scarlett raised her mother's dagger that contained the Fallen Star's magic.

"Whoa, Crimson. It's just me," Julian tried to soothe her, and she immediately dropped the knife, a harsh clattering noise following when it hit the ground.

"Julian," Scarlett breathed, her eyes closing and a smile spreading across her face. "Sorry, I've just been... on edge after everything."

Julian walked over to her and wrapped her into a hug. "Does you being on edge have to do with a certain Fate?"

Scarlett pulled back enough to look Julian in the eye and studied him closely. Soon, a knowing grin replaced her careful expression. "Is that certain Fate you're thinking of Poison?"

Julian narrowed his eyes and pecked her lips quickly. "No. There are many other Fates that could have you on edge."

"Julian," she sighed, but whatever words she was going to say next caught in her throat when she seen the bath and the candles. "What's this?"

Julian's hands moved to massage her back and shoulders as he explained. "I know you've been stressed lately and I wanted to help relieve that. I would do more to take the load off of your shoulders, but I'm limited until after our wedding. As you know, the laws were carefully woven so that only the emperor or empress could make major decisions."

"Oh, Julian," she whispered again, and turned to look at him with the most loving eyes. "You already do too much."

"No, no, no," Julian shook his head. "I don't do enough. This is the least I could do, Crimson."

Scarlett brushed a stray lock of brown hair from his eyes and rested her forehead against his. "If this is about Poison having more control than you in the court, you'll be emperor-"

"It's not that. It's..." Julian trailed off, not wanting to admit the obvious.

"Talk to me, Julian."

"It sounds stupid. I know you're my fiancee, and I know you love me, but sometimes I feel... I don't know - insignificant compared to him. It's ridiculous, I know."

"Emotions are not ridiculous or stupid, Julian. After... recent events, I understand them better and have a better view on them. I used to push any emotions that I thought ill away until they were gone for that moment, but that isn't healthy. It's okay to be jealous-"

"I am not jealous," Julian huffed, and Scarlett arched an eyebrow.

"It's okay to feel jealous. It's normal. You need to let yourself feel it, but you can't let it consume you." Scarlett pressed her lips to his forehead, to his nose, to his lips, to his cheek.

Every time her lips touched his skin, her fingers brushed against him, it erased any doubt that he had in himself.

"Because - and I'll say it a million times if I have to - I will always choose you," Scarlett murmured, her hands settling to cup his face.

"And I'll always choose you."

Their lips met, and a feeling of intimacy and warmth washed over him.

"Now," Julian beamed when they pulled apart. "Don't you want to get in the bath?"

I almost forgot about posting today and realized the time. This is a draft I wasn't initially going to post as something similar is going to be in the new fanfic I'm writing, but hope y'all enjoy :))

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